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Коментара (223)
Jul 2022
I had an absolutely wonderful time rafting the glacial Nenana River in Denali with New Wave Adventures. The guides made sure that we were all well equipped with all the relevant information before even boarding the rafts. I felt extremely safe during the entire trip. The guides were excellent at manoeuvring through the rapids. I would simply recommend that everyone wear warm clothing and pack extra clothing in case you get wet.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
We are so glad that you felt safe and trusted us for your rafting adventure! Thank you for riding the waves with us!
Jul 2022
We loved Drew! Great guide and we felt like we were in good hands.
First time rafter but I can’t wait to do it again!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thank you for riding the waves with us!!
Jul 2022
Allie Kat our guide was super positive and the whole crew of employees was really helpful- I’ve rafted many rivers with many guides and this was the best! No experience necessary, having fun is mandatory 👊🏻😎
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
We are so glad that Allie Kat provided the puuuurrrrfect experience! Thank you for riding the waves with us!