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Коментара (223)
Jul 2021
Guide Bobski was amazing. This is a must do experience when visiting Alaska - you get out on the water enjoying beautiful scenery, you get a workout and have lots of fun reading, and you learn new things!
Jul 2021
We had a great trip! Our guide “Double D” was awesome! Excellent equipment and instruction was great! It was a positive experience from start to finish!
Jul 2021
I’ve never been rafting and not a big fan of water. After the Sargent talk I was thinking I did not want to do it. Once our guide answered a few of my questions I felt reassured and once on the water I never had a moment of fear! It was 100% thrilling, best experience on our trip yet. Louis (aka Ziggy) was THE BEST. Don’t let his young age fool you, he handled that raft like the expert he is and did much better (in my opinion) than others that I was watching and comparing our ride to. If you are even a little nervous about doing this, go for it! Use this company and ask for Louis!