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Долина катедрале, Капитолски гребен, приватни излет 4к4

Обилазак Цатхедрал Валлеи 4ВД, Погледајте храмове Сунца и Месеца, приватни обиласци по конкурентним ценама у луксузним возилима. (Погледајте нашу веб страницу за снижене цене и додатне обиласке) ​​Стручни, љубазни водичи који знају о геологији и историји овог подручја. Показаћемо вам скривене драгуље за које већина посетилаца не зна и одвешћемо вас од гужве у осамљене делове парка где можете пронаћи мир и самоћу. Дозволите нам да уклонимо стрес са вашег одмора и одведемо вас до места која желите да видите и да уживате. Све наше туре су приватне за вас и вашу породицу, нећете делити путовање ни са ким другим!<бр><бр>Ми смо фирма у власништву ветерана и којом управљамо.<бр><бр>Погледајте нашу веб страницу за више опција и цена . Можемо да вас одведемо на сјајна места за фотографије и да вам помогнемо да побољшате ваше слике саветима и триковима. Будући да смо у резервату тамног неба, такође подучавамо технике фотографисања звезда и Млечног пута. Ако сте икада желели да добијете прелепе фотографије Млечног пута, сада је ваша шанса! <бр>
Цити: Утах
Wed 13 Nov
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Са почетком у $230.00
Wed 13 Nov
Са почетком у $230.00
Шта је укључено
Обезбеђене су укусне грицкалице и хладна вода, а пиће можете донети и сами. Могу се договорити ручкови и вечере.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем <ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Наше теренске и пешачке туре се не препоручују особама са условима који ће бити отежани неравним путевима. Дајемо све од себе да неравнине сведемо на минимум, али неки путеви су неравни и неравни и можете очекивати мало трзања. <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље <ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Национални парк Цапитол Рееф
Придружите нам се у вожњи кроз залеђе Капитолских гребена до сликовитог раја пустињских пејзажа у нашем луксузном 4Кс4 возилу кроз катедрале, храмове, улице и хаудуове који ће вас удаљити од већине свих посетилаца парка. Прећи ћемо реку Фремонт и возити се преко брда Бентонит, зауставити се у Соутх Десерт Оверлоок-у и видети Јаилхоусе Роцк, разговарати о геологији и историји области, зауставити се на видиковцима успут, посетити култне Храмове сунца и Месец, погледајте геолошке необичности као што су Стаклена планина, гипсана вртача и древни токови лаве. Ово путовање има мноштво могућности за фотографисање и већина посетилаца Капитол гребена га пропушта због његове удаљене локације и често изазовних путева. Могу се организовати ручкови или кување на отвореном и вечере. Ако тражите џип обилазак Капитолског гребена, покушајте, ми не возимо џип, али имамо удобније луксузно возило за веће групе, уживајте у клима-уређају у тим врелим летњим данима!
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (53)
Feb 2022
This review has been long in coming, but so deserved. A friend and I were traveling through Capitol Reef NP and staying in our RVs. We decided to take a tour and get off the beaten path. We took Jason's tour - we did the Burr trail with Waterpocket. We stopped on the way out and first thing Jason showed us was a visible dinosaur skeleton we could touch in the wall of the canyon. Jason's knowledge of geology and the area was quite impressive and he is quite the outdoorsman, so we felt completely safe while off the grid. We did a couple of short hikes and the scenery was breathtaking. We agreed that the tour would be worthwhile even if we had our own Jeep or rented as we thoroughly enjoyed the information Jason provided and the conversation. We both said afterward that if we get back to Torrey we would look Jason up to share a beer or book a photography tour! My friend liked him so much she wanted me to date him, LOL if only I lived in Utah!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
Thank you for the wonderful review, I sincerely appreciate it! I enjoyed spending the day with you both, it was fun! Please do look me up when you come back, I would love to see you guys again, we can definitely go do a photography tour and who knows, we may find time for a beer! ;-)
Nov 2021
What an incredible way to visit and see Capitol Reef National Park. It was my first time in the area and this private tour was such a delight. Jason did a fantastic job driving and guiding us through the park and exploring various sites. (I would not have felt comfortable driving on my own and maneuvering the dirt backroads!) Jason was super accommodating and flexible with stops. He was very knowledgeable about the national park, geological features and history of the area. I had a really fun day and learned so much. I will cherish the memories I made for years to come. Can’t wait to come back to the area and go on another tour with Jason. So worth it!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2021
Thank you Rachel for your wonderful review, I appreciate it very much. So glad you enjoyed the tour, you guys are awesome! Please come back soon and see what else we have to offer around here!
Nov 2021
Interesting 1/2 day private tour to Cathedral Valley. I was traveling alone from Florida through the “big five” national parks in Utah. I had taken several small group tours while in Moab, but there was another couple or party of three with me in the car so they were not private tours. I was looking for something like that at Capital Reef, but as it’s not as well known there is not that kind of demand there. This made the tour by far the most expensive one I took on my trip, as I paid the full price for only one person. However, my itinerary only had one night at Capital Reef so wanted to make the best use of my time so decided to go ahead and splurge. Soooooo glad I did!!! Jason takes a lot of pride in his craft, and gave me an incredible tour of this very beautiful and interesting area. I was originally hoping to take the afternoon tour the day I arrived to the area so that I could integrate his night time stargazing tour. Unfortunately, a snowstorm hit that day (in mid-October!). So had to postpone until the next morning. We saw the Temples of the Sun, Moon and Stars, the glass mountain (wild!), lava dikes, gypsum sink hole and even some dinosaur fossils. The scenery we drove through to get to and from the valley was also so beautiful. Really great day. Also enjoyed some excellent hot tea, and was offered snacks. I am hoping to get back to the area again, as Capital Reef has so much to offer. Definitely could be a destination for a several days trip in and of itself. Jason is so knowledgeable about the area. He offers other trips as well, Goblin Valley, Burr trail, etc. He can put together dining experiences in these remote areas! I hope to get back there for a trip with friends, plan ahead with Jason to put together some amazing experiences! Definitely stargazing. Jason has also taught photography so is a great resource person to help with photos. The tour was a great investment, as there is no way that I could have or would have seen so much on my own. These areas are very rugged, and you need a 4x4 vehicle for a lot of places. Definitely recommend for solo travelers, families, friends, couples, anyone. Thank you Jason for your expertise and experience which led to an unforgettable day for me!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2021
Thank you so much for your wonderful review, I enjoyed spending the day with you and showing you around! I’d love to see you come back and explore the area some more, there is so much more to see out here. If you decide to come back I’d gladly discount your rate. Thank you again! Jason

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