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Бициклистички обилазак Централ Парка са водичем уживо

Крените на бициклистички обилазак Централног парка Њујорка и доживите Велику јабуку на потпуно јединствен, забаван и узбудљив начин. Ова 2-сатна бициклистичка тура са водичем најпознатијег урбаног парка на свету пружа поглед за разлику од пешачке туре. Погледајте све, од невероватног водопада, базена и језера које је дизајнирао Олмстед до чувеног Метрополитен музеја уметности. То је савршен спој филмских сцена, класичне архитектуре, историјских атракција, виђења славних и још много тога.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Fri 27 Dec
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Са почетком у $53.00
Fri 27 Dec
Са почетком у $53.00
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Изнајмљивање бицикала
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Специјализована седишта за бебе су доступни<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ова тура покрива око седам миља на бициклу
Шта да очекујете
Централ Парк за изнајмљивање бицикала
Започните обилазак 6. авеније док идете у Централ Парк.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (174)
May 2017
We were warned as we got our bikes that central Park was going to be busy as there was a big Aids awareness walk on..OK not ideal, but being a company supposedly expert in the park it would not be an issue, as they would well aware of the big event and work the tour round the walk. So..our tour. We saw Christopher Columbus statue and Denzil Washington apartment. We where then told to leave park by the wardens as it wzs closed to bikes.. we cycled up the westside sidewalk to try and get up to North of park-after being told not to cycle on sidewalk by cop half group lost tour guide...found him 20 mins later in Park..ride abandoned decision made. Lost guide again to sidewalk& had to find way back to centre via iPhone. No refunds. And worse than that they still were selling park tours to unsuspecting tourists. Appalling. I have to hope I can get refund from Amex for services not delivered. 1/149 sites seen and 0.5 miles cycled. 0.4 of those on the road getting to park. I am renting a citibike and doing it myself. My stunning tour map attached courtesy of garmin. Oh and by the way 17 people in a group is 7 too many
Emma K
May 2017
We were booked on a bike tour around Central Park, we couldn't go through the park because of the aids walk. This company took our money, the guide took us around the perimeter of the park on the main road which was really dangerous & then on the side walk where pedestrians were shouting & swearing at us. On our return (half an hour earlier than we should have returned) the manager refused us a refund saying that we should have known about the walk! Please do not use this company!!
Mark L
Nov 2015

Very Good tour. However, my reservation was not communicated to the bike tour shop and they were surprised when I got there. Even though I was the only one on the tour, they bent over backwards though to accommodate by calling in a tour guide who was there in 5 minutes. Robert was excellent. Very good experience.

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