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Ваш водич, Мајкл Хант, није само туристички водич број један у Централ Парку, већ и страствени студент ових 843 хектара. Из његове историје, дивљих животиња, дрвећа и биљака, статуа и грађевина, он се уронио у све оно што парк чини живим уметничким делом. <бр><бр>Мајкл је водио преко 800 турнеја. Непрестано истражује и проучава како би двочасовни обилазак сваког појединца и породице учинио најупечатљивијим резултатом њиховог путовања у овај велики град. Гарантовано <бр><бр>турнеја са пет звездица!
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Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $44.20
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<ул><ли>Услужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са слабим кардиоваскуларним системом здравље<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности
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Централни парк
Придружите нам се у сликовитом обиласку Централ Парка. Једини начин да видите парк, ова пешачка тура вам омогућава поглед и улазак у подручја која нису доступна бициклистима. То је опсежна шетња од нешто више од два сата која покрива историју, структуре, биљке, животиње и филмове снимљене у парку, испричана на забаван начин и за одрасле и за децу.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (393)
Apr 2019
Michael was an excellent tour guide. It turned out I was the only one that had signed up for that time slot, it was a rainy day, so not too much of a surprise, but the tour was not canceled, which I appreciate. Michael answered all my questions and took me on a wonderful tour of the park and I learned so much. I've only been to NY for work, so although I've walked through the park before, getting to learn the history made the park so much better for me. Plus, Michael just overall is an interesting person to talk with and he had great museum and theater recommendations for me, including Come from Away, which was just wonderful (thanks again Michael!). I try and do walking tours in every city I visit and this one really did stand out. I definitely recommend his walking tour.
Apr 2019
We had a party of three and opted for a private walking tour of Central Park. I had been to the city many times before and had been to Central Park at least half a dozen times before. This time around we were looking for something different, something off the tourist list for Central Park. Michael provided us with that unique experience we were looking for. He was kind enough to offer us a private tour based and, at our request, started us in the northern part of the park, the Conservatory Gardens. He then took us all the way down to Central Park South. The amount of history and current knowledge that this tour guide knows regarding Central Park and NYC is simply amazing. We booked a two hour tour that ended up lasting two and a half hours. The extra half hour was due to the very hot day and the stops that Michael made to accommodate my mother who is in her mid sixty's. He is very kind, personable, educated, and solicitous. This is simply a New Yorker doing what he loves and working very hard to provide a wonderful experience via a one man operation.
Davey I
Mar 2019
Sounds obvious, but Central Park is probably the best thing about Manhattan - which is saying something.This was CP as we had not seen it before - mostly down to Michael's open, friendly approach, his great stories and obvious love for the park. We did 2 hours or so on the bikes, but could have kept going for hours more - after our tour we went back to the park to follow-up on stuff Michael had introduced us to and to follow our own interests. Great holidays are about the people you meet as well as the places you visit - we had a good connection with Michael and it was great to talk about his newly discovered family, our Irish heritage and the incredible history and life of the park. If you're into history, the natural world, little league, photography, walking, people watching, buskers, ice cream, architecture, Shakespeare... whatever, Michael is the very man!

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