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Чарлстонски духови слободе са водичем

На турнеји Гхостс оф Либерти у Гхост Цити-у видећете Уклети Чарлстон на потпуно нов начин. Гледаћете Свети град кроз паранормално сочиво оних који су ризиковали живот и тело за Чарлстон и за рађање нације.<бр><бр>Комбиновање аспеката чувених Чарлстонских прича о духовима са мање познатим уклетим причама о Светом Цити, тхе Гхостс оф Либерти Тоур је никад виђени увид у духове Чарлстона који су се, док су живели, тако храбро борили да одрже град уједињеним.<бр><бр>
Цити: Цхарлестон
Mon 18 Nov
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Mon 18 Nov
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Олд Екцханге & Провост Дунгеон
Свратите у Тхе Олд Екцханге & Провост Дунгеон, једну од најуклетијих зграда у Чарлстону. Од касних 1600-их, размена и тамница постоје у овом или оном облику. Некада ограђени затвор, био је уточиште за оне који траже слободу, као и мрачно и језиво место за затворенике ухваћене на погрешној страни ауторитета.
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Коментара (391)
Brandi K
Jul 2018
I should have done more research before booking this and found a more reputable company. Tour guide had JUST moved to Charleston like a month ago. Tour was boring and was told we couldn’t get in to some places like other groups could because they weren’t allowed.
Chris L
Jul 2018
Our tour guide and the tour was a major disapointment. I have attended ghost tours in Savannah and New Orleans and was very much let down by this tour. The guide seemed to be new to being a tour guide in Charleston and her vernacular was so informal and her overuse of saying ”Um” was so distracting that she lost credibility quickly (such as talking about a groom who was going to marry a wealthy woman and was “gonna get a butt load of money”). The facts that were shared were far more heavy on general Charleston history instead of more numerous and specific stories about specific people, how they died and how they currently haunt places in Charleston. The general information that was used a lot is what I’ve heard consistently on the horse and carriage tours— I understand it is needed in giving background information, but the guide took too long to get to the more specific stories that would have held the attention of the her group. I was looking for more specifics on this tour and it took FOREVER for our guide to get to her point, so the suspense was gone when she finally finished a story. It was also frustrating to watch at least 3 or 4 other tours go into grave yards while we stood outside and the guide told us her tour company just “didn’t have that privilege” to go inside those graveyards. While we stayed through the entire tour, the guide lost more than half her group before the end of her tour and earned no tips— I believe a lot of that is due to her not being a strong storyteller and lost people’s insterest quickly. I don’t know how this tour company has gotten such high reviews on websites, but they didn’t earn it from me or my friends tonight.
Anthony C
Jun 2018
My tour guide Michael Whitehurst was a great tour guide who knew what he was talking about and was very informative. Great time!

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