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Цхарлотте Сцавенгер Хунт: Лап Ароунд Цхарлотте

Лет’с Роам је компанија за лов на сметларе број 1 која води апликацију. Прошетајте до свих најбољих знаменитости и скривених драгуља, одговарајући на тривијална питања и решавајући изазове. Радите са својим тимом или се такмичите против њих, док учите нове чињенице и стварате незаборавна искуства. Лет'с Роам Сцавенгер Хунтс су сјајни као свакодневна активност, или за девојачке вечери, рођендане, корпоративне теам буилдинг догађаје и још много тога! Сваки играч бира интерактивну улогу, са изазовима који се разликују од особе до особе.
Цити: Цхарлотте
Thu 13 Mar
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Thu 13 Mar
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Коментара (6)
Oct 2022
Just completed a "custom" corporate group scavenger hunt in downtown Charlotte, NC for 200 people.The app was sold to us on the basis it could be customized to fit our needs, but did not turn out to be so. After weeks and weeks and numerous hours of coordinating with our account manager, sales rep, and basically being free unpaid beta testers of this app prior to landing in Charlotte, as I expected it failed our expectations in many ways and has received really bad reviews from our internal attendee survey at the event. The app is extremely glitchy, has many programming bugs, and is very complex to onboard 200+ people in a timed setting when you are on a set conference agenda, even with planning in advance. Just to get logged into the actual app is a challenge with many failed attempts from a lot of our participants. They require a login with either Facebook, Google, or Text Code validation (which many times errors out or doesn't come through). Once you're signed in comes the many random customization questions (many of which don't make sense for a corporate gathering) then you have to figure out how to join your team. They publish QR code options throughout the app, but I was told that the function doesn't even work currently for anyone. Why bother even having it in the release? We were not able to change the predetermined hunt questions, verbiage, or trivia at all, however, we were able to submit our own company trivia which I was told would be thrown in the mix. After surveying many of our participants who were on the hunt, not one person said any of our custom company trivia was displayed to them on the hunt. During the live hunt, many participants app crashed completely or they were locked out. There is a live video host that comes on a live chat function during the hunt to pep people up and provide support, but honestly it is more distracting and confusing. After many conversations with our account manager regarding many of our issues prior to hunt day, I continued to get the same response that "they are working on it, understaffed, or have had lots of internal changes and growth and just can't keep up at the moment".... which I interpret as they have a really strong sales force on the front line, but when conversions happen they struggle with customer service and final product. From our stance as Event Planners for our company we feel like the Let's Roam app platform might cater better to their personal city hunts where people are just looking for something to do either solo or with a friend group. On a much larger corporate scale event, I would definitely seek an alternate as this one created more pain-points than fun-points for our team and attendees.
Meredith F
Sep 2021
It can be improved by showing more accurate maps. Like the queen Charlotte statue was impossible to find. And you didn’t even have the four corners of Trade and Tryon as a stop.
Jan 2021
Despite downloading the app, could never get out of an endless loop of signing in; never got to the actual scavenger hunt - a real disappointment as this was a Christmas gift for my son & his friends.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2021
Thank you for posting a review and we’re sorry to hear that your experience was not up to standards. We would like the opportunity to talk and investigate your feedback further. Please send us an email at [email protected].

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