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Божић у Њујорку: Приватни обилазак историје празника

Ово је приватна тура коју води експерт да бисте доживјели магију, спектакл и дух празничне сезоне на зачараном путовању кроз историју празничних традиција. Овај првокласни обилазак Божића у Њујорку води вас до најспектакуларнијих сезонских места у срцу Менхетна и открива инспирисане приче иза њих. Спремите се да уживате у празничним причама и причама иза традиције поштованих времена која ће оживети спектакл града за незаборавну празничну посластицу.<бр><бр>- Откријте историју и тајне иза многих веселих обичаја које повезујемо са годишњим добима . <бр><бр>- Научите магију иза Маци'са и откријте чуда 34. улице. <бр><бр>- Прошетајте популарним клизалиштем до пијаце локалног туристичког насеља <бр><бр>- Наиђите на блиставе празничне изложбе дуж Пете авеније. <бр><бр>- Уживајте у величанствености Рокфелер центра<бр><бр>- Доживите прави дух Божића у катедрали Светог Патрика.<бр><бр>- Снимите култне слике са празника вашег незаборавног искуства
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Коментара (104)
Nov 2018
On a recent trip to NYC, I arranged two historical private tours with Kevin Draper of New York Historical Tours. My best girlfriend of many years and I were in town celebrating a big birthday and Hamilton was one of the activities on our itinerary. Thinking it would be helpful to have the history of Hamilton in NY, I reached out to Kevin and arranged a Founding Fathers Tour & the following day a Brooklyn Bridge and Brooklyn Heights tour. So remarkable! Kevin was a wealth of information, beyond what we could have figured out on our own or even from a book. He is passionate about history and is a city native. We saw Hamilton and then the next morning met up with Kevin at Bowling Green at the tip of lower Manhattan where our tour began. This truly brought the days of Hamilton to life for us - remarkable to walk in the steps of these American Founders. I especially appreciated being able to ask questions and have well-informed answers - it helps me understand so many things. Kevin seemed to thrive on our genuine interest and shared additional sources, suggested venues and even a recommendation for our lunch, once knowing I was a francophile (La District - separate review coming soon). Having travelled extensively through Europe, I have come to appreciate the value of a solid guide. We are able to see more than most people cover in a week. It costs to do this, but it also costs NOT to do this - the knowledge gained and places seen are worth their weight in gold. Given the state of our nation currently, I do find solace in history. Democracy is a struggle. Standing on the steps where George Washington was inaugurated - somehow gives me hope that the side of good and reason is going to win the current struggle. I appreciated talking with Kevin about these things. Yes, Kevin is a tour guide, but I think of him as my personal historian. He is personable, has a great sense of humor and enjoys what he does. I honestly wished that we were staying a few more days so we could take a few more tours. Alas - next time! So grateful we did this - Thank you Kevin!
Nov 2018
Four of us spent a most interesting informative and enjoyable time with Kevin who is the founder of New York Historical Tours. We did the Greenwich Village,China Town Little Italy Tour. We met at the City Hall, Kevin briefed us on the founding of New York by the Dutch, the building of the Brooklyn Bridge which led to New York becoming one of the worlds great cities. We learnt how and why New York built up, why so many buildings are five stories. Kevin took us to the setting of Gangs of New York and the influence of the Irish immigrants on the Police, the Fire service and City Hall. On through the streets of Chinatown which then morph into Little Italy. Kevin was very knowledgeable about the "Families". We walked past a particular restaurant and the owner was sitting outside smoking a huge cigar. Kevin has great knowledge of the areas visited. He has a great sense of humour he was always interesting and the two hour walk flew by. It turns out Kevin was one of the leading lights in the retention and development of the High Line. This walk with Kevin was one of the absolute highlights, not just of New York but of our many travels over the last forty years. Not to be missed and ask for whatever walk Kevin is doing!!
Nov 2018
Kevin was knowledgable, engaging, informative and made the tour (despite an extremely windy and chilly morning) absolutely worth attending! I am a New Yorker but wanted to know more about the history of the city and so decided to give this tour a shot. Kevin told us soooo many facts that I had no idea of even after having lived in Manhattan for all these years.. this tour is for visitors and locals alike. Go for it I say.

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