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Обилазак кристалне реке са чистом кајаком

Придружите нам се у 100% чистој вожњи кајаком кроз активне водене токове Кристалне реке! Стотине морских крава чине Кристалну реку својим домом током хладнијих месеци на нашој турнеји Манатее (14. новембар - 31. март), а неки остају ту целе године да би уживали у освежавајућој води из извора Тхрее Систерс. Наше 2 различите опције обиласка свака дају јединствену перспективу на ову невероватно популарну локацију. Пођите веслајте са нама!<бр><бр>*само тандем кајаци осим ако нема непарних бројева*<бр><бр>*ограничење тежине је 250 лбс по особи И не више од 425 лбс по кајаку*
Цити: Кристална река
Sat 21 Sep
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Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $75.00
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<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све физичке способности нивои
Шта да очекујете
Кристална река
Ова турнеја је СВЕ о проналажењу најбољих места за морске краве и коришћењу наших чистих кајака како бисмо вам пружили најбољи могући поглед без да се покиснете! Кристална река је позната као „светска престоница морских крава“. На овој турнеји желимо да наши гости доживе морске краве у њиховом природном станишту. Кристалну реку напајају десетине природних извора, што је чини жариштем током „хладнијих“ месеци Флориде. Између новембра и марта, стотине морских крава мигрирају у унутрашњост ка изворима да траже уточиште и да се загреју. Не можемо да контролишемо где би се могли налазити у тој области, али наши искусни водичи ће вас одвести тамо где су најактивнији! Док су ламантини наш главни фокус ове турнеје, често видимо делфине, рибе, корњаче, птице и још много тога! Ова вођена авантура у трајању од 2-2,5 сата укључује опуштено веслање кроз Кингс Беј до Хунтер Спрингса, Јурског извора и даље у кристалној реци. Проверите ово весло са своје листе ламантина! Покрећемо у Кингс Баи Парку који се налази на адреси: 268 НВ 3рд Ст, Цристал Ривер, ФЛ 34428
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (619)
Jan 2020
We enjoyed our kayaking morning so much we really wished we had time to do another. I was really worried beforehand that someone in our family would capsize or get far too tired or have a massive argument but the kayaking was only slightly strenuous in the beginning, really easy after that and Tyler was really patient and laidback with us all which couldnt have been easy as we kept crashing into him - sorry! The route was so beautiful and peaceful and really breathtaking when the manatees came up to breathe right next to us or swam right under the kayaks. Tyler had lots of really useful local info to bring the trip to life and really seemed to enjoy his job. Plus it turns out he is a great photographer -thanks! We drove up from St Pete beach for the day to do this and it was well worth it and an easy drive. Parking was plentiful and there is a playground and a set of restrooms so we could change our wet clothes before heading home.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
Thank you for the review!! We're so glad you enjoyed your time! Tyler has been working on his camera skills! We hoe to have you back soon!
Jan 2020
We wanted to see some manatees in a clear kayak. Boy was our Christmas wish granted!!!! Quinton was our guide and he was fabulous!!! I will be repeating this activity again!!!!
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
Thank you for the kind words!! What a good Christmas present to see all those manatees! We can't wait to have you back!
Dec 2019
We did the 9am manatee tour on the 23rd December with Quentin (from Kings bay park in Crystal River) We were very lucky that we were the only people on the tour so it was essentially a private tour. As we didn't have much kayaking experience we were grateful as it meant we weren't slowing anyone else down (or embarrassing ourselves in front of anyone else!) The kayak felt very stable and although we're both not that fit we managed fine for the 2 hours. Quite often we used the oars for a few minutes and then drifted so we were not continually paddling. Quentin was great. Gave good instructions and was very patient with us. He was also an expert in spotting manatee just from the movement of the water. Over the 2 hours (which went very quickly!) We saw loads of manatee, too many to count and it was great getting able to be so close to them. Everywhere we turned there was more of them and some swam right past our kayak. The water was very quiet that early in the morning (we went for a walk a few hours later and there were boats and kayaks everywhere) We were very lucky with the weather as it poured all night but although it rained very lightly for a few minutes at the start of our trip it soon stopped and was nice and sunny. The kayaks themselves were much more comfy than we expected. They had a suspended seat which had a padded back and bottom so no back ache! There was plenty of room behind the seat for bags and shoes and apart from some water drips from the oars we didn't really get wet, although I do recommend wearing swim shorts as depending on how you use the oars it can drip a lot! Life jackets were provided. Although the photos are not very good (it's so hard to photo manatee as you never know when they will pop up to breathe) this is an amazing experience which we will remember for a long time. I would highly recommend it if you're in the area. Although we walked to the meeting point at Kings bay park from our hotel, there is a car park there ($5 to park) with restrooms. (Apologies to Quentin that we couldn't leave a tip as we only have enough dollars left to cover our tolls for our journey back to Orlando airport)
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
Thank you so much for the detailed review! We are so glad you enjoyed your time time with Quentin! Glad you got to see manatees as well!

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