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Обилазак кристалне реке са чистом кајаком

Придружите нам се у 100% чистој вожњи кајаком кроз активне водене токове Кристалне реке! Стотине морских крава чине Кристалну реку својим домом током хладнијих месеци на нашој турнеји Манатее (14. новембар - 31. март), а неки остају ту целе године да би уживали у освежавајућој води из извора Тхрее Систерс. Наше 2 различите опције обиласка свака дају јединствену перспективу на ову невероватно популарну локацију. Пођите веслајте са нама!<бр><бр>*само тандем кајаци осим ако нема непарних бројева*<бр><бр>*ограничење тежине је 250 лбс по особи И не више од 425 лбс по кајаку*
Цити: Кристална река
Fri 25 Oct
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Са почетком у $75.00
Fri 25 Oct
Са почетком у $75.00
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<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све физичке способности нивои
Шта да очекујете
Кристална река
Ова турнеја је СВЕ о проналажењу најбољих места за морске краве и коришћењу наших чистих кајака како бисмо вам пружили најбољи могући поглед без да се покиснете! Кристална река је позната као „светска престоница морских крава“. На овој турнеји желимо да наши гости доживе морске краве у њиховом природном станишту. Кристалну реку напајају десетине природних извора, што је чини жариштем током „хладнијих“ месеци Флориде. Између новембра и марта, стотине морских крава мигрирају у унутрашњост ка изворима да траже уточиште и да се загреју. Не можемо да контролишемо где би се могли налазити у тој области, али наши искусни водичи ће вас одвести тамо где су најактивнији! Док су ламантини наш главни фокус ове турнеје, често видимо делфине, рибе, корњаче, птице и још много тога! Ова вођена авантура у трајању од 2-2,5 сата укључује опуштено веслање кроз Кингс Беј до Хунтер Спрингса, Јурског извора и даље у кристалној реци. Проверите ово весло са своје листе ламантина! Покрећемо у Кингс Баи Парку који се налази на адреси: 268 НВ 3рд Ст, Цристал Ривер, ФЛ 34428
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Коментара (619)
Feb 2022
We didn’t see many manatees but we had a great experience! First time in a clear kayak and it was amazing to see through. Our guide, Chris was very helpful and explained things as we paddled. He made sure everyone was included and stayed safe. We learned a lot about the area and the restoration project to make the waters a better place for all.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2022
Thank you so much for this review! We are so glad you enjoyed your time with Chris on the tour. We appreciate you paddling with us and hope to have you out again to see more manatees!
Feb 2022
Website hype made it out to be a great paddle on a scenic river...not! Very disappointing for the price and the expectations, saw a total of 4 Manatees, 3 in one spot and I no sooner said 'here's one ' the spot got swarmed with swimmers and paddlers! The kayaks were tubs, the only saving grace was the width, made them fairly stable. Seats were flimsy affairs, had to sit on the life vest for comfort and the backrest was a joke...as for the clear bottom, never used it for viewing. Ok, probably should end on a positive note...the guide, Kris/Chris, was very friendly and great to chat with, I'd give him an A+!
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2022
Hello! We apologize for your disappointment! It is never our goal to provide a 2-star experience. Of course, we cannot control other people/companies or the manatees themselves, and our goal is to have interactions with manatees which is never a guarantee. We did our best to describe this tour on our site as a kayak tour focused on manatee intersections, which is what our guides do their best to provide! We appreciate the feedback about the kayaks and will definitely address that internally.
Feb 2022
Lacey, our guide- 5 stars The company and experience-3 stars The young man who greeted us was not very professional. He was talking to Lacey, with us standing about 2 feet away and dropped the f bomb right off the bat, which struck me wrong. I’m not a prude, but really?? Unnecessary. The weather was not the best, which of course they had no control over. so it was hard to see the manatees. The Overcast made the river seem dark and hard to see the manatee. I wish they had told us to put on our polarized sunglasses, as our Guide was wearing them and can spot them easier in the water. That would have been a helpful Tidbit. Also be aware: because the kayaks are clear plastic, they don’t like to put them on the kayak launch. So you have to be able to board the kayak from a pier/dock with it sitting fully in the water. And then you have to be able to disembark from the kayak in the water to the pier. In my opinion the clear kayaks don’t make it much better for seeing. The bottom is all scratched up anyway. So you only get the benefit about four or 5 inches on the side of the kayak. And if you are 20 pounds or more overweight, getting in and out of the kayak was tricky, and could be embarrassing. I would opt for the solid colored kayaks that used the launch. Much easier. Lacey was wonderful and very informative. She was most engaging, and had a funny sense of humor about her. All in all, we really liked our guide, but found the clear kayaks to not be of much worth, especially given the hardship to get in and out of them while they are in the water. The kayaking experience itself was great. But I would do it in another kayak the next time. I wish the weather had been better. But Que sera.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2022
Hello! We apologize for your disappointing experience. We never want our guests to leave with any negative thoughts about their tour. Obviously, the person at the park who greeted you does not work for us. We are glad you enjoyed your time with Lacy! She is the best. I appreciate your feedback and we do my best to address it all internally and see how we can improve. Hopefully we can have you out on the water again and give you a 5-star experience all around!

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