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Цити: Бистра вода
Thu 16 Jan
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Са почетком у $26.99
Thu 16 Jan
Са почетком у $26.99
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Загарантовано виђење делфина
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Коментара (592)
Jan M
May 2013
This was definitely one of the highlights of our trip. The Tropics Boat Tour was an absolute blast. We lucked out as the actual owners were on board for our trip and they are the friendliest and nicest people. The staff was great and ensured you had a great time. We went on April 15th and lucked out as the weather couldn't have been better and the captain found dolphins that he followed -- or they followed us. It's a really nice tour and great to be out on the water. Don't miss this if you hit Clearwater Beach. Jan Johnson from Wisconsin.
May 2013
I bought 4 tickets on groupon (thank goodness because it was worth what we paid for, I wouldnt have ever paid more for this). I booked ahead of time and we literally made within minutes of the boat leaving. Fair warning....if you are going on a weekend I highly recommend getting to the area early. We had a 5:00 tour and left ourselves plenty of time to get there, so we thought...the traffic and parking were horrendous!!!! What we thought would be a 20 minute ride to get there really took an hour and a half because of traffic and trying to find some place to park. The boat ride was fun, we got to see a lot of beautiful homes and and parts of Clearwater we probably wouldnt see from land. There were a few dolpins but nothing like we thought we'd see, kids were disappointed but its truly not The Tropis fault. We actually saw more dolphins while walking through johns pass and it was free! Everytime the captain of the tropics boat would say a dolphin was spotted, we'd look and just see the tail...nothing exciting. And like many others have said, they DO constantly remind you to tip. All in all, it was fun but wouldnt pay for it again unless I had the groupon and was in the mood for a boat ride.
Apr 2013
As a frequent visitor to Clearwater we try to do this tour every visit. There are some great coupons you can find online via Groupon, Living Social etc. If you do a tour anytime after 11am and are driving by car be prepared for not finding parking!! The Tropics do sell parking passes for $2 to park in the metered marina lots .FABULOUS DEAL!! However you need to be there early to find a spot. If not be prepared to park a mile away for $20 in dragging your beach gear in the heat!! Back to the tour you have the option of buying an unlimited alcohol wristband for $10, do it. It includes unlimited beer, wine, and punch . Without the wristband a drink is $5 so you might as well do it. It is super easy to get a drink two bars, one on the upper deck and one on the lower. The staff is always walking around as well making sure your drinks are full. The tour lasted a little less than two hours and we were already drinking before we left the dock. The top of the boat is a sundeck with a bar and benches to sit on and ....mingle around . It gives you the most wonderful views on the boat. The bottom deck is covered and has games and activities going on for the kids while the parents enjoy themselves. We saw numerous dolphins as well as celebrity homes ...they also show you locations around Clearwater that are a great time to visit such as Shephards!! My favorite part about this boat is you never have to be seated!! All the other tours require you to stay seated ...here we get to walk around mingle drink and turn our actual bodies to look at the sights!! Hands down my favorite tour!!

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