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Цолониал Виллиамсбург Адмиссион

Сваки корак је прича! Уроните у револуционарне приче америчке историје. Са преко 300 хектара култних места, историјских таверни и музеја уметности светске класе, историја заиста оживљава у највећем светском музеју живе историје. Упознајте наше стручњаке који откривају прошлост да бисте боље информисали нашу будућност, уживајте у наступима уживо, упознајте талентоване трговце који се баве занатима специфичним за тај период и истражите наш град из 18. века на ивици револуције. Свака посета колонијалном Вилијамсбургу помаже да наставимо нашу мисију — да осигурамо да будућност може учити из прошлости.
Цити: Виллиамсбург
Mon 21 Oct
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Mon 21 Oct
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Виллиамсбург<бр>101 Виситор Центер Дриве
ШТАМПАЈТЕ ваучер и замените га у Центру за посетиоце Цолониал Виллиамсбург, 101 Виситор Центер Др., Виллиамсбург, ВА 23185.

Ниво откупа: 104

Број градске књиге: 34290
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Опције превоза су доступне у инвалидским колицима<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно<ли>Вечерњи програми обухватају обиласке, представе, плесове, концерте и реконструкције<ли>Вечерњи оброци у колонијалним тавернама укључују шетње музичара и 18. века фаре<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Потребна вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19 за водиче
Шта да очекујете
Цолониал Виллиамсбург
Обиласци Гувернерове палате, Капитола и зграде суда са водичем за костиме Улаз на трговачка места, да видите и разговарате са стручним мајсторима, калфама и шегртима који се баве занатом из 18. века Улаз за свакодневне представе на позорници Цхарлтон и у дворани Хенаге Улазница у наша два музеја уметности светске класе Бесплатан паркинг у Центру за посетиоце Бесплатна услуга превоза
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (237)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jun 2019
My trip was wonderful. We found the guides entertaining and very well informed. The history was fascinating to listen to and brought to life with the wonderful story tellers. The interns in the different businesses were also very pleasant and they were so generous answering questions that I am sure they hear every few minutes. We liked how efficient and easy it was to navigate around the village since we hadn't been in 15 years and it all seemed new to us. The Visitors Center was great and very informative and interesting. The bus service was great. We experienced two dinners at two different taverns, Campells and King's Arms and both were equally delicious and entertaining. Our waiter, George, at King's Arms was so informative as to the history and significance of each dish and how it related to history, in particular Thomas Jefferson. It was a special birthday trip for me and at each place they sang a colonial version of Happy Birthday and I received a card from each pace. That was a neat touch. The mandolin player at Campbell's was exceptional. The only glitch for us was trying to book a ghost tour online before we arrived. It kept telling me everything was booked during our short stay and to keeping checking for individual cancellations. When we checked into the Visitors Center to exchange our voucher for our tickets, we inquired again about the ghost tours and were told the online company was a third party company and that the Center had the REAL AUTHENTIC haunted Williamsburg tour. It was nice to find we could indeed go on a tour but that was rather confusing. Maybe you can change the direct link to the non-authentic tours or at least allow for signing up for the tours that go into the homes. I never did see that as an option. Our tour guide, Dan, was fabulous and extremely interesting. We thoroughly enjoyed his presentation.
May 2019
Colonial Williamsburg did it right. Keeping everything as authentic as they can. You start at the visitor center to get your tickets and an orientation. A shuttle bus then takes you to the Colonial Williamsburg area. The buses run regularly and no car is needed at CW. Must see and tour The Palace and the Capital. The Hospital which is now a museum which is currently being expanded was also a must see. Other than that, walk all over the town, go into all the open shops, eat at the taverns, talk to those in colonial clothing, take the tours, ride in a carriage. We only spent 1 full day here and could easily have spent 2. Not all shops are open every day and there are different things happening on different days. The visitor center where you get your tickets will have current schedules of those offerings. If you are doing the whole areas history, which I recommend doing, then buy the triangle pass. You get a whole week to visit CW, both Jamestown sites and Yorktown. This is an area that everyone I believe should tour at least once in their life. Wonderful way for history to come alive and make some relevant sense to school age children.
Apr 2019
There's a lot to see. If your handicapped it's hard to see. It's a beautiful town. There's parking all around the outside. Also buses drop off a few places in the outside. You can call a scooter rental but it's costly. The sidewalk is cobblestone. Long distance to bathrooms. Buildings aren't handicap assesible. Many building are full with your groups, so you have to wait, since they only allow certain numbers in buildings. Kings arm restaurant was excellent. The forge, guns and home were interesting. All that walking and that's all we saw. Market place and the Cheese store were worth the visit too. You can park there and not walk too far to the Cheese store. You need 2days at williamsburg.

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