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Прилагођена приватна тура у МИНИ Цоопер кабриолету

Ви сте у посебном граду. Зашто ићи на обичну турнеју? Ово је ЈЕДИНА турнеја МИНИ Цоопер кабриолета у земљи!<бр><бр>Ова тура је потпуно прилагодљива – ви бирате дужину туре, у које време желите да вас покупе и шта желите да видите. <бр><бр>Волим Сан Франциско и провео сам 20 година проучавајући и истражујући град. Радићу са вама на планирању ваше турнеје како бисте могли да видите познате локације и скривене драгуље на које друге туре не могу да иду или за које не знају. Осмислио сам ово да буде врста турнеје на коју бих кренуо да посетим Сан Франциско, али на вама је где ћете ићи. Дајем предлоге успут, али колико дуго ћете провести на било ком сајту зависи од вас. Никада не журите и никада не морате да чекате друге људе. Све је о вама!<бр><бр>Плус, забавно је! У кабриолету МИНИ Цоопер, видите све изблиза и лично док се возимо.<бр><бр>Волим да гостима показујем Сан Франциско и причам о историји и култури овог јединственог и посебног града.
Цити: Сан Франциско
Sun 17 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $204.00
Sun 17 Nov
Са почетком у $204.00
Шта је укључено
Јединствено искуство, јер је то једина турнеја МИНИ Цоопер кабриолета у земљи.
Које локације су укључене су прилагођене у зависности од дужине турнеје и онога што желите да видите.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
Цоит Товер
Погледајте мурале и поглед на залив и мост Голден Гате. Колико времена ћете потрошити зависи од вас.
Паинтед Ладиес
Назовите то Постцард Ров, Паинтед Ладиес или Фулл Хоусе, сви воле да виде ову локацију лично. А ако желите да изађете и сликате, можете. Као и на свим локацијама, на вама је да ли желите да изађете.
Пресидио Сан Францисцо
Возите се кроз ову бившу војну базу која је постала национални парк. Застаните и погледајте статуу Иода ако желите.
Нортх Беацх
Научите историју и културу овог насеља које је омиљено и мештанима и посетиоцима.
Ломбард Стреет
Ако је право време и нема превише саобраћаја (обично викендом и празничним поподневним сатима) возимо се познатом кривом улицом. Ако не можемо да се одвеземо, можемо бар да прођемо и изађемо на фотографије ако желите.
Кинеска четврт
Возите се кроз овај крај и упознајте његову историју и културу. Док говорим о архитектури, можете погледати и видети је док се возимо у кабриолету МИНИ Цоопер.
Возите се улицом која је постала позната 1960-их и сазнајте зашто су музика и култура направљени одјекнули широм света.
Голден Гате Парк
Возите се кроз парк, погледајте музеје и јапанску башту чаја. Гости уживају у вожњи и учењу историје ове урбане баште створене на 1.017 хектара песка. Ако је отворено, постоји могућност да уђете у посматрачки торањ музеја ДеИоунг.
Твин Пеакс
Доживите спектакуларан поглед на цео град, залив, а ако је време ведро, мостове чак на југу до Силицијумске долине и горе у близини винске земље.
16 Авенуе поплочане степенице
Степенице 16тх Аве Тилед су само део онога што можете видети. Могу вам показати мање познато, али једнако импресивно степениште са плочицама, и како су ова степеништа изгледала пре него што су трансформисана у ово урбано уметничко дело.
Миссион Дистрицт
Погледајте Миссион Долорес, мурале мисије и локацију најбољих буритоа у граду.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (210)
Melonie Y
Aug 2016
This tour was definitely a highlight of my trip to San Francisco. I paid for an 8 hour tour for my aunt and I. We started with an overview tour of the city including Coit Tower and North Beach, Chinatown, Lombard Street, and many other postcard worthy sites (including the Yoda statue). It was so easy to take pictures because the top was down on the convertible. We then went over the Golden Gate Bridge for a tour of Muir Woods and a couple of wineries. Reed, our driver/tour guide, was incredibly knowledgable about the history of the locations we visited. He even had historical photos to pull out and show us what used to be there decades and centuries ago. He was incredibly accommodating. If a guest had very specific ideas about how the tour should go, he would make it happen. My aunt and I didn't really know what we wanted other than a basic tour so Reed jumped into explaining different sites. (He made me feel at home and not awkward--which was a concern since it is a private tour). As a small car he was able to go places large tours couldn't like the picturesque Lombard Street. As a commercial driver, he was able to go where personal cars couldn't like parking at Muir Woods. It was the best of both worlds. As a great final touch, before he dropped us off at a restaurant of our choosing for dinner, he called ahead to make sure we had a table. It was incredible. If you want a perfect tour of San Francisco or any of the surrounding areas go with Small Car Big Time tours. I could not have asked for a better tour. I wish he were in every city I visited.
Aug 2016
Booked Reed after seeing the reviews and was not disappointed. He was there when he said he would be and showed us all the sights that we had come to see plus some. We had booked a 4 hour tour of the city and it just flew by as we were having so much fun. The mini cooper is the way to see San Francisco as it zips in and around traffic and having Reed giving us his knowledge about the history of San Francisco was fantastic. There is so much to see in San Francisco but I think the wife and I made a good dent in it. Do not hesitate to use Reed and the mini cooper as we are both 60 and had no problem getting in and out of this car. Any questions PM me and I will answer them for you. Steve
Aug 2016
My daughter and I were traveling back to SFO for a late night flight back to NYC. We wanted to see the city, but had little time. I found Reed's company on Trip Advisor and his reviews were fantastic, so I booked a 3 hour tour with him. What a wonderful experience! Reed is the sole tour guide of his company, I was happy to learn that, and recommend so you know you're getting Reed as your guide, and you definitely want this man as your guide to this fabulous city! I asked Reed if he were from San Fran, he grew up in the suburbs of the city, his father and grandfather were both natives, and he always loved it so much, he moved there when he was an adult. My daughter totally related to this, she's a kid who's grown up in the suburbs of NYC, Bergen County in NJ, just 15 miles from the GWBridge, and calls NYC her city and said although she thought the Golden Gate bridge was awesome, she was happy to drive home across her bridge, the GW.... LOL! Anyway, Reed designed a tour for us that was absolutely perfect! He picked us up at a garage he recommend, since we were new to the city, it was the perfect location and easy to find via GPS. The car was perfect for two or three tourists, a convertable mini cooper, and blankets are even provided! Reed asked if there were any specific places we wanted to see, I requested the Haight, I wanted my 17year old who is into music to experience it and learn about it, Reed was the perfect man for the job! So we toured Nob Hill, with stops in front of the Cable Car Museum, drove through China Town and North Beach (SanFran's Little Italy), where we stopped at Tony's for a famous slice (as a New Yorker, can can say it was a good slice of Neopolitan pie, but better than Brooklyn, I'm not too sure <3 ), The Columbus Tower aka TransAmerica pyramid, Washington Square Park and Saints Peter and Paul Church (Joe and Marilyn fame), Telegraph Hill and Coit Tower, Lombard Street (the infamous crocked drive), The Marina District and the beautiful Palace of Fine Art, San Fran's National Cemetery, views of Alcatraz, Fort Point and great views of the Golden Gate Bridge, Golden Gate Park and it's museums and gardens, Haight-Ashbury, Alamo Square and it's Painted Ladies (aka Full House TV show). Since we were parked close enough to Ghiradelli Square and the Warf, Reed dropped us off at our parking lot, and we walked down to those spots and enjoyed the rest of our time in San Francisco, that beautiful City by the Bay. If I haven't said I HIGHY recommend REED, let me say it again, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND REED! He's so knowledgable, so kind, reminded us this tour was OURS and we could do/see/stop/eat whenever and whatever we wanted... and he didn't fail on delivering those promises and more! He was able to answer our questions including what a Precidio actually is, and recommend restaurants, let us get out and take pictures where and whenever we wanted to, he even snapped a few for us! Don't miss this tour, it's was so much more than we expected! Thank you Reed, hope to see you again in the future! Loved your city, so much <3

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