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Дневно разгледање историјског Чарлстона са коњском запрегом

Доживите 25-30 блокова историјског центра града Чарлстона на овом једночасовном обиласку коњске запреге са палмето кочијом. Погледајте куће, баште, виле, цркве и паркове, сазнајте више о зградама, историји, архитектури, флори и људима који чине „Свети град.“ <бр><бр>Палметто Царриаге Воркс је најстарија компанија за излете кочијама у Чарлстону и је развио највеће искуство кочијама у граду! Обилазак кочијом Палметто нуди спој знања, духовитости, хумора и историје и узбудљив је и стално се мења; беспрекорна фузија превоза из 19. века у граду 21. века.
Цити: Цхарлестон
Mon 18 Nov
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Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $49.95
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Сазнајте више о зградама, историји, архитектури, флори и људима који чине „Свети град“
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Стручни водич
1-часовна вожња коњском запрегом по историјском Чарлстону
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Градска пијаца у Чарлстону
Наша штала се налази одмах поред градске пијаце у Чарлстону. Овде ћете се састати са својим сертификованим туристичким водичем, а затим ћете кренути на једносатни обилазак кочије или кочије с мазгом. Кочија ће проћи кроз Градску капију на пијаци где је туристичком водичу одређена рута обиласка. Видећете око 30 блокова историјског округа који ће укључивати прелепу архитектуру, цркве, зграде, баште и још много тога. Обилазак се враћа у Велику црвену шталу.
Палметто Царриаге Воркс
Овде ћете срести свог туристичког водича и вашу кочију или кочију запрегнуту мазгом.
Јое Рилеи Ватерфронт Парк
Светло зелени јавни простор са погледом на обалу Чарлстона.
Баттери & Вхите Поинт Гарденс
Јавна башта и спољни простор који се налази у Батерију
Олд Екцханге & Провост Дунгеон
Завршена 1771. као Нова размена и царинарница, а данас је препозната као најисторијска зграда у Јужној Каролини.
Раинбов Ров
Најдужа група грузијских кућа у низу у Сједињеним Државама.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (1000)
Jan 2021
We really enjoyed the tour.. The guide was knowledgeable and had a good sense of humor. We were late and they waited for us.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2021
I'm glad you made it! Thank you for the nice review.
Jan 2021
I probably should have known better, but I had heard that at least some of Charleston’s carriage tours have improved in recent years since the establishment of the Palmetto Guild, a voluntary certification for local tour guides who pass a city test and, according to their website, represent “professionals who are committed to historical accuracy, continuing education, and providing an engaging experience for all visitors.” I decided to give Palmetto Carriage Works a chance and left deeply disappointed and frustrated by the borderline impressive level of selective and whitewashed “history” shared on my tour. The word “slavery” was uttered a total of zero times, Black history and contribution was erased, and what was left was the encouragement to ogle at the unexplained wealth of countless white mansion owners. Similarly, Indigenous people were mentioned all of once, highlighting the Kiawah people as a particularly “friendly” tribe to Europeans, conveniently bypassing any honoring of them prior to the settler’s invasion. There were also numerous references to “Charlestonians” of the era as a homogenous group of Confederate-supporting white elites, ignoring that Charleston’s population was majority Black from the early 1700s to the 1850s. I appreciate that a one-hour tour is inherently limited and it would be impossible to do full justice to the complex history of this city in this context; however, considering the undeniable significance of slavery to Charleston’s story, I feel it is inexcusable to simply entirely leave it out - especially for a tour company that claims to “pride [themselves] on providing authentic and historically rich carriage tours of Charleston,” according to their website. I also appreciate that some of their tour guides may get much closer to the mark of an honest history lesson; however, if this cannot be guaranteed, then Palmetto Carriage Works is not living up to their advertised experience. In fact, after the tour, I asked to leave a comment and was directed to a manager. She expressed understanding of my feedback, but told me they ultimately “don’t police” their tour guides. She assured me all their tour guides are Palmetto Guild certified, though added they allow them to effectively pick-and-choose at their discretion what they share (or don’t) of the materials associated with the test to become a guild member. The manager acknowledged that while some have communicated similar criticisms and concerns as I had, that other customers have been “offended” by the mention of slavery. I don’t doubt that this is tragically true; however, such a response by her tells me clearly the choice that Palmetto Carriage Works has made: To value appeasing those “offended” rather than committing to an accurate telling of history. I hope Palmetto Carriage Works will re-consider their current “hands-off” approach and recognize the incredible opportunity, and I would add responsibility, they have to authentically educate the likely hundreds of tourists they interface with daily (and the likely tens of thousands annually) by setting a basic and minimum standard of historical inclusion for their tours. I believe this can be accomplished without “scripting” their tours (another justification the manager cited). Beyond it simply being the right thing to do, they should know that for every one patron they might lose, I can assure them there are many others of us interested in learning a more genuine history of Charleston. In the meantime, I (obviously) would not recommend Palmetto Carriage Works given the quality of your tour is not currently ensured. I do highly recommend Alphonso Brown’s Gullah Tours. In a similarly short time, he manages to both entertain and, more critically, introduce you to the true history of Charleston.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2021
We are sorry that you had that experience. Charleston's history is complicated and messy. Our guides do their best to provide as much historical information as they can within the time constraints of our tours while ensuring that each guest has a positive touring experience. Although we do not script their tours, we encourage guides to find the balance between sharing the charming aspects of Charleston's history and acknowledging our city's uglier past. Given that it was MLK Day, our tour should have been more well-rounded in the topics it covered and recognized the diverse group of people that created the Charleston we know today. We are continuously working to improve our storytelling and the way we share our city’s history with visitors. Your feedback is welcomed and will be put towards our continued effort to provide tours that fully encompass our city’s rich history. Thank you for your review.
Jan 2021
Very Enjoyable and Josh was very knowledgeable. We would recommend to anyone visiting. The history of the city was well told.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2021
Thank you, we appreciate the recommendation, Lester!

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