Песме Декана Мартина из раних година, сеоских година и година чопора пацова. Песме других певача и комедије. То је Аморе, Сви некад воле некога, сећања су направљена од овога, ти си нико док те неко не воли, Воларе, врати ми се.
Цити: Брансон
Sun 22 Dec
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Шта да очекујете
Историјски центар Брансона
Емисија Деан Мартин Трибуте, са многим Диновим хитовима и музиком певача из 50-их и 60-их. Посебна претпоставка - Денни Иеари из Блацквоодса
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Very good Dean Martin tribute. Small theater, but comfortable and good sound. Almost as good as seeing Dean himself.
The picture here on this website is the wrong picture. We were at Hot Hits Theater...see this show if you're in town.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
Thank you for your 5 star review , we are pleased that you enjoyed the show. hope to see you again soon.
Oct 2022
In a small little theatre in old town Branson, there is a diamond shining in the rough! Not only does he have the look of Dean Martin but he sounds so very much like him too! It was a small afternoon show but it made it a more personal and intimate experience. If you are a Dean Martin fan or just like a bit of nostalgia this is well worth the money to go see.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
So happy to hear you enjoyed the Dean Martin show.
hope to see you again on your next visit to Branson
Oct 2022
My husband and I had the very best entertainment ever here at the Branson Hot Hits Theater at the Dean Martin and More Tribute show.
Martin Dean, as Dean Martin was extraordinarily. He resembled Dean sang his heart out like Dean, funny like Dean, did the soft shoe like Dean and emulated him 100%. We felt as though we were in New York or Vegas. This is a top notch show. Martin Dean did a wonderful job engaging with the audience and sharing his expertise of the life of Dean Martin. What a showmanship!
Don’t miss this fantastic show!