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Цити: Национални парк Денали
Fri 08 Nov
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Fri 08 Nov
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Коментара (229)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Jun 2017
We had a group of ten on this jeep excursion, and I will say that they did their best to make the adventure fun and to take care of the guests. However, they are limited by weather and the fact that wildlife is unpredictable in activity. So we happened to go on a morning that was pouring down snow during the trip. We got majestic pictures of the landscape, suitable for Christmas cards later in the year, but saw no hint of Mount Denali of any kind. There were about a dozen cars in all, each holding two to four people in our group, and called themselves the Skittles Train. Wildlife spottings were unpredictable, as is the nature of the thing, and the guides were good about spotting things and bringing it to everyone's attention by local radio. There's a guide at the front and one at the rear, and they made every effort to keep everyone safe and together. Since the vehicles were driven by the group, if a vehicle happened to fall behind, the end result was that the people behind the slow car would tend not to see the wildlife encounter, if they arrived too late. The guides were prepared with water, snacks, and had scheduled restroom stops (at outhouses), and even had hand sanitizer available for after the restroom break. They also had a couple of photo op spots which were wonderful and not obvious from the road, which were really nice. The guides were extremely friendly, courteous, and good about taking group photos for everyone. The problem with the activity is that it's so unpredictable, and not cheap. If I were to do this again, I'd plan for a longer trip to Denali, then plan to book a tour after arrival (if it was available). They do say that they only get to see the mountain about thirty percent of the time, but at least I would make an effort to not schedule my excursion during a blizzard. The weather can change abruptly in the area as well. We saw the predictions of snow at 90% the day before the trip, but the morning looked beautifully clear when we awakened. The clouds rolled in literally over the course of breakfast, and snow started on the shuttle bus to the Jeep area.
Jun 2017
We took the late tour from 6-10 pm. WE had Mike and Angie as guides. The Jeeps are all new and very comfortable to drive. The tour was so amazing I couldn't believe when it ended. WE saw everything from Moose to Porcupines to Golden Eagels... and more. And best yet... the Peaks of Denali! That time is also awesome as you get the "setting" sun (if you can call it that) and it gives you all kinds of colors. I really cannot say enough about taking this tour!
Jun 2017
We took this tour on 5/29/17 and had a great time. Our guide Jeff was great fun and knew all kinds of information. The jeeps were in very good condition and we thought the tour was well worth the money. We drove over 100 miles on gravel roads but they were not bad at all (it's a main road). Jeff stopped at a number of spots for us to take photos. Animal sightings were scarce but that's not his fault. We saw beautiful country and would definitely recommend this tour if you are going to be in Denali.

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