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Цити: Национални парк Денали
Fri 08 Nov
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Fri 08 Nov
Са почетком у $185.99
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Коментара (229)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Mia V
Jun 2017
I got to ride with the lovely and knowledgable Angie, (SO LUCKY!) In the very front of the jeep tour. If you get a chance to passenger with the guide, DO IT! Best views and overall experience guaranteed. Anyways, tonight I was welcomed into the 30% Club with open arms. Denali was completely visible and totally completely jaw droppingly gorgeous. We were graced with panoramic views of all of the surrounding Alaskan ranges. We saw 9 Porcupines, 2 swans flying, 1 caribou, 2 Moose, and quite a few little squirly pals. Long story short, this drive is lovely and full of great views, nature, and fun facts. Worth every penny. Why not see the Alaskan beauty from the comfort of your jeep? You get a heck of a lot farther in 180 minutes by jeep than you would on foot !
May 2017
Just remember, this is not inside the park. However you see beautiful sights. We saw three moose during our time, though not always easy to spot. Fun to be in a jeep, we shared with two other people which was just fine. Ample opportunities to take great photos, the guide was fantastic and knew his stuff. We took the 6:30pm and I think the light was fantastic for photos. Expect 4 - 5 hours start to finish, they pick you up at your hotel and bring you back. We did not see Mt Denali and if we were able it would have been from a great distance...would need a perfectly clear day to see.
May 2017
What an amazing experience! Jeff was the best guide. Upon arriving at the office, we boarded a bus that took us to our jeep. The jeep was in excellent condition. There were four in our party and we were in one jeep together. Jeff, our guide, lead the way in his jeep and was in constant communication with us over a radio. We were able to talk to him and ask him to stop if we wanted to get a picture or get out and walk. Since it was the beginning of the season, we were the only jeep on our tour across the Denali Highway. Our tour was one of the highlights of our trip. We spotted a golden eagle perched at the top of a spruce tree. I was able to get within 20 yards of the tree. The eagle was so regal and did not mind our presence at all. Actually, he seemed a little curious. We were able to get some amazing photos. We saw moose, caribou, artic squirrels, and a porcupine. Not to mention the incredible views. Just when you think you have seen the most amazing landscape, you turn another corner and your jaw drops again. JUST BEAUTIFUL!!! Jeff was very patient with us and provided a wealth of information along the way. Pointing out animals, animal tracks, mountain vistas, historical information, etc. Yet, he kept it interesting and fun. Adults and children would enjoy the trip. Whatever you do - DO NOT FORGET YOUR CAMERA OR BINOCULARS!!! You will not want to miss a thing and there is so much to see. Check out their Facebook page for pictures from our tour.

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