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Авантура за псеће санке

Доживите узбуђење вожње у једном од најстаријих начина превоза на Аљасци! Псеће санке! Градови, села и начини живота створени су користећи псе у традиционалном стилу које ћете срести током турнеје. Научите о богатој историји Чатанике од једног од наших водича док путујете кроз прелепу бореалну шуму. Ово је приватна тура, ви ћете бити једина група овде и имамо само 2 места за обилазак дневно да свакој групи дамо довољно времена. Ово је мали породични посао и власник ће вас све време овде дочекати и водити.
Цити: Фаирбанкс
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $130.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $130.00
Шта је укључено
Обилазак са водичем користећи псеће санке
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (56)
Mar 2021
I had a fantastic time at the kennel with Tabitha and Kevin (and their little baby girl!!) during my visit. The dogs are amazing and was so glad to be able to spend as much time and take as many photos as I wanted to after our ride. Tabitha and Kevin were welcoming and I would highly suggest making a visit. See you and the pups in the summer!
Mar 2021
Dogs sled is the highlight of my Alaskan getaway those doggies touched my heart. I highly recommend the Howling Bay Kennels. Kevin and Tabitha are friendly and nice they makes sure we had a great time. ❤
Brett P
Mar 2021
My wife and I booked a nighttime dog sledding experience with Howling Bay Kennels and it was one of the highlights of our Alaskan adventure. Tabitha picked us up at our Fairbanks hotel and drove us to their home, a short 20-30 mins away. Immediately we knew we were in for a special, uniquely Alaskan, experience. After a brief orientation in their custom-built Yurt-like igloo building, we walked down to the kennels and met the team that would be pulling us through the snowy night. The ride through the dark forest was unforgettable. My wife got to mush with Tabitha on the back of sled on the ride home, while I fulfilled my natural gifting (relaxed ballast on the front). We both got what we wanted! When we returned, we played some more with all the dogs before settling in for a home cooked meal of fresh salmon, vegetables, and potatoes with wine back in the warm yurt. Tabitha and Kevin treated us like royalty! It was overcast after dinner, so Kevin offered to take us out of town in hopes of finding a clearing from which we could see the Aurora. Thanks to his local expertise we did just that. He drove us all night! To a deserted lake with a clear sky view where we waited. We were ready to give up, but with his technology forecasting a better opportunity soon, he convinced us to waited a bit longer. Boy are we glad we did, because the Aurora in all her glory came dancing into view while Kevin served as our photographer to preserve the memory! Great experience, delivered by a delightful couple, who are real Alaskan Can-Do people! 7 out of 5 stars in our opinion!!!

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