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Обилазак хране у центру Чарлстона

Кулинарска тура у центру Чарлстона у трајању од 2,5 сата посећује четири различита ресторана и комбинује елементе историјске турнеје са кулинарском авантуром! Сазнајте више о историји Чарлстона док уживате у дегустацијама традиционалних фаворита и савремених иновација, које све истичу кухињу ресторана у локалном власништву. Увид у кухињу ниске земље прати широк спектар узорака на вашем обиласку хране. Ово је наша оригинална турнеја по Француској четврти и градској пијаци и фокусира се на традиционалне укусе региона.
Цити: Цхарлестон
Wed 25 Sep
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Са почетком у $85.00
Wed 25 Sep
Са почетком у $85.00
Шта је укључено
Све унапред одабране дегустације хране у 4 ресторана у Чарлстону (оброк за већину)
2,5-часовна кулинарска шетња у центру Чарлстона
Туристички водич са сертификатом града који даје причу о историји и храни Чарлстона
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>ОГРАНИЧЕЊА У ДЈЕТЕТУ морају бити саопштена директно Цхарлестон Цулинари Тоурс-у (843-259-2966) најмање *36 сати* пре вашег заказаног обиласка да би били смештени.<ли>Вегански, млечни производи/лактоза, & ограничења у вези са сојом не могу бити адекватно прилагођена. Гости са вишеструким алергијама треба да контактирају Цхарлестон Цулинари Тоурс пре резервације како би потврдили смештај.<ли>Не можемо преузети одговорност за особе са тешким алергијама.<ли>Улажемо све напоре да обезбедимо комплетан оброк за госте. за све госте, међутим, замене за ограничења у исхрани можда неће бити 1-за-1 са редовним понудама обилазака.<ли>Препоручујемо одећу прилагођену временским приликама и удобне ципеле за шетњу.<ли>Туре се одвијају по киши. или сјај, врућ или хладан. У ретким случајевима ЕКСТРЕМНОГ времена (нпр. ураган!), обавестићемо све госте чим се донесе одлука о отказивању.<ли>Не препоручује се за особе млађе од 8 година.<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са озбиљним потребама у исхрани<ли>ОГРАНИЧЕЊА У ДЈЕТЕТУ морају се унапред обавестити директно у Цхарлестон Цулинари Тоурс (843.259.2966 или инфо@цхарлестонцулинаритоурс.цом) <ли>ОГРАНИЧЕЊА У ДЈЕТЕТУ не може се сместити без претходне најаве (најмање 36 сати пре времена обиласка)<ли>Не можемо прихватити ограничења за вегане, млечне производе/лактозу или соју.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи који су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додаци
Шта да очекујете
Након што се упознате са својим водичем за гурмане на првој локацији ресторана у центру Чарлстона, почећете своју пешачку туру и посетите 3-4 ресторана, где ћете пробати јела у сваком, а затим ћете завршити за десерт. Свака посета траје 20 до 30 минута, а ви ћете седети да одморите ноге. За већину људи, количина послужене хране је довољна за оброк. Док уживате у шетњи овим историјским делом града, слушајте приче о култури и кухињи Чарлстона од свог водича, који указује на знаменитости дуж ваше руте. Ово дивно искуство ће се завршити на пјешачкој удаљености од ваше почетне тачке. *Молимо да посаветујете о Алергије у ( Одељак са посебним захтевима) током одјаве! *Ограничења у исхрани морају бити саопштена најмање 24 сата унапред да би се применили *Нажалост, не можемо да прихватимо веганску дијету, дијету без млека или соју
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (792)
Sushila N
Sep 2018
We enjoyed our Charleston Culinary tour. We went to four different restaurants, Eli’s table was our favorite but they were all worth a visit. Alcohol is not included in the tour, just soft drinks. Our guide was entertaining and covered the history of Charleston. There was enough food so we did not need dinner. We rang ahead of time and they kindly managed having me as a vegetarian. The tour took about 2.5 hours and was worth doing. A great way to start your visit in Charleston as it orients you to the city and gives you ideas of places to visit.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Thanks for the informative review Sushila! We couldn't agree more that a Charleston Culinary Tour is a great way to begin a visit to the Holy City. As we are always looking to improve, we would love if you reached out to us and let us know how we could have made this a 5-star experience for you. Happy to hear that you enjoyed the tour overall and hope to host you again next time you are in town!
Kristin D
Sep 2018
Excellent food and the best tour guide. Dustin was friendly and knowledgeable. Was a fun and delicious afternoon!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2018
Thank you for the kind words about our Downtown Charleston Culinary Tour Kristin! We are certainly lucky to have Dustin as one of our guides. Glad y'all enjoyed his tour and had a tasty time!
Denise P
Aug 2018
If I were to rate our tour guide alone she deserves 5 plus stars. Dale was excellent. She did a great job explaining the history of Downtown Charleston. She knew her history well and after learning a little about Charleston I started to love it even more. I rated it minus 2 stars because the service was horrible at most places and I didn't care for a couple of the dishes. Eli's table was my favorite stop. They served shrimp and grits, chicken and waffles and a sweet potato pancake. All were delicious. Service was good. He explained each item and was good about refilling water. Our second stop was Craftsmen Kitchen & Tap House. They served Mexican street corn, sweet potato slice and a Mediterranean salad. The corn was my favorite. Corn was crispy and the sauces were delicious. I also liked the Mediterranean salad. They also sell over 300 beers. I ordered the local flight, which was refreshing. Service was good. She explained each dish, refilled our waters and also gave us water to go. Third stop was Low Country Bistro. They served she crab and jambalaya. The she crab was horrible. Didn't taste anything like crab. It almost tasted like warm pudding. No flavor. On the other hand, the jambalaya was amazing. I absolutely loved it. My favorite dish out of everything I tried. Service was awful. No one explained the dishes to us. No one cared to bother refilling waters. Kind of just served us the food and walked away. At one point our guide asked how the jambalaya was made and they didn't know. Our last stop for dessert was Cumberland Smokehouse. Why they would chose a BBQ joint for dessert is beside me. It was the worst spot for me personally. Was not impressed with the service or the dessert. It's kind of an embarrassment that they would even call what they served us banana pudding with homemade vanilla wafers. The dessert did not even taste like banana. The wafers were stale and didn't taste homemade. I really enjoyed our tour guide. If it wasn't for her (Dale) and her knowledge of the city this experience would have been a disaster. My personal opinion as for the restaurants that are selected for this tour, maybe try to endorse restaurants that actually give a crap about customer service. It would have been a lot better if we were welcomed. I didn't feel comfortable at my last two stops. Felt more like a burden. Bad business.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2018
Thanks for the feedback Denise. We are happy to hear that you had such a wonderful time with Dale and that the 1st half of your tour went so well, but of course disappointed to hear that the rest of the tour did not seem to meet our expectations. In regards to service, thank you for reaching out and informing us of this issue. Our tour guides LOVE to talk about food and sometimes, as you pointed out, this can result in the server yielding the floor for the guide to do their thing. After developing a daily relationship with some of the serving staff over the years, we perhaps have become too self-sufficient on the tour and will reevaluate the tour guide/server relationship. We have reached out the establishments mentioned, as well as communicating with our guides and other partner restaurants about ways to best integrate exceptional table service alongside a thorough narrative, so that the service is exemplified rather than overshadowed. We're so glad that you enjoyed most of the dishes on your tour, but sorry to hear that the she crab soup and banana pudding were not to your liking. In regards to the soup, we include it on the tour because, not only did She Crab Soup originate here and is now a staple of our cuisine, but the recipe at Lowcountry Bistro (originated at sister restaurant 82 Queen) has won the local vote for Best She Crab Soup every year since 2010. It is generally well-received, but, like Boiled Peanuts, it is a unique dish and may not be to everyone's taste, regardless of whether or not they are trying the best. As to the banana pudding, there may have been some miscommunication about the dish, which could have effected the tasting experience. It is a homemade banana pudding (a Southern classic that comes from our British and Caribbean influences that is particularly popular at BBQ events), with slices of banana, traditional Nilla Wafers, and an added twist of Krispy Kreme donut pieces. How off-putting the texture must have been to be expecting wafer but actually eating donut instead! We are sorry that these 2 dishes and some of the service made this a near-disastrous experience for you, but thank you again for taking the time to provide feedback as we are always looking for ways to improve.

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