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Обилазак хране у центру Чарлстона

Кулинарска тура у центру Чарлстона у трајању од 2,5 сата посећује четири различита ресторана и комбинује елементе историјске турнеје са кулинарском авантуром! Сазнајте више о историји Чарлстона док уживате у дегустацијама традиционалних фаворита и савремених иновација, које све истичу кухињу ресторана у локалном власништву. Увид у кухињу ниске земље прати широк спектар узорака на вашем обиласку хране. Ово је наша оригинална турнеја по Француској четврти и градској пијаци и фокусира се на традиционалне укусе региона.
Цити: Цхарлестон
Wed 25 Sep
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Са почетком у $85.00
Wed 25 Sep
Са почетком у $85.00
Шта је укључено
Све унапред одабране дегустације хране у 4 ресторана у Чарлстону (оброк за већину)
2,5-часовна кулинарска шетња у центру Чарлстона
Туристички водич са сертификатом града који даје причу о историји и храни Чарлстона
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>ОГРАНИЧЕЊА У ДЈЕТЕТУ морају бити саопштена директно Цхарлестон Цулинари Тоурс-у (843-259-2966) најмање *36 сати* пре вашег заказаног обиласка да би били смештени.<ли>Вегански, млечни производи/лактоза, & ограничења у вези са сојом не могу бити адекватно прилагођена. Гости са вишеструким алергијама треба да контактирају Цхарлестон Цулинари Тоурс пре резервације како би потврдили смештај.<ли>Не можемо преузети одговорност за особе са тешким алергијама.<ли>Улажемо све напоре да обезбедимо комплетан оброк за госте. за све госте, међутим, замене за ограничења у исхрани можда неће бити 1-за-1 са редовним понудама обилазака.<ли>Препоручујемо одећу прилагођену временским приликама и удобне ципеле за шетњу.<ли>Туре се одвијају по киши. или сјај, врућ или хладан. У ретким случајевима ЕКСТРЕМНОГ времена (нпр. ураган!), обавестићемо све госте чим се донесе одлука о отказивању.<ли>Не препоручује се за особе млађе од 8 година.<ли>Не препоручује се за путнике са озбиљним потребама у исхрани<ли>ОГРАНИЧЕЊА У ДЈЕТЕТУ морају се унапред обавестити директно у Цхарлестон Цулинари Тоурс (843.259.2966 или инфо@цхарлестонцулинаритоурс.цом) <ли>ОГРАНИЧЕЊА У ДЈЕТЕТУ не може се сместити без претходне најаве (најмање 36 сати пре времена обиласка)<ли>Не можемо прихватити ограничења за вегане, млечне производе/лактозу или соју.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи који су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додаци
Шта да очекујете
Након што се упознате са својим водичем за гурмане на првој локацији ресторана у центру Чарлстона, почећете своју пешачку туру и посетите 3-4 ресторана, где ћете пробати јела у сваком, а затим ћете завршити за десерт. Свака посета траје 20 до 30 минута, а ви ћете седети да одморите ноге. За већину људи, количина послужене хране је довољна за оброк. Док уживате у шетњи овим историјским делом града, слушајте приче о култури и кухињи Чарлстона од свог водича, који указује на знаменитости дуж ваше руте. Ово дивно искуство ће се завршити на пјешачкој удаљености од ваше почетне тачке. *Молимо да посаветујете о Алергије у ( Одељак са посебним захтевима) током одјаве! *Ограничења у исхрани морају бити саопштена најмање 24 сата унапред да би се применили *Нажалост, не можемо да прихватимо веганску дијету, дијету без млека или соју
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (792)
April C
May 2018
Before booking our culinary tour, I read all these amazing reviews and couldn't wait! My friend and I were hoping to try some different things for possible lunch/dinner options later in the week. Unfortunately, we didn't get the guide everyone was raving about. We got Angela, and it was just awful. She is a terrible story-teller and interjects way too much personal stuff into the mix. We went to 3 restaurants and then Kaminsky's for dessert. By the time we got to the 3rd restaurant, I was having trouble staying awake, no exaggeration. She talked way too much, except at Kaminsky's, which was nice, because we finally started chatting among the other tourist in our group. I wish she had talked briefly at each restaurant and then allowed us time to actually talk among ourselves. The food at the restaurants wasn't that great. We sampled 3 really small things from each restaurant. One restaurant sent out a burnt pork roll, hummus, and a 1-inch piece of corn on the cob. Another restaurant did a flaming oyster, so if you don't like oysters, that's disappointing. I was not impressive with the food at all; nothing I ate made me want to go back to the restaurant later for a meal. My friend and I could not WAIT for this tour to be over. If it hadn't been so expensive, we would have left the group after the second restaurant. Hopefully if you do decide to do this tour, you won't get Angela. If you do, drink some coffee to stay awake! It was very obvious with the other tourist that they didn't care much for her story telling too. At one point during the tour, between the 1st and 2nd restaurants, we stood outside on a street corner for a good 20 minutes getting a history lesson. Normally this would be interesting to me, but we'd already done several other tours for historical purposes and were rather annoyed because we were under the impression it was a CULINARY tour. During the street-corner rambling, quite a few people in our group ventured off to take pictures or just played on their phones, so I am pretty confident we weren't the only ones that were disappointed with the tour.
Emiliz R
May 2018
Okay, so this tour is worth it because you eat an ample amount, get a variety of foods to eat, the tour guides 'Hoon Calhoun' pace was accommodating, and our guides did tell us some some funny and interesting history and stories, just enough to be charming. I gave this tour 4 stars instead of 5 for a couple reasons. So our tour guide was informative but I also felt he stayed with one table for more time than the rest. I think he could have been better with making sure he spoke to everybody. I came for the food so it didn't bother me overmuch but I did notice it and other tour guides have made more of an effort to include everyone in the conversation. Perhaps he was tired. 'Hoon Calhoun' was our tour guide, yep, that's what he called himself. He was very Southern, funny, and knowledgeable. He was quite a character. Now, on the most important part....the food. We went to Eli's Table first to have Chicken and Waffles (YUM), shrimp and grits, and sweet potato pancakes. All three of these meals were a proper portion size and delicious. My FAVORITE was the shrimp and grits and I'm going to let you in on a little secret I have never liked grits. I have tried grits in Philly, my home city, and found its consistency and flavor to be off putting so I was apprehensive to try shrimp with grits but 'Eli's table' knocked it out of the park, just delicious and savory. After that we went to three other restaurants so you are looking to have around four meals which I think is the right amount for a food tour. I can not remember the names of the other restaurants but some of the food we had was cheese fritters, corn bread, fried okra, oysters, fried green tomatoes, and we topped it off with desert which was a pecan and fudge dessert. Some of the food were not my cup of tea, but we all have different tastes so that is bound to happen. I did notice that in the place that we had the oysters and fried okra which was the most fancy more people did leave food on their plates. The pecan and fudge dessert was good, but I have honestly had better dessert in Philly. It was apparently the most requested dessert at the restaurant we attended and it was good...don't misunderstand me, but it was not marvelous. The best dishes were in my opinion from the first and second restaurants we visited which comprised of the chicken and waffles, sweet potato pancakes, shrimp and grits, cheese fritters, pulled pork sandwich, and buttery corn bread. If you can attend this tour go for it, it was fun and most of the food was scrumptious. Also, for all of Hoon Calhoun's faults I think he was the picture of Southern and a special type of charming. You'll see what I mean if you meet him. I will also say that this was my mom's favorite tour and we went to around six tours.
Kelly S
May 2018
If you go on a food tour make sure you get Hoon Calhoun. Wonderful guide with more knowledge about Charleston than other locals. He grew up in the area, knows all the chefs in town, carriage drivers and locals in the market. Hoon has a great sense of humor and can tell a story like no other. He keeps you laughing and engages all those in the party. We had an amazing time learning about the Low Country cuisine and the rich history of Charleston.

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