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Обилазак хране у центру Вест Палм Беацха

Обујте ципеле за шетњу и понесите апетит за обилазак центра Вест Палм Бича са храном. Пијуцкајте, пробајте и уживајте у укусу Јужне Флориде уз дегустације из најбољих ресторана у локалном власништву. Очекујте укусну храну, дашак историје, живахну уличну уметност и луде приче током ове лагане шетње од 2,5 миље. Упознаћете куваре, посетити награђиване ресторане, учити о тропском воћу и пробати најбољу питу са лиметом у граду! Прехрамбени туризам је врхунски тренд у путовањима, па нам се придружите и сазнајте о чему се ради.
Цити: Вест Палм Беацх
Sat 16 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $85.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $85.00
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Све дегустације хране, доста за ручак
Све таксе и порези
1 мали коктел
Потпуна тура са историјом, културом и уличном уметношћу
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Максимално 14 људи по обиласку<ли>1 1/2 миље лаганог хода са 2 - 3 блока између ресторана.<ли>Препоручују се удобне ципеле за ходање<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно<ли>Деца су добродошла међутим у овој турнеји највише уживају особе старије од 8 година<ли>Минимална доб за пиће је 21 годину<ли>Молимо вас да у тренутку резервације обавестите да ли бисте више волели безалкохолну верзију нашег коктела за обилазак<ли>Молимо вас да обавестите о свим ограничењима у исхрани у пољу Посебни захтеви у време резервације. Можемо да прихватимо следеће алергије/ограничења на храну: вегетаријанско, песцатаријанско, без свињског меса, алергија на шкољке, алергија на рибу, алергију на орахе. <ли>Обавестите нас да ли славите рођендан или годишњицу у пољу Посебни захтеви у време резервације.<ли>Не препоручује се гостима са вишеструким ограничењима/алергијама на храну.<ли>•• Храна ће бити појединачно на тањиру •• Округ Палм Бич више нема мандат за маску
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Коментара (512)
Nov 2016
This is a brilliant concept and one of the nicest ways you can spend an afternoon in West Palm Beach, Florida. Our guide Lauren was both personable and knowledgeable about the downtown West Palm Beach culture and vibe - and was well versed with the restaurants and offerings we sampled. She made us feel right at home; like old friends visiting from out of town she was looking forward to showing around town. Our tour included a little bit of art & architecture appreciation, a little cultural history, and a lot of discussion of culinary influences which perfectly framed the offerings from six local restaurants within walking distance of each other. The food offerings and midday timing are a chance for the restaurants to showcase their signature dishes - as well as their atmosphere and ambiance- in appetizer portions - and they were delightful. Our tour also offered the option of sampling signature craft cocktails, and I highly recommend you take advantage of that to appreciate the full range of culinary expertise that is showcased on this tour. My Wife and I are are never shy asking for local restaurant recommendations - but this was the first organized Food Tour we ever did in city we visited. It will be the first of many to come. Bottom line: Great experience: go!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2016
WOW...thank you for a fantastic review! I feel like we just received an A+ on our report card, and my favorite comment was, "Lauren made us feel right at home; like old friends visiting from out of town she was looking forward to showing around town." That's exactly what we strive to do everyday...make our guests feel like friends, help them discover new restaurants, learn about our city and even offer advice on other fun things to do in the area. I'm thrilled more food tours are in your future...just remember your first and favorite food tour in West Palm Beach.
azhar r
Nov 2016
Lots of great food and drink, a lovely variety of restaurants, sprinkled with owners who treat you like friends, a large portion of art and history, stirred with very large pinch of friendly, funny and informative guidance. There you have the perfect recipe for a fantastic family day out in West Palm Beach. We took the tour as a couple in late August and were slightly concerned that we were the only other couple there. We need not have been concerned. Everything was as we could only have imagined – just perfect. From the starting canapés and drinks at the first restaurant, to the coconut cafe and the pizza towards the end. A perfectly restructured mobile meal around some of the nicest and most welcoming places in the town. All accompanied by a commentary delivered with a great sense of fun, style and empathy. The tour was at our pace and nothing to extraneous. We discussed the food and drink with our guide and the other couple, making new friends. Many of these things many of the places that we visited we would not have come across otherwise during our week in Florida. Overall, a great way to enjoy the area and enjoy the hospitality of the town. Thanks for an amazing day
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2016
You win the award for the most creative review! I love the recipe for a fantastic family day out in West Palm Beach, and I'm thrilled we met your expectations. In August, guests often shy away from a walking tour because they're afraid they will be too hot, but as you know...we don't walk more than 2 1/2 blocks without getting back into air conditioning, and we try to keep our walking route in the shade as much as possible. Thanks again for sharing a very informative "play-by-play" of the tour...I know this will help other guests have an idea of what to expect.
Nov 2016
My daughter Nicole and I did the tour. We could not had picked a better day for this tour. We really enjoyed it very much. Started off with a nice refreshing cocktail and appetizer. While walking to the next restaurant , our guide gave us some interesting stories about the development of West Palm Beach. We also walked through the Green Market and had some refreshing drink at one of the stands. All the places where we sampled food were delicious. We were full at the end of the tour and went home with a doggy bag. I will definitely recommend this tour. Lots of fun
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2016
Thanks for sharing a delicious "bite-by-bite" description of the West Palm Beach Food Tour! Most people sign up for a food tour with no idea what to expect other than food, so we're glad you enjoyed our historical tidbits and stories about the area. Of course, we love hearing that you were full and had lots of fun!

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