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Обилазак авионом Евергладес из Форт Лодердејла

Истражите Флорида Евергладес у Евергладес Холидаи Парку који се налази у Форт Лаудердале-у уз обилазак ваздушним чамцем,<бр><бр>Започните своје искуство клизећи преко реке траве на 60-минутној турнеји ваздушним чамцем Евергладес са најискуснијим Гладесменима у Јужној Флориди . Уочите егзотичне дивље животиње изблиза, укључујући диносауруса предака Флориде, америчког алигатора. Уз велике брзине, свеж ваздух и мноштво узбуђења, туре ваздушним чамцем Евергладес-ом одржавају енергију целе породице уз неке од најбољих разгледања Флориде.<бр><бр>Имајте на уму: ова карта је само за обилазак ваздушним чамцем.
Цити: Форт Лодердејл
Tue 19 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $41.56
Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $41.56
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1-сатни излет ваздушним чамцем Евергладес из Форт Лодердејла
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Коментара (1000)
Mar 2019
Went here with my family and friends and i can say is is fun for grown ups and the kids too. You connect with nature and the captain(george) gives you a lot of information. They include a group photo with the fee and a Gator show (Chris) made it very entertaining he is kind of funny with his sarcastic jokes 😅😂 I recommend this if you coming to south florida. Please keep in mind alligators 🐊 are in there natural habitat and they get scare and will hide If they feel in danger. You get to see them but not a whole lot. Enjoy
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2019
Thank you for this awesome review! There is something for everyone out here in the Everglades and we are so happy to hear you and your family had a fun time!
Mar 2019
I had family in town from New York (I’m a Floridian) and wanted to do something outside with them as the weather was perfect. We all realized we’ve never been on an airboat ride so we set out for the Everglades. I don’t recall the pricing or if it differentiates for kids/seniors, but don’t be alarmed when paying as it is a little pricey. Before you board the boat, there is a complimentary photo taken of your group which you can pick up afterwards. You set out on an airboat tour with a small group of other people. Our captain Dylan did a really nice job of making sure that everyone who wanted a seat along the edge was able to get one. Almost immediately we saw a North American alligator. The captain also makes sure to spin the boat around so both sides are able to see/take pictures of whatever we’re looking at. The captain also points out other wildlife and shares unique survival tips. After the boat ride you get access to a rescue alligator territory where you will see a gator show and other animals. Your group also gets another complimentary picture!! (THIS is why I said not to worry about the price in the beginning as you get all these souvenirs!) We had a great time and I would definitely bring other family and friends back.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2019
Awesome! We are so happy to hear you had fun with Captain Dylan on the air boat tour! We are so humbled you brought your family here to experience the pristine Florida ecosystem and had fun along the way! Hopefully you all made memories to last a lifetime with us :)
Mar 2019
My husband took this tour as part of a cruise excursion while waiting our flight home. My husband was disappointed in the air boat ride although we did see a gator sunning itself in the Everglades. It was difficult to understand our guide as he was older and his voice didn't carry well over boat noise. I found the tour to be educational although I do agree with my spouse that there wasn't much to it, merely a short ride into the Glades and a few turns and turnarounds. What I did however enjoy very much was the reptile show. I didn't know anything about the "Gator Boys" and found Paul to have a fantastic sense of humor and appreciated his passion and care for these reptiles. And he's a celebrity!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2019
We appreciate you coming out and seeing what we're all about. We apologize if you think we missed the mark in a few aspects. We hope to earn two more stars out of you int he future if you ever decide to give us a second chance! We will pass along your kind message to Gator boy Paul. Thank you!

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