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Обилазак авионом Евергладес из Форт Лодердејла

Истражите Флорида Евергладес у Евергладес Холидаи Парку који се налази у Форт Лаудердале-у уз обилазак ваздушним чамцем,<бр><бр>Започните своје искуство клизећи преко реке траве на 60-минутној турнеји ваздушним чамцем Евергладес са најискуснијим Гладесменима у Јужној Флориди . Уочите егзотичне дивље животиње изблиза, укључујући диносауруса предака Флориде, америчког алигатора. Уз велике брзине, свеж ваздух и мноштво узбуђења, туре ваздушним чамцем Евергладес-ом одржавају енергију целе породице уз неке од најбољих разгледања Флориде.<бр><бр>Имајте на уму: ова карта је само за обилазак ваздушним чамцем.
Цити: Форт Лодердејл
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $41.56
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $41.56
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Коментара (1000)
Jan 2019
The Everglades tour package here is a great deal! A 60 minute airboat tour with knowledgeable guides to fill you in on facts about the Everglades and the critters that inhabit it. Following the tour is a chance to hold a baby gator (free photo included) and a talk about the gator rescue efforts in the area. Whole family fun - even kept the young ones engaged.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2019
What an awesome and comprehensive review, you said it perfectly! One of our favorite things about the Park is that there is something for everyone in the family- we know that's not easy to come by! We hope you pass along all of your newfound knowledge about Florida's pristine eco-system, your critter friends thank you- and we do too!
Dec 2018
I had the pleasure of visiting Everglades Holiday Park the afternoon of Dec. 29. Jessica at Animal Encounters was very informative about the animals in her care, and we were able to hold a young alligator, a boa, and a chubby brown and white skunk. We were also able to pet an opossum. The brown and white skunk was new to me, the others I've already encountered in my lifetime, but this time was a pleasure. Our airboat ride was a blast. Captain Chaos, the Alligator Whisperer, found cute little Bunny. She came swimming toward the boat and swam around showing the length of her body and smiling. Someone mentioned, in another review, that the gator was obviously a robotic fake, if he was on our boat, I wish he had tried to pet her. They're wild animals, not robots. No one can control where and how many may be seen. To see one in the wild was fantastic. The iguanas were amazing, so many large males sunning on rocks or sleeping in the trees. The birds were beautiful, some that I've only seen in pictures. Even Vulture Island was fun to see, with those big guys just roosting up in the trees. Flowering trees and water plants all serving their purpose to keep the everglades and their inhabitants healthy and well-fed. Loud motors, yes, they're loud, but not ear-splitting. How loud do you turn up your car radio for "Bohemian Rhapsody" or "We Are The Champions"? There ya go. Thank you, Captain Chaos for an enjoyable, interesting, and safe ride. Your passion and love of the Everglades is so apparent and infectious. On to the Gator Show. Paul's jokes were good, not corny, the information priceless. If I ever meet up with a gator, I'll know that he really doesn't want to hurt me and I can turn and run like hell. On the way out there is a clear box for donations to help with the preservation of these amazingly beautiful animals. Please help the cause and leave something. The Captains deserve good tips also, they're doing their best to give you a great adventure. I guess you could say I enjoyed the few hours I spent yesterday. Thanks to Captain Chaos and also to Captain KC (female Captain) for introducing me to Everglades Holiday Park. I will forever be their cheerleader.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2018
Wow, what an awesome and thoughtful review! It's people like you that accompany us at our sanctuary, and make us come to work each day with a smile on our face. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us, and we are so very happy our staff's willing to do their absolute best to make sure our guests are being informed and entertained. We'll let everyone who chimed in on your adventure know how much they did for you while with us! It's also great knowing that our rides are not only fun, but educational all at once! We sure do hope you made some animal friends along the way, and come back soon!
Dec 2018
we purchased the tickets in advance and had to find a printer as the venue was only willing to accept paper voucher; hard to do on vacation but we accomplished it. the tour was okay, we saw one alligator a few birds, but not what we expected. The best part was the speeding boat portion of the tour. Overall It was ok. the alligator show with the "gator girl" was probably the most interesting. Overall, it was okay and they did provide a free photo at the end of the show.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2018
We are so sorry you were not fully satisfied with your experience, but are glad that you still found your time with us okay. We are always so grateful to share our love and knowledge to the public, and are always aiming to improve all of our guests' experience. We're open every single day throughout the year, so we hope we get to see you again for another chance. We'll make sure it's a magical one. Maybe even get a private animal encounter with a few of our furry friends? They're always so sweet!

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