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Обилазак авионом Евергладес из Форт Лодердејла

Истражите Флорида Евергладес у Евергладес Холидаи Парку који се налази у Форт Лаудердале-у уз обилазак ваздушним чамцем,<бр><бр>Започните своје искуство клизећи преко реке траве на 60-минутној турнеји ваздушним чамцем Евергладес са најискуснијим Гладесменима у Јужној Флориди . Уочите егзотичне дивље животиње изблиза, укључујући диносауруса предака Флориде, америчког алигатора. Уз велике брзине, свеж ваздух и мноштво узбуђења, туре ваздушним чамцем Евергладес-ом одржавају енергију целе породице уз неке од најбољих разгледања Флориде.<бр><бр>Имајте на уму: ова карта је само за обилазак ваздушним чамцем.
Цити: Форт Лодердејл
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $41.56
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $41.56
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Коментара (1000)
Feb 2018
Captain Mark was one funny guy. He spotted a gator about 4 minutes into the trip and made sure everyone in the airboat got a picture. He took us close to shore and called out to a bird, beautiful Purple Gallinule, and she walked out to us on the lily pads and ate some food from Captain Mark. He really did know his stuff, was funny and could pilot that boat really well.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2018
Thank you for visiting! We are so glad to hear you enjoyed your experience with us. We will be sure to share your compliments with the Captain and hope to see you again soon.
Feb 2018
I remember when you could go there and ACTUALLY enjoy the experience. Now you feel like cattle, herded into lanes. Even though numerical lanes when you purchase your tickets, MANY OTHER GROUPS take priority. So what was initially a 20 minute wait when I purchased my tickets, turned into a one hour fiasco. The ride was no more than a few hundred yards from where you started, going around in circles with a dozen other boats, chasing the same Alligator. In the past, you would go way out into the Everglades, including a Village visit, where you would see an Alligator show too, also covering MANY MILES of scenery. Now you see a 10 minute show, with the same few Alligators, either before boarding your ride or after the ride, depending on how many people are in line. Cost is up to about $35 per person and really a sad ride. Cruise passengers, get the priority treatment. So, if you are not purchasing a PRIVATE Tour, expect to have everyone else get in front of you.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2018
Thank you for sharing your experience with us, we want to make sure we provide the best experience possible, and your honest feedback means a lot. We're sorry to hear you had a long wait, and we understand how frustrating that can be. Unfortunately, we don't always know when a high amount of people come to the park, so we try to accommodate our guests as quickly as possible so you can enjoy your time at the park. Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts with us!
Feb 2018
A trip to Everglades Holiday Park can be an enjoyable event and is a favorite place of mine to take visitors from out of town so that they can view some of the natural wonders nature has provided us with in this area of Florida. Though it's a rather rustic place, far from being first class, it is inexpensive and does offer some of the best airboat tours you can find for the money. The airboat guides are all knowledgeable, friendly and well versed not only as to the plant and animal life of the area but as to its history and its importance as well. There is plenty to be seen from birds, alligators, turtles to the surrounding plant life. If you are going on tours, however, I would avoid Sundays since even in the off season summer months, this place can become packed since it is a favorite not only with motorcyclists and tourists but locals as well. They also offer an alligator show, which in my humble opinion isn't one of the best but generally included with your tour as well as approximately 100 camping facilities. Though they term the camping facilities as "deluxe," that may only be because many have hookups for sewage and electric. In actuality, other than the hookups, they are bare ground, without RV pads and can become a rather soggy mess in the event of heavy rains. There is also a souvenir shop, fishing supplies, and boat rentals. As far as fishing, it is well posted that you must have a Florida fishing license but you may want to check on that if you are a Florida resident over 65 years of age as you may be exempt. Also, though very limited, general grocery supplies and a small order from the counter only restaurant named "Gator Bites & Frog Legs" which, besides various other items actually does serve gator as well as frog legs.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2018
Thank you for visiting. Seeing the Everglades from an airboat is something we hope everyone gets to enjoy at least once in their lifetime. We are glad to hear you liked it. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience and feedback with us. We appreciate that so much and hope to see you again soon.

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