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Ексклузивни Пацк Цреек Беар Виевинг фром Јунеау

Укрцајте се у незаборавну авантуру у дивљини Аљаске на овом једнодневном излету за мале групе у област за посматрање смеђих медведа Пацк Цреек, заштићену локацију за дивље животиње са највећом концентрацијом мрких медведа на свету! Од Џуноа, придружите се свом водичу у сликовитој вожњи водним авионом преко унутрашњег пролаза Аљаске и националне шуме Тонгасс до острва Виндфалл. Затим, возите кајаком до ушћа Пак Крика на Адмиралитетском острву и сведочите смеђим медведима у њиховом природном станишту – заиста искуство које се дешава једном у животу! <бр><бр>*Кајакарство зависи од временских прилика. Вожња кајаком није укључена од 15. маја до 15. јуна и од 1. до 10. септембра, гости ће летети директно у уточиште медведа Пацк Цреек током овог периода. <бр><бр>Област посматрања смеђег медведа Пацк Цреек захтева дозволу за посету, а по први пут од 1997. године, Национална шумарска служба је доделила ове ексклузивне и ограничене дозволе за посете туроператорима. Резервишите ову турнеју како бисте били сигурни да не пропустите невероватну прилику да уђете у простор за гледање.
Цити: Јунеау
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $1083.47
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $1083.47
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Морате да наведете следеће у одељку за коментаре приликом резервације: величине обуће и обуће за сваког путника (за одрасле мушкарце и жене, С-КСКСЛ и младе, С-Л) и све релевантне медицинске информације<ли>Максимална тежина по особи је 250 фунти (113 килограма)<ли>Потребне су најмање 2 особе по резервацији<ли>Минимална старост је 12 година године<ли>Постоји бесповратна накнада за резервацију од 50 УСД када се ово путовање резервише. Ово се не може рефундирати из било ког разлога, укључујући временске отказе.<ли>Уочавање медведа није загарантовано. Ово је дивља Аљаска!<ли>Путовања од 15. маја до 15. јуна и од 1. до 10. септембра НЕЋЕ укључивати вожњу кајаком. Гости ће летети директно у уточиште медведа Пацк Цреек.<ли>Због ризика који су инхерентни у овој врсти обиласка, трудницама није дозвољено да учествују.<ли>Погледање медведа Пацк Цреек. Подручје је подручје дивљине без објеката, тоалета или склоништа на лицу места. Сво ђубре и отпад морају бити спаковани.<ли>Ово путовање се одвија у свим временским условима (осим несигурних услова, које ће утврдити АБАК) – молимо вас да нагласите својим клијентима важност одговарајућег облачења. <ли>ОБРАЗАЦ ОСЛОБАЂАЊЕ ОД ОДГОВОРНОСТИ/ПРЕУЗИМАЊЕ РИЗИКА: Сваки учесник на путовању мора потписати образац за ослобађање од одговорности/Преузимање ризика на почетку путовања.<ли> Наши кајаци могу да приме. максимални пречник торза (струк-грудни кош) од 55 инча (140 цм). Максимална тежина је 600 фунти (272 кг) за кајаке дупле. Људи виши од 6’2″ (188цм) сматрају да је управљање кормилом изазовно, јер се педале прилагођавају само на одређено максимално растојање; међутим, људи високи и до 6'8 инча су могли да веслају нашим кајацима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфицирају<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Изнад и изван Аљаске
Локација нашег складишта је доступна за складиштење пртљага, купатила и ресурсе.
Пацк Цреек на Адмиралитетском острву
Уточиште медведа Пацк Цреек на Адмиралитетском острву дом је најгушће концентрације смеђих медведа на свету. Дођите да нам се придружите да истражите ову "Тврђаву медведа" на удаљеној дивљој Аљасци.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (16)
Sep 2021
Booked twice with Above and Beyond Alaska. Company is excellent: organized, prompt, friendly, and professional. My first trip was kayaking with whales, which was AMAZING!!! (I left a review.) This bear trip was Ok. That is based on my expectations, and how the day played out. Of course, animals are unpredictable. This was a kayak trip, too, but I learned when I artived that day that kayaking was cancelled. Heard a couple reasons why, though still unsure. I conveyed that such info should have been provided much sooner. Met at their location, geared up, and headed to the float plane. Kristan, pleasant, personable and knowledgeable, was our fearless leader, another member, Mallory, joining us. First time on a tiny float plane, the ride was pretty cool. Flight about 25 minutes. Arrived on Admiralty Island. As everywhere in Alaska the scenery is stunning. A short hike to Pack Creek. There is a viewing area, with some logs to sit. Either a park ranger or someone from fish and wildlife there to make sure humans behave, and not lure the bears closer with peanut butter. Across the way, bears. No fence or barrier. We saw a mom and 2 cubs, each initially napping. An older female also arrived and caught a salmon, so saw her in action. The other 3 bears ultimately awoke, stirring a bit. Possibly a fifth bear far down the creek, but by then it could have been the older female, as grass is high and she could have made her way there. (Some thought it a male. Dunno.) We returned to the beach to lunch, then a 3 mile roundtrip, ankle-breaking (lots of rocks, roots, branches) moderate hike to another creek with a twenty foot viewing platform. Great view. No bears. My expectations were different and probably unrealistic, expecting to see active bears fairly up close, and maybe wrestling one :-) At Pack Creek the mother and cubs were at least 100 yards away, the older female a bit closer when fishing for salmon. At the other creek with the tower, if Yogi and Boo Boo strolled by they would be closer. Unfortunately, they were prowling another area for picnic baskets that day. At other places such as Brooks Falls and Lake Clark, bears can stroll right by folks (insert frightened emoji). That is more of what I expected. Depending upon what is important for guests, many may find this trip a treat overall. Wasn’t quite the adventure for me, and of course it is very pricey.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2021
Thank you Greg for taking the time to write a review. We appreciate you leaving this feedback and providing us an opportunity to respond. We apologize that this tour did not meet your expectations. The kayak portion of this tour was cancelled due to weather. The forecast for this date was calling for deteriorating marine conditions. The time that would have been spent kayaking was replaced with additional bear viewing time at Pack Creek. We assess weather on every trip and this weather decision was made the day prior to the tour, all guests received the notification. Safety is our number one priority with our company. We are happy to hear you enjoyed the scenery and the floatplane experience. Pack Creek Brown Bear Sanctuary is a regulated bear viewing area and the Forest Service only allows a limited number of visitors per day. There are designated viewing platforms in the sanctuary in order to limit our impact and presence while in their habitat. Most of the bear viewing happens from the safety of the viewing areas, at a distance. However, on occasion we can get closer views of bears while we are walking along the beach or on the trail to the viewing tower. All visitors entering Pack Creek have to follow these same guidelines. Based on your description of how many bears you saw, it sounds like that was a great day in Pack Creek. Wildlife is unpredictable and it is an amazing day when you see 5 bears, especially a mom and her cubs. Thank you for joining us for this adventure and our Paddle with Whales Kayaking Adventure. Please know that your feedback is of tremendous value as we continue to strive to offer customer service and wilderness adventures of the highest quality and caliber. Please feel free to get in touch with any other questions, comments or concerns. Thanks again for coming out with us and we hope you had a wonderful time in Juneau.
Melissa S
Jul 2021
I get wildlife is unpredictable and you can’t guarantee bears but let’s face it, it’s an expensive tour and when you get off the plane and one of the first thing the ranger says to you is “none of the groups have had any bear citing the past few days, maybe you guys will have better luck today,” it kind of makes you wonder. The sea plane ride was about the best part of the day. Admiralty island was scenic like much of Alaska. We did not see any wildlife except a bald Eagle and a deer. No bears all day. The guide was okay. At the end of the day, even if I had seen 1 or 2 bears, I don’t think it was worth the money. You fly on a plane, sit on a bunch of logs and wait for bears … if you’re lucky, maybe you see a couple. I actually saw bears and wildlife on my day trip to Tracy Arm with another tour company - a lot less money and much more wildlife. The company also says they offer no transportation to pick up guests. I took trip with this company the day prior and had to shell out $70 bucks just to get a taxi to and from their office. I was annoyed when the guide of this trip offered to drop off some of the other group members and pick them up for a tour the next day when my group was left to find a taxi - unprofessional in my opinion. Would overall not recommend this tour based on my experience.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Thank you Melissa for taking the time to write a review. We appreciate you leaving this feedback and providing us an opportunity to address your concerns. We apologize that this tour did meet your expectations. Wildlife is very unpredictable and never guaranteed, as stated on our website. The best time to view bears is when the salmon are running or they have a solid food source. This is either in May to early June when they are clamming and foraging at the low tide, or when the salmon start running in early July. Unfortunately, salmon were late to arrive in Pack Creek this season and there was a lull from early July to mid July. Mother Nature can be unpredictable. We are finally seeing salmon arrive into the creek and the bear sightings should increase for the remainder of the season. Your trip was the first trip to not see bears this season. When there are not bear sightings on a trip, we immediately inform all future clients going on the Pack Creek tour with us during that same week and give them the option to either cancel or continue with the trip. To date, 100% of our clients who were informed about the lack of bear viewing have proceeded to go on tour with us because they were excited about an adventure that includes a scenic float plane ride to Admiralty Island and a remote wilderness experience. We apologize that the transportation did not meet your standards. We did not operate tours in 2020 due to COVID-19 and with the pandemic still ongoing, we had to make changes to our services provided for the 2021 season to ensure we opened cautiously and safely. One of those changes was our complimentary transportation pick up service. For the 2021 season only, we are requiring all trips to meet at our main office location in order to conduct temperature checks and have a COVID-19 waiver signed before participating in the tour. Once at our office location, we do provide transport to the various locations where we operate our tours. In addition, we offer complimentary transportation after the tour back to all major hotels in the Mendenhall Valley and in downtown Juneau. Before booking any tour with us, it is stated on our website and on the individual trip pages that the meeting location is our main office. In addition, the confirmation and reminder emails that you received clearly state the meeting location is at our office. Please know that your feedback is of tremendous value as we continue to strive to offer customer service and wilderness adventures of the highest quality and caliber. Please feel free to get in touch with any other questions, comments or concerns. Thanks again for coming out with us and we hope you had a wonderful time in Juneau.
Jun 2021
Pack creek tour was the highlight of our Alaska trip. We had an amazing time on the island. We saw 7 bears. We saw a mama bear with two of her cubs from ten feet distance- what an amazing experience. Crew was awesome- they took great care of us. We never felt unsafe given the number of bears in the area. If you can, I will highly recommend this tour for any Juneau bound travelers.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2021
Such an amazing trip out to Pack Creek! Thank you for for joining us and thank you for sharing!

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