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Породично пењање по стенама у Националном парку Џошуа Трее (4 сата)

Од пењача по први пут до деце такмичарског тима, постоје могућности за фантастично пењање у Националном парку Џошуа Трее. Имамо искуство у вођењу породица са мешовитим искуством у пењању и знамо најбоље стене које ће задовољити свачије амбиције! Без обзира на ниво вашег искуства, жеље или циљеве, фантастично пењање је спремно и чека вас!!! Имамо водиче узраста од 2 до 80 година и имамо специјалну опрему као што су мале кациге за пењање, лепљиве гумене ципеле за пењање за бебе и појасеви за цело тело за мале људе или трудне маме! Путовање од 4 сата је одлично за људе који желе да се фокусирају на пењање. Обично имамо кратке приступе и посећујемо само 1-2 камене формације како бисмо већи део вашег путовања провели пењући се на што више рута!
Цити: палм Спрингс
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $225.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $225.00
Шта је укључено
Обезбеђена опрема за пењање
Професионално сертификовани водич за пењање по стенама и први одговор у дивљини
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Цене за одрасле важе за све пењаче
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (19)
Nov 2020
My kids had a wonderful experience climbing with Alex. We almost thought he didn't show because we didn't realize that there is a second parking lot around the corner from the first one. Thankfully we figured that out. My boys are 9&7 and have no climbing experience. Alex took them through 4 climbing spots, coaching the whole way. It was their favorite part of our trip and we would definitely book again.
Feb 2020
Aron was our guide for a family half-day climbing experience in Joshua Tree National Park - two adults, two children (11 and 13 y.o.). We've done a bit of climbing before but mostly indoor. We had a fantastic experience - the climbs that Aron set up were definitely challenging but not too difficult - and we all came away with a real sense of achievement. It was pretty non-stop for the half-day so was good value for money. Organisation of the experience was easy - email communication from Stone Adventures was timely and informative. Their equipment was high-quality and fit well (harnesses, helmets, shoes) - you can tell that Stone Adventures put a premium on safety. Joshua Tree NP itself is incredibly beautiful. All in all I think the climbing experience with Stone Adventures was the perfect way to keep our children engaged (our trip to Joshua Park NP came at the tail-end of a couple of weeks' touring of other national parks).
Nicole F
Jan 2020
Luke, Alex and Greg led our group of nine people, all different ages and abilities on a perfect climbing experience. Some of us it was a first time, for others it was the chance to practice. We met Alex and Luke at the office around 8 where all gear was supplied (shoes, harnesses, helmets and even extra jackets). Greg had gone ahead into the park and secured some lines so we weren't left waiting while lines were set up. All three were supportive of the newbies, encouraging those that wanted to climb harder and at all times made sure we were safe. We've been going to Joshua Tree NP for years but the first time we arranged a climb. Hands down one of the best experiences we've had, we would love to do it again! Highly recommended!

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