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Улазнице за Природњачки музеј Фиелд

Истражите преко 40 милиона артефаката, укључујући СУЕ, највећи и најкомплетнији Т. рек икада откривен! Откријте 23 мумије у реконструисаној египатској гробници, нашој блиставој дворани драгуља или на путовању у моћно царство Астека! Упознајте Максима, нашег најновијег титаносауруса на више од два спрата! Здравље наших гостију и особља је увек наш главни приоритет и желимо вам добродошлицу да безбедно истражите скоро пола милиона квадратних метара отвореног галеријског простора.
Цити: Чикаго
Fri 17 Jan
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Fri 17 Jan
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Улаз у Природњачки музеј Фиелд
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Чикаго<бр>1400 С Лаке Схоре Др,
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са сиромашним кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>3Д филм зависи од доступности. Да бисте резервисали своје време, препоручује се да дођете раније између 9:00 и 12:00.<ли>Мапе музеја и водичи са истакнутим деловима доступни су на енглеском, шпанском, француском, немачком, италијанском, мандаринском кинеском, јапанском, корејском, пољском и португалском<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање наметнуто током искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе <ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Од понедељка, 28. фебруара, Фиелд Мусеум ће укинути захтев да се покаже доказ о вакцини за улазак. Поред тога, маске су предложене, али нису обавезне за улаз у Музеј. Ова политика је у складу са Градом Чикагом.
Шта да очекујете
Фиелд Мусеум
Музеј Фиелд је дом СУЕ, најкомплетнијег Т. рекса, плус више од 35 светски познатих изложби. Откријте унутрашњост древног Египта, где се налазе 23 египатске мумије и хијероглифи стари 5.000 година. У Ундергроунд Адвентуре, посетиоци се „смању“ на 1/100 своје природне величине да би истражили подземни свет. Будите заслепљени у нашој новој Дворани драгуља. Задивите се једној од највећих колекција кинеског жада у Северној Америци у нашој Дворани жада. Путовање кроз 13.000 година историје у Древној Америци од ловца на мамуте из леденог доба до храмова Инка и Астека. Ако тражите диносаурусе - ово је место! Посетите нашу новоуређену дворану диносауруса – Планету која се развија – где се мешају џиновски лењивци, вунасти мамути и диносауруси! Смештен у Музејском кампусу у Чикагу, Музеј Фиелд такође има трпезарије, два 3Д позоришта и ненадмашан поглед на језеро Мичиген и хоризонт у центру Чикага. Музеј поља је незаборавно искуство за посетиоце свих узраста.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (201)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Taylor B
Sep 2020
Where do we begin? What do we want to see? Do we have time to see it all? Just the enormous size of the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago is an exhausting proposition. Located at 1400 South Lake Shore Drive, in the Museum Campus, at the south end of Grant Park, overlooking Monroe Harbor and Lake Michigan, it is recognized as one of the three premier museums in the United States, along with the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and the Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. The massive building, which was opened in 1921, covers 480,000 square feet of exhibit space on three levels and displays 40 million specimens and objects, a full range of existing biodiversity, gems, meteorites, fossils, anthropological collections and cultural artifacts. Its library contains 275,000 books, journals and photo archives on biology, geology, archaeology and ethnology. Are you tired yet? Two million people visit the museum annually. They are mostly attracted to the museum's five permanent exhibitions. Personally, as a historian, I am always fascinated by the Inside Ancient Egypt exhibit, which includes 23 human mummies, an ancient marketplace, a three-story replica of the tomb of the son of the last pharoah of the Fifth Dynasty and 5,000-year-old hieroglyphs. Adults and children alike have been drawn to Sue, the Tyrannosaurus rex, since the exhibit was unveiled in 2000. It is the largest T. rex specimen ever discovered. It is 67 million years old and measures 40.5 feet long by 13 feet tall and once weighed 8.4 to 14 tons. Other must-see exhibits are the animal exhibits and dioramas such as Nature Walk, Mammals of Asia and Mammals of Africa; Evolving Planet, which follows the evolution of life on Earth over four billion years; and Ancient Americas, which covers 13,000 years of human ingenuity and achievement in the Western Hemisphere. Founded in 1893, the museum originated from the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The more you see, the more you want to see. Allow four or five hours to appreciate it all.
Sep 2020
I know how busy the Field Museum can be. When it reopened, I wanted to help support it, especially when they are open at a 25% capacity. If you were ever going to see it and have enough space to take pictures, this is the time. Go early in the day and you won't have to worry about big crowds. Park at Soldier Field and the walk is very easy (there is some construction so the signage is a little confusing but look for the giant Greek Revival building and walk in that direction). Since it is also such a huge facility, that 25% is spaced out so you will see a very small amount of people. They do not have paper maps but they do have electronic maps throughout the Museum so you can very easily take a picture from your phone or scan a QR code. I felt very safe the whole time. As far as the exhibits go, the bird section is really cool. Yes, they are stuffed animals and say what you will about how the specimens were collected, it is fascinating to see them. My daughter is three and didn't question why the animals weren't blinking, breathing, or generally moving. The man-eating Lions of Tsavo are at the end of one of the exhibits and not in the mammal section. Their are arrows on the ground to advise you in a direction to travel (I assume for Covid reasons although maybe they want you to get the full experience of the exhibits) so sticking to them might make it tough to see some displays but really it forces you to go into practically every section. The Africa section is interesting and well laid out, especially in this day and age. I also feel the sections on Native Americans are among the best I have seen at any Museum (save for the Smithsonian's complex). The dinosaurs will be popular with kids, especially Sue who now has her own room. Save some time for that. I had hoped to do the Field and the Shedd on the same day so I had to hurry or miss certain parts, including China, Gems, and Plants. Only for lack of time. I'm sure they are excellent. I wouldn't recommend the Underground Adventure exhibit. It is an extra cost and is basically a few animatronic spiders and signs. I appreciate the effort but we were on a time crunch and just weren't that impressed. Budget a good amount of time to see the Field. There is a lot of reading but even if you aren't reading everything, there are enough three dimensional artifacts to hold anyone's attention. You can buy general admission and have more than enough to see. It is one of the best Museums in Chicago and deserves time.
Aug 2020
Wow - fleshed out Sue is stupendous! She's going on tour soon, so check before you go. The Field is integral to Chicago history, and the taxidermy displays are historical artifacts in their own right. The best way to enjoy it is to step back in time, enjoy the old book smell, peaceful dimly-lit halls, and marvel at how breathtaking the older displays must have been in the days of limited media. Of course there are modern, interactive exhibits as well. There is so much to see and learn, it's hard to imagine any person of any age not finding at least one display worth the visit. Just wish they would streamline entry for members (at the Art Institute you simply flash your card for the scanner and you're in), which is annoyingly cumbersome.

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