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Флорида Евергладес Аирбоат Адвентуре анд Вилдлифе Енцоунтер

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Цити: Форт Лодердејл
Sat 05 Oct
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Са почетком у $28.84
Sat 05 Oct
Са почетком у $28.84
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Укупно трајање посете је око 2 сата
Вожња ваздушним чамцем 30-40 минута
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<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Потребан је датум и време резервације. Обиласци полазе сваких 30 минута од 9:30 до 15:30.<ли>Дете било ког узраста може да ужива у тури ваздушним чамцем. Деца до 3 године су бесплатна. Није потребно куповати карту за узраст до 3 године.<ли>Оператор путовања задржава право да откаже турнеју због лошег времена<ли>Ако сте изабрали 16:00 часова. време имајте на уму да је то само време за пријаву и да ће ваша авантура ваздушним чамцем напустити пристаниште у 17 часова. тако да имате довољно времена да истражите изложбене просторе пре него што се затворе у 17 часова. <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку
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Рекреациони парк Савграсс
Прелазите преко травнате воде брзином до 40 миља на сат док тражите дивље животиње попут алигатора, риба, корњача и птица мочварица. Ова општа улазница укључује улаз у рекреативни парк Савграсс, 30-40-минутни обилазак ваздушним чамцем и улаз на нашу изложбу алигатора и рептила. На само 25 минута од Форт Лодердејла, најсигурнији и најзабавнији и едукативни начин да се доживи јединствени суптропски екосистем Евергладеса налази се у рекреационом парку Савграсс.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (820)
Jan 2021
They took us on the boat for about 15-20 mins. (Suppose to be 30) However I was told it was a busy day so maybe they were pushing through them faster. We saw 1 alligator and then they talked about 2 vultures, turned around and came back. Also I was hoping we would go faster to experience the flying sensation that I have on other similar airboat rides but we stayed straight and slow and did not go far from where we started. It was dissapointing not very interesting and annoying that the guide still asked for tips. If you are looking for an airboat experience pay a little more and go somewhere else. This place needs to step it up.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2021
Thank you for taking the time to write a review. We are so sorry to hear your tour did not meet your expectations. We are indeed busy at that time of year but your tour should have still been the full 30 minutes. I will be looking into this further to be sure the same does not happen in the future. The boats go up to about 35 miles per hour and we encourage our drivers to give the experience you are referring to. We hope you are able to visit again in the future so we have the opportunity to "wow" you!
Dec 2020
We had a great time at Sawgrass. Our captain kept us entertained and we even found a gator on the cool day we went. My kids said petting the baby alligator was the favorite pat of our trip...that’s saying something since they both loved our days at different beaches too. Next time we will do a longer private jet boat ride but for our first taste it was great. We were disappointed that the Gator Grill closed down before we got back from our ride and weren’t told it closed early but it was quickly remedied by the staff using the credits from the deluxe package toward items in the store. We would certainly go back and recommend them to others.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2021
So glad you enjoyed your visit! See you next time for your private tour!
Dec 2020
Let me start by saying, regardless it was worth the $25 per and I paid for 2 adults and 5 children. As long as you arrive 10-15 before the ride parking is right there, very easy to find, nothing confusing. If you booked online, go into the main office and get your wristbands and ear plugs, and you’re off. The captain was a sweet older man,temperatures were in the mid 50’s. Dress super warm. I promise you it is cold, when moving on the water. Not sure if he kept speed to a minimum but it’s not by any means a thrill ride. The cold Kept the alligators out of sight and unwilling to surface therefore the entire ride we could not spot a single gator. He basically apologized but said there was nothing he could do due to the colder temperatures. Wish he had told us that before we embarked. He basically mentioned that every ride out for the day had not seen a gator yet. Too little too late. Regardless I wish he would’ve hit the gas a little more and given us a ride to remember. Did I mention it was cold real cold. I was prepared. My kids were dressed in double sweaters, scarves, 3 blankets, and still it was cold. I had on a long sleeve rash guard type shirt, a fleece sweater, and a beach style rain jacket, and could feel the chill. My 15 year old was texting, my 13 year old was kinda into it, my 10 and 7 year old daughters were too cold including my wife and mg 4 year old, was neither here nor there. I guess it really depends on the captain and their personality. We were not traveling fast as he was trying to locate a gator, and speeds never really got up to anything exciting or worth remembering. After exiting the airboat we had an opportunity to go to the reptile exhibit there was a 13 foot python coiled up really not doing much because it was cold. Some other lizards. The highlight was being able to pet a baby alligator, then there was Mom and Pop a 9’ and 13’ in the pool, and another that had us completely fooled on the grass. It looked so fake and was motionless and began to move, minutes later. That was incredible. It was 4’ feet away and could not tell the difference till the exhibit host, told us more about her. He was very nice, and very knowledgeable. Overall, I’m sure my kids will remember it as a memory in the future. So will I. Nothing to rave about but thankful for the experience.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2020
Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a detailed review! We hope you are able to visit again on a warmer day. As it warmed up toward the afternoon, the alligators started coming out a bit more. See you next time!

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