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Флорида Евергладес Аирбоат Адвентуре анд Вилдлифе Енцоунтер

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Цити: Форт Лодердејл
Mon 23 Sep
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Mon 23 Sep
Са почетком у $28.84
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Вожња ваздушним чамцем 30-40 минута
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<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Потребан је датум и време резервације. Обиласци полазе сваких 30 минута од 9:30 до 15:30.<ли>Дете било ког узраста може да ужива у тури ваздушним чамцем. Деца до 3 године су бесплатна. Није потребно куповати карту за узраст до 3 године.<ли>Оператор путовања задржава право да откаже турнеју због лошег времена<ли>Ако сте изабрали 16:00 часова. време имајте на уму да је то само време за пријаву и да ће ваша авантура ваздушним чамцем напустити пристаниште у 17 часова. тако да имате довољно времена да истражите изложбене просторе пре него што се затворе у 17 часова. <ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку
Шта да очекујете
Рекреациони парк Савграсс
Прелазите преко травнате воде брзином до 40 миља на сат док тражите дивље животиње попут алигатора, риба, корњача и птица мочварица. Ова општа улазница укључује улаз у рекреативни парк Савграсс, 30-40-минутни обилазак ваздушним чамцем и улаз на нашу изложбу алигатора и рептила. На само 25 минута од Форт Лодердејла, најсигурнији и најзабавнији и едукативни начин да се доживи јединствени суптропски екосистем Евергладеса налази се у рекреационом парку Савграсс.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (820)
Jul 2022
My husband and I had an amazing experience on an airboat in Miami several years ago, and were excited to take our children on one for the first time. Unfortunately, I wish we hadn't chosen this company to do so. First of all (as many other reviewers have mentioned), the staff was incredibly rude. The woman at the ticket desk was brusque, nasty, and couldn't be bothered to answer any questions. Then, though there was hardly anybody there and boats aplenty, we ended up waiting nearly an hour in the hot sun to board a boat (they clearly didn't want to make any more effort than was absolutely necessary, so they waited until they had enough people to completely fill one boat rather than just running two—even though we could have taken two complete "tours" in the time we were waiting with our small children). Lastly, we did not see a SINGLE alligator. Not one. The tour guide waited until we were out in the open water to tell us (repeatedly) that gator sightings in the summer are rare because of the heat. Well why in the world didn't anybody mention that BEFORE we bought our tickets, drove two hours, and wasted our time??? If you advertise that you take customers to see alligators in the wild, it is your obligation to be honest about the fact that you are far less likely to see anything in the summer, and then let people make their own decisions about whether they want to bother. The cherry on this rotten sundae was that even when we got off the boat, hoping we could salvage our kids' experience with the live animal show, there was no live animal show! They just didn't bother doing it, again with no warning. The whole thing was dishonest and disappointing, and we definitely won't be back. I recommend trying another company.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed review. Although we do have many boats, we are quite busy at this time of year and even with a full staff, wait times may be extended due to weather holds. We advertise as an eco-tour and while our captains try their best to find alligators and wildlife on the airboat tour, it is not always possible. We have animal presentations that are scheduled throughout the day and you certainly should have had the opportunity to touch a baby alligator and speak with our animal handlers. We are so sorry your experience did not meet your expectations.
Jul 2022
It was fun. We did it as part of a post-cruise tour from Royal Caribbean, which afterward took us to Miami airport. I spotted a juvenile alligator in the weedy shallows before we reached the boat. During the airboat ride, we were shown a big 13-foot bull gator (Big T, IIRC?) and a maybe 7-foot female (saw her more closely), a falcon (I'm told that was unusual) and we saw several anhingas. Guide mentioned tarpon rolling. When moving the boat propulsion system is VERY loud; they hand out ear plugs - do not decline. After the airboat ride, we looked at some captive animal exhibits and attended the educational presentation in the pen of Cannibal (a 13-foot bull gator) and his mate. Quite educational; it's not one of those hands-on shows called 'alligator wrestling.'
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thank you so much for your visit and your lovely review! We're so glad to hear you had a great time! Hope to see you again!
Marissa K
Jul 2022
We all enjoyed it very much and are Captain was very informative and trying to get where we saw the alligators but like he said he can’t control nature. Would definitely do it again.

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