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Обилазак Фоотхиллс Екплорер из Денвера

Аспире Тоурс је специјализован за динамичне и ручно рађене авантуре разгледања за мале групе у Колорадо стеновитим планинама. Наши локални водичи са пет звездица осмишљавају импресивна искуства која ће вам помоћи да креирате значајне тренутке са људима и местима. <бр><бр>Истражите Колорадо у његовој највећој лепоти на полудневном обиласку амфитеатра Ред Роцкс и подножја Стеновитих планина. Прекините везу на неколико сати и уживајте у вожњи сликовитом Ларијат петљом у луксузном возилу са панорамским погледом од миља. Станите високо на планину Лоокоут удишући свеж планински ваздух и уживајући у 300 сунчаних дана Колорада.<бр><бр>Истакнуто<бр><бр>- Сликовит поглед<бр>- Мала група гарантује интимно искуство<бр>- Страствено водичи<бр>- Удобни и сигурни комбији<бр><бр>
Цити: Денвер
Mon 18 Nov
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Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $69.00
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Коментара (1000)
Mar 2018

Oh my goodness! We did not get even have the tour we paid for. There were 8 of us, two in my party, and the driver was Artie, he was a little late to begin with, and made bad jokes along the way. Our tour went to Red Rocks amphitheater, but only for a 20 minute stop. We could take a look at the view or go to the museum, no time for both. It was bsolutely breathtaking - and we listened to an A cappella choir for a few minutes before we had to leave. Next step was a small town where we could buy a cup of coffee, visit a saloon or a gift shop, and be back in 25minutes. Saw a beautiful lake just as we drove off, would have enjoyed a walk ther, but Artie does not tell us about the area. Next we drove up a mountain in the falling snow. As it got heavier and was sticking to the road, Artie said he didnt think was going to snow today no weather app on his phone? but the vehicle has new studded tires didnt see that we when stopped. So he took us out to walk around a partially frozen Echo lake, saying we could have 45 minutes, then when we balked, said 30 minutes. There was noting to do but stand there, and I made a small snowman. He kept asking about shopping for souvineers, and none of us wanted that! Sensing we were unhappy really?, he continued the drive through Idaho Springs, where we drove through the parking lot for a cemetery. You cant make this stuff up! The women in front of us asked about the Coors tour, would we see the town or the brewery or what? He said thats not part of the tour. Didnt he read the brochure? So he gave us the options of visiting an old mine or going to a railroad museum. No one voted for either - by now is it past 12noon, he has passed out water and potato chips, but there has. It been a restroom stop at all!!! Then he said something about this not going very well, how could he make it up to us? We all wanted to see more of Red Rocks, if possible. He said nothing, but went back on I-70 again, this time hitting the rumble strips 3 times as we was driving too close to the right side of the expressway. We were again allowed 20minutes at Red Rock. All the restrooms were closed, no running water yet, but we did find an open one at the Trading Post. That was a mini-museum in its self. Six of us stayed there at least an extra 15-20 minutes, making it about a 40 minute stop. We arrived back in Denver after 2pm, but Artie wasnt done yet! He drove us around and showed us Larimer Square where we come come back for shopping or dinner that evening. Finally we pulled over at Union Station about 2:20pm.then Artie, poor Artie, actually asked for tips! I know that 6 of us did not tip him not sure about the couple from Chicago in the back of the van.
I have taken hundreds of tours throughout the US, Canada, Asia, Tanzania, Europe, Japan and Russia. I rely on the reviews from other travelers. This should have been a wonderful experience. Instaed, it was the worst tour ever. No stop for lunch, no restroom breaks, no relevant information about what we saw, minimal time at Red Rocks, and totally not what was in the tour description. If Artie is new, he needs training. If Artie was substituted for another guide, he was a poor choice.

Одговор домаћина
Mar 2018

TOUR OPERATOR COMMENT: Hi Sherry! Unfortunately, this was one of those days that we wish we could take back. However, we have listened to your feedback and addressed your concerns to ensure this does not happen again in the future. We now believe we have the best tour guides around! Please consider traveling with us again and we'd be glad to prove this to you. -Aspire Tours Team

Kathryn S
Mar 2018
I was in the Denver area and wanted to see the Mountain and found this tour. We were lucky to have most beautiful day to explore the Foothills. Rich our guide was amazing and very informative. I would highly recommend this tour if you are in the Denver area.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2018
Hi Kathryn S, We appreciate you giving us this wonderful review! The Foothills tour is a great option to get a taste of the mountains without going too far. Join us on a full day tour the next time you are in the area to get an even more immersing experience! Kind regards, Kristen
DaQuaan C
Mar 2018
Enjoyed the tour! The Colorado Rockies were absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, the tour guide was knowledgeable & the pace of the tour was perfect! I would definitely recommend this tour.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2018
Hello DaQuaan C, We are so happy to hear you had a great time with us on tour! Colorado certainly has some amazing scenery and we love sharing it with our visitors. Thank you for taking the time to write us a review! We hope you will join us again the next time you are in the area! Kind regards, Kristen

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