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Целодневно пешачење у Националном парку Џошуа Трее

Ја сам 20-годишњи становник пустиње Мохаве и пређем 200 миља годишње пешке унутар Националног парка Џошуа Трее. Током година и миља, гајио сам свест о пејзажу, еколошким системима и локалној култури која када се контекстуализује путем стазе постаје наративно искуство које желим да поделим. <бр>Слетео сам у Џошуа Трее након што сам напустио колеџ 2001. Тада сте дошли случајно или је пријатељ пријатеља рекао да морате да погледате стене, осетите енергију и кампујете под звездама.<бр> Заљубио сам се у ликове који се окупљају, асортиман пењача у врећама прљавштине, авант уметника, практичних визионара новог доба и предузетника... амалгам идентитета који ће даље стварати имиџ Високе пустиње који је данас толико прижељкиван.<бр>Законски ми је дозвољено да водим унутар Националног парка Јосхуа Трее и радо ћу вас угостити. Знам своје ствари и желим да и ти то знаш.
Цити: палм Спрингс
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $146.00
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $146.00
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Вода се испоручује у боцама од 1,5 литара за вишекратну употребу или у мјехурима за хидратацију од 2-3 литра.
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<ул><ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Све активности се обављају напољу са адекватним простором за социјално дистанцирање.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (9)
Jun 2022
Travis of Wandering Mojave was quite knowledgeable about the flora and fauna, and he knows the park quite well. He took me on a multiple-hours, almost completely off-trail hike including some rock scrambling which was quite enjoyable. However, I found him to be unprofessional. He picked me up at Autocamp Joshua Tree about 20 minutes late (5:20am instead of 5am) with no explanation other than saying hello to his wife in the morning after she was on a trip, and not setting his alarm early enough. Furthermore, his car smelled like smoke, and he rolled his own tobacco about 8 times over the course of the day. If anyone does not like the smell of cigarettes, do not go on an adventure with Travis. Lastly, our plans changed when my partner needed to work the second day we were in Joshua Tree, so Travis agreed to refund us for the second day which we had prepaid. However, it took him an entire TEN days to process this refund, AND he refunded me less than the agreed-upon amount. I was disappointed in this and will not be recommending him to my friends. If you can look past this sort of unprofessionalism, he is a fantastic hiker and quite knowledgeable. I'm sure there's no one like him who will take you on an all-day off-trail hike. Still, be sure not to rely on him for refunds or for showing up exactly on time.
Paul B
Mar 2022
In the middle of a long business trip I decided to treat myself to a day In Joshua Tree. Spotted Wandering Mojave online and made an enquiry. From first contact a great experience - superb comms and follow ups. The day was a wonderful experience - Travis is an engaging and knowledgeable guide who shared insights into this unique natural phenomena. What was also clear was his love for his job! I highly recommend this experience!!
Mar 2022
My daughter and I went on a full day hike with Travis. We had the perfect day hiking with Travis who took us to a location off the beaten path. Travis was an excellent guide who was able to gauge very quickly what we were interested in experiencing and what the level of difficulty was that we could handle on a full day hike. We did some rock scrambling early on and then had a simpler hike later in the day. I highly recommend booking a hike with Travis. We had a unique experience and felt privileged that we were able to see an area of the park most people will never get to go to. Our heartfelt thanks to Travis for helping my daughter and I create wonderful memories together at Joshua Tree National Park.

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