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Целодневна кајакашка авантура у Евергладесу

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Цити: Флорида
Sun 17 Nov
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Са почетком у $189.74
Sun 17 Nov
Са почетком у $189.74
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Коментара (492)
Apr 2013
The reviews speak for themselves. I did the full day everglades trek. You get your money's worth 10x's over. Garl is a small operation, he doesn't take many people so you really feel like you're on a special excursion. He knows his gators and where they like to hang out. We saw gators/snakes/birds/lizards/orchids/bugs. He also will sell you pictures, very worth the price because he also works with National Geographic. Can't recommend him enough. Be prepared to walk through water/mud.
Apr 2013
Wow. This was quite the experience! Although it seems expensive for the full day, it was jam-packed with activity and we didn't get back to our hotel until after 11 at night. We started the trip at an amazing fruit stand in Homestead to pick up snacks for the day. The food and fruit at the farm stand were amazing - never seen anything like it. Then we drove to the Everglades. Our two hikes were both down trails we never would have even thought of taking on our own (or known about). We ended up tramping through swampy muck and inches/feet of water to walk around two different types of Cypress domes. We learned a ton (our guide, Don, is a herpetologist) about the Everglades and the ecology there. He pointed out alligators (he knew where they would be hanging out), snakes, frogs, orchids and other flora and fauna. After the hikes, we went to a little picnic area near a bird roosting area. There were tons of herons, egrets and spoonbills all roosting and flying around and generally causing a ruckous. Then we did two kayak trips - the first was around a pond in the Everglades where there were tons of alligators and birds (all types of herons, egrets, vultures, etc.). We didn't get to see the croc who sometimes hangs out there though. The next kayak trip was in the bay to watch the sunset. We saw tons of ospreys catching fish and delivering them to their offpsring. It was low tide so we beached ourselves intentionally in the middle of the bay to watch the sunset. Don spotted a little lemon shark swimming around not far from us, which was pretty cool. We also saw lots of shorebirds and ended the kayak watching a lone spoonbill hanging out on the sandy part of the bay. As if we hadn't done enough already, the last stop was walking the Anhinga Trail at night. We each had flashlights and Don taught us how to spot wildlife in the dark. There really is no way to describe how cool it is to see the alligators swimming at night and all you see is the little circle of light swimming by, like candles floating in the water. Or hearing the hundreds of different types of chirping of frogs and insects in the dark. It was very cool. I never felt unsafe or scared, even when the alligator crossed our path not far behind us... It was a really long day but definitely worthwhile if you are interested in nature and adventure.
Jim H
Apr 2013
We did the full day adventure ( were going to do the half and glad we did not as the night walk was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had, period.) The day was going to maybe get rainy/stormy so they changed the order of events based on the forecast so we could get to do everything and it worked like a charm. The kayaking up close to gators sounded scary to my wife, but it was great. My boys are 9 and 13 and can sometimes not get into this type of thing. They loved this. When Don was done leading us through the mangrove swamps and all, we got back to the shore. Garl and his half of the group then came in and Garl was excited and told us to get back in the boats and go out to the first cut through to see the BIG Croc. He was like a kid he was so excited and insistent even though it was going to to be a small delay for the group. Wow, that was HUGE croc! I'll never forget it. Then on to several other hikes that were all great. We saw animals and plant life galore. Garl and Don gave my family a day none of us will ever forget. Don is a biologist who spends 6 mon. of the year in Central (South?) America studying animals and 6 months doing these trips. He knew EVERYTHING but did not come off like a scientist at all. He was friendly, down to earth and obviously loved his work. Garl seemed to know every animal by name! The night walk in the everglades park on this elevated boardwalk at dusk was beyond description. We saw 30+ gators up close from above with the sun setting on a long walk through the swamp. These guys lead these trips most days of the year and did not show ANY sign of being tired of it. They may have had as much fun as us. At one point, Garl said start looking for tornadoes off to the left. 10 seconds later there was a clearing and a tornado 40 miles north. We pulled over and everyone scrambled up on to the vehicle to get a look and take pictures. It was at that point that I realized we were on an adventure in a very primitive place and I was thankful for Garl and Don's honest enthusiasm for the animals, the plants, the whole thing. I want to go back again. Maybe a couple of mosquitos when we went, but not much. Don and Garl say that later in the summer, the bugs will be out and you wear full mosquito suits.

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