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Całodniowa przygoda z kajakiem w Everglades

Everglades spływy kajakowe i harcerska przygoda w najlepszym wydaniu! Ciesz się eko-wycieczką po Everglades i poznaj przyrodę w najlepszy możliwy sposób z najwyżej ocenianej dostępnej wycieczki po Everglades. Ta wycieczka to prawdziwa okazja i możesz doświadczyć piękna i emocji Everglades bez hałasu łodzi powietrznej lub dużej grupy.
Staramy się ograniczyć liczbę naszych grup do 8-10, ale możemy z łatwością przyjmować większe grupy po wcześniejszym powiadomieniu.
Miasto: Floryda
Thu 13 Mar
Możesz wybrać datę już na stronie rezerwacyjnej
Zaczynać od $189.74
Thu 13 Mar
Zaczynać od $189.74
co jest zawarte
Wycieczka obejmuje doświadczonego przewodnika Everglades, pojedynczy lub podwójny kajak, kamizelkę ratunkową, odzież odporną na komary w razie potrzeby.
Opłaty za lądowanie i obiekt
Dodatkowe informacje
  • Dozwolone zwierzęta towarzyszące
  • W pobliżu dostępne są środki transportu publicznego
  • Niezalecane dla osób ze złym zdrowiem układu krążenia
  • Podróżujący powinni mieć co najmniej umiarkowany poziom sprawności fizycznej
  • Osoby o specjalnych potrzebach mile widziane, prosimy o poinformowanie nas, jak możemy Cię zakwaterować
  • Umiarkowany poziom sprawności
  • Minimalny wiek to 5 lat
  • Środek do dezynfekcji rąk dostępny dla podróżnych i personelu
  • Przez cały czas zachowywania dystansu społecznego
  • Regularnie dezynfekowane obszary o dużym natężeniu ruchu
  • Sprzęt/sprzęt dezynfekowany między użyciami
  • Przewodniki wymagane do regularnego mycia rąk
  • Regularne pomiary temperatury personelu
  • Płatna polityka pozostawania w domu dla personelu z objawami
  • Płatności zbliżeniowe za napiwki i dodatki
  • Od przewodników wymagane szczepienie na COVID-19
  • Wszyscy nasi przewodnicy i pracownicy są w pełni zaszczepieni
Zasady anulowania
Aby uzyskać pełny zwrot kosztów, anuluj co najmniej 24 godziny przed planowanym czasem odlotu.
Zdjęcia podróżników
Recenzje (492)
Dec 2022
This tour was awesome! Garl treated us to a great day in the Everglades that would have been impossible without him. Very knowledgeable and knew all the good spots to see various wildlife. Appreciated that he took photos throughout the day and sent them after the trip. Would highly recommend!
Dec 2022
Garl’s Coastal Kayaking is the best Everglades guide you will ever find. I am writing to give praise to Garl Harrold, founder and chief guide who will show you around the Park. If you have the time and want to have the ultimate experience, join Garl for one of his all-day kayak and slogging adventures in the park. He will take you to places you would have never imagined, show you things you didn’t know existed, and will thoroughly charm even the most experienced and knowledgable visitors. Garl has been guiding in the Everglades for more than 20 years. His trips include salt water and fresh water kayaking suitable for beginners or experts. He will also take you slogging or wading along pathways you never dreamed were there. He will show you animals you would never have found on your own. Garl knows his birds. He knows his plants. He knows the geology. He knows the routes. And he knows what you’d like to see. He is intimately knowledgable about where critters are and knows how to find them. He does the whole job with grace, with wit, and with an expert’s practiced eye. Before you think that this review is exaggerated or the words of someone who didn’t know any better... let me tell you who I am. I am PhD ecologist who spent 25 years as a naturalist, researcher, and science administrator in six national parks nationwide. I’ve led hundreds of nature walks myself, evaluated the performance of dozens of Park Service seasonals, and spent years coordinating research of agency and university scientists. I was administrator of an NPS program providing education services to the eight northwest national park areas. As a Park naturalist and scientist I have always felt that I knew “all about” the parks where I’ve worked. But I have never known any park as well as Garl knows the Everglades. Believe me, Garl is the best you will find. Be aware, I have no conflict of interest nor prior knowledge of Garl or his organization. I had never heard of them before finding them online through Trip Advisor. After my trip all I could say was, “Wow!”
Dec 2022
The full day tour was super. My wife and I had a fantastic day with Garl. He's the best guide you can ask for. Always able and happy to answer all of our questions to wildlife and plants etc. He's providing so much interesting information which makes the day a great experience. Thanks to him we have spotted so many different animals we never had expected - in their habitat (not a gated spot) and from very close distance. Spectacular. And feeling always safe, even eye to eye with Aligator and Crocodile. And yet Garl takes into account not to disturb flora and fauna, as the tour is not taking place in an adventure park. We have been the only guests as the other parties canceled due to Covid. We are so thankful that he made the tour just with us. All is well organized, friendly and safe. Be prepared to provide some helping hands with the kayaks and that the all-day tour requests at least some fitness to get the best out of it. I would recommend winter time due to less people and less mosquito. Thx Garl for a wonderful day. Couldn't be better. We'll remember for quite a while with a big happy smile.

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