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Целодневна кајакашка авантура у Евергладесу

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Цити: Флорида
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $189.74
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $189.74
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Коментара (492)
Jan 2013
I am yet to meet a guide as good as Garl! Our entire trip to Florida became relevant and unique having Garl as our guide while navigating through the Everglades. You will have to experience it to believe it! I would like to leave this review with as few words as possible , exactly the way Garl led us through the Everglades allowing us to discover its beauty. No words required. I will only say this : if the National Geography Channel and the National/State park trusts him with all the permits he has, so should you! He is currently hired by the National Geography channel to help them film the Everglades during the the three years 2013-2016. He has transformed a person like me who is normally very averse to challenging oneself to new surroundings, into believing in enjoying an adventure and finding beauty in not knowing what is coming next! Your trip to the Everglades is incomplete without Garl! We were accompanied by two young German couples who also feel the same way as i do!
Dave H
Dec 2012
I have been to many amusement parks and had a great time,been to key West, took the trolley tour and visited the ship wreck museum ( a must see if you love the ocean as I do ), again a great time, took a trip with Garls Coastal Kayaking, what we did and saw is hard to put into words. The Knowledge and passion Garl has of the everglades is awesome. We could only take a half day trip because of a prior evening comitment. We will go back for the full day trip so we can see all three eco systems of the glades, (fresh, brackish and salt). We started with a stop at a gator hole to see a mother alligator and her babies. We then drove deeper into the park, launched our kayaks and paddled for a few hours where we saw alligatores, American crocodiles, and numeros birds. As we were doing this Garl was pointing out and explaining all the different things we saw. When you get up close to a fifteen foot, thousand pound croc, it's not something you will soon forget. After that we loaded the kayaks back up and started to head back home. We stoped for one more part of the trip, a walk thru the river and trees. This was in water that was over our knees. We saw more alligators, birds and even a pair of owls. Because of all the roots, logs and holes under the water this is not a walk on the beach, having said that you also need to know I'm 52 and my brother is 54 and we had no problem doing it. Garl and my 20 year old daughter walked it barefoot ( I recommend some type of water shoe). If you want to see what's in the glades and how they really act, book a trip with Garl. To get the most out of your trip, let him know what you would like to do and see. Do not overstate your abilities because he plans the trips around the people he is taking out.
Cindy C
Dec 2012
My family (2 adults, 2 college-age daughters) cannot stop telling people about our awesome hiking/kayaking adventure in the Everglades with Garl last week. If the Everglades is your destination, and you want a unique experience (not bumping into other tourists on a commercialized tour), Garl's Coastal Kayaking is the "tour" (magical adventure) to take. Garl's love for the Everglades and the species that live there shine through, as does his warm personality. We'll be back next year to take his camping/snorkeling adventure.

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