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Цити: Флорида
Fri 27 Dec
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Са почетком у $189.74
Fri 27 Dec
Са почетком у $189.74
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Коментара (492)
Jan 2012
I've lived in Key Largo for 3 years now & always hear all the rave about Garls Kayaking trips, so I finally got to try it - it was great :) Garl was kind enough to give us all a ride up to the everglades & provide us with a day of lots of wildlife, all with educational information! The day started with a nice easy walk with lots of birds & gators. We then got to hike through a gator hole, which was great - a gator swam right passed us. For people who don't like to get dirty - this part was a bit messy, but I had lots of fun. We then went to the Lake where we kayaked for at least 2 hours, spotting gators, birds, fish, & lots of other freshwater wildlife... Did I mention a 15ft CROC! At the end of the trip we watched the sunset as the gators came out with some wine & cheese. The end of the day we went back to where we started & did a night hike. Saw lots of spiders, frogs & gators on the hunt! Overall, I had an amazing day. Saw & learnt lots & Garl was exceptional, as expected. I would recommend this to people who are up for adventure. The only bad part was a didn'y have a camera, but Garl took care of that too :) - he takes plenty of photos & has a CD for sale with photos that are much better than I could ever take... including some of me with big bad alligators! One thing I will mention is that you should bring a change of clothes, just in case it rains!! We got wet on the kayak, but didnt want to miss out on the night hike, so wandered in wet, cold clothes. But forgot about that pretty quickly with all the great things :) Thanks again, Garl - everybody should check this place out with Garl - you won't find a guide around here who can spot more or tell you more TRUE information about the 'glades. It really was a phenomenal trip!
Jan 2012
My wife and I(age 68) took the Everglades eco tour with Garl on 1-25-12. Garl's life of knowing and loving the Everglade's little spiders seen only on the night segment of the tour to the 1500 lb/15ft croc seen as the sun disappeared sets the frame and tempo of 10 hrs of education, exercise and AWWW as we walked through knee deep clear water in everglades mamocks and kayaked through mangroes tangles while being next to allegators and sliding over fish and turtles. Oh yes the wine and cheese at sunset didn't hurt either. Go and have a great time; if you don't it's your fault! Jim and Kris Duffy
Jan 2012
We took the full-day Everglades tour, which included wading thigh-deep in the "swamp" to see alligators, crocs and birds, fresh-water kayaking, salt-water kayaking (including watching the sun set over the park from our kayaks with a glass of wine as we watched sharks, fish, and birds cruise past us, a night walk, and a tropical fruit stand. Not for the faint of heart for sure - we were only feet away from resting crocs and gators and plenty close to the sharks as well. But exciting, interesting, beautiful, and definitely something different. Garl is personable and extraordinarily knowledgeable about the park and all of the wildlife, both flora and fauna. DO be sure to bring along a sandwich and plenty of snacks (trail mix, energy bars, peanut butter or something else with protein), as there was time to eat between activities, but no stops to purchase food once you enter the park. Garl came equipped with most everything else - gear to slog through the swamp, bug spray, flashlights, plenty of cold water. Truly a unique and memorable experience - a highlight of our trip!

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