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Гхостс Легендс анд Лоре Тоур - Њу Орлеанс

Њу Орлеанс је један од најуклетијих градова у Америци и када кренете у ову турнеју са уклетим духовима, разумећете зашто. Француска четврт Њу Орлеанса има скоро 300 година историје, од болести, пожара, ратова, убистава и хаоса, лако је видети како Њу Орлеанс има тако легендарну паранормалну активност. Чућете приче о вудуу и Мари Лево, правим прогањањима, легенди о вили Лалори и љубави која је пошла наопако и још много тога. Овај обилазак француске четврти у трајању од скоро 2 сата води вас до веома уклетих зграда и дели са вама приче о догађајима и људима који су их направили.
Цити: Њу Орлеанс
Sat 19 Oct
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Са почетком у $300.00
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $300.00
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Френцх Куартер
Прошетајте 300 година старим улицама Француске четврти
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Коментара (6)
Jun 2022
Ariande Blyde was a excellent tour guide. Her stories were very entertaining for our group. Great walking tour
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
While we appreciate the excellent review, We do not know who Ariande Blyde is. We are a husband and wife team, Jeffrey and Jane, and have no other guides who tour for us at this time.
Dec 2016
When you come to a city as steeped in history as New Orleans, there is absolutely no excuse for not indulging in its rich and vibrant history; unfortunately, like many a city of this size and background, you can find a lot of very tourist-y tours. You know the kind. This is absolutely the anathema to that. You will not find any sloppily-researched BS here; instead, the guide we had for our tours, George "Loki" Williams, was not only an absolute, upbeat delight of pure high energy, he is also a veritable encyclopedia of the city, hailing from one of the oldest families in town. The perspective of someone whose family history is this entwined with the city, alongside a complex and detailed knowledge that spans the particular and global made the tours actually fun AND enlightening. Whether it's the history of rock and roll and everything associated, or a look at the darker aspects of the city's history, its spirits and ghosts, you will not be disappointed by a frankly amazing cornucopia of knowledge. I am a skeptical history buff who appreciates legends and occult lore and our guide expertly provided both, cleanly distinguishing the myth NOLA and the amazing lore of the fantastic that suffuses every inch of the city from the rich and vibrant history of the place. Oh, have I mentioned that we also had a total blast during our tours? Cerebral and fun at the same time, entertaining and enlightening, this tour was the best I've ever had. I sincerely wished tourguides in other cities I visited had at least half the knowledge, panache and Charisma. Seriously, I can't picture a better tour.
Samantha B
Jul 2016
Amazing way to travel around the French Quarter in New Orleans. This tour had an awesome tour guide that really tailored his approach to the people within the tour - telling us not only about the ghost legends but about the true history behind the buildings and historic people that lived in them. Groups are limited to 12 people, which made it a more private and enjoyable experience - you could always hear the tour guide, he always allowed us time to take pictures, and we even stopped to grab some water!!

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