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Цити: Гленвоод Спрингс
Mon 28 Oct
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Mon 28 Oct
Са почетком у $70.00
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (335)
Stephanie B
Aug 2020
This was our 2nd time rafting in Glenwood and our first with Defiance. Rapids were only the first 30 mins (obviously the river will do what it will) but it was more of a float trip than expected. We had fun but our guide, Tanner, was focused on flirting with a single mom the entire time. It was comical at first but got old and inappropriate (3hrs of it was way overkill and got uncomfortable). He was persistent and made crude comments repeatedly despite 5 teens being present. We would probably use our previous outfitter in the future.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2020
Hi, Stephanie. Thank you for sharing your experience with Defiance, and Tanner specifically. We take pride in the autonomy provided to our river pros and their ability to adapt to the ambitions of Defiance's guests. But that autonomy comes with significant expectation and responsibility to facilitate an experience that puts the needs of the guest before a guide's own needs. Fortunately, for Defiance, it's a baked-in cultural expectation that is consistently and authentically demonstrated by Defiance's dedicated river pros. That is until your experience. As a family-owned and operated business whose brand is focused on inclusion and as an opportunity for guests to enjoy a respite from the grind, your experience weighs heavy on our conscience. And as the father to a gregarious 8-year-old daughter who finds total joy in witnessing her move about this world unencumbered by antiquated social norms and gender privilege, I am both mortified and appalled that your daughter and the other young women in the raft were left uncomfortable by interactions with one of our staff. Please know that we take this seriously and renew our commitment that such exchanges or presentations by our staff are never acceptable. I totally understand your motivations for wanting to go with a different outfitter next time you are in the area. If I were in your shoes or reading this review, I would be inclined to do the same. But I also want you to know that I'm confident this is a very unfortunate anomaly and not at all indicative of the experience guests have come to expect when they go rafting with Defiance. Take care. And thank you again for taking the time to share your experience. – Gregory
Aug 2020
This was my 2nd year rafting with Defiance for a work event. They are such a badass team and we had such a great time! Thanks again to all the amazing guides!
Aug 2020
My family of four was paired up with another couple for a half-day trip. My kids are 12 and 17 and they had a blast. Our guide was entertaining and very knowledgeable of the area, so during the slow times he kept the conversations going. He pointed out caves, natural springs, and notable mountains during our ride. My only complaint would be that I was not aware that a half-day trip would only include rapids during the first 20 min of our 2.5-3 hour ride. The description isn't clear on how long the ride is, but we were hoping for more rapids and also thinking it would have been a little longer. Overall we all four agreed that we would DO IT AGAIN!!! If you are near Glenwood Springs I would highly recommend them for a rafting trip.

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