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Обилазак хеликоптером Гранд Цаниона из Лас Вегаса уз ВИП Скивалк и вожњу понтонским чамцем

Повратна вожња хеликоптером, ВИП приступ Скивалк-у и вожња понтонским чамцем по реци Колорадо — ово је ултимативна комбинација за бег из Великог кањона из Лас Вегаса. Након сликовитог лета изнад Хоовер бране, летећете директно на дно Великог кањона на 15-минутно крстарење реком. Затим се попните до Западног руба и изађите на палубу са стакленим дном Скивалк-а. Фотографија за успомену и трансфери аутобусом су укључени.<бр><бр>** Имајте на уму: На снази за резервације направљене од 21. марта 2022, приказана цена не укључује накнаду за гориво од 30 УСД по особи. Ова накнада се плаћа директно добављачу на дан вашег путовања **
Цити: лас Вегас
Mon 24 Feb
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $749.00
Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $749.00
Шта је укључено
Преузимање и одлазак у хотел
Експресни шатл Гранд Цанион Вест
ВИП Скивалк пропусница испред линије
Скивалк фотографија за сувенир
Вожња понтонским чамцем
Слетање хеликоптера на кањон
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Личне ствари као што су ранчеви, ручне торбе и камере нису дозвољени на Скивалк-у; бесплатни ормарићи за складиштење доступни су за држање ваших ствари<ли>Мала деца се сматрају децом у крилу ако су млађа од две године и имају доказ о старости, као што је пасош или копија извода из матичне књиге рођених<ли>Сви путници старији од 18 година морају да покажу лични документ са фотографијом који је издао државни орган<ли>За удобност и тежину/равнотежу авиона, путници који теже 300 лбс или више ће морати да купе додатни седиште. Ово се плаћа директно организатору путовања на дан обиласка<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила редовно дезинфицирано<ли>Водичи су обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима
Шта да очекујете
Хоовер Дам
Погледајте брану Хувер на путу до Великог кањона.
Национално рекреативно подручје језера Мид
Летите изнад највећег вештачког језера на југозападу.
Гранд Цанион Скивалк
Доживите узбуђење ходања по стакленом мосту Скивалк и гледања дна кањона скоро миљу испод.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (39)
Cassie B
Dec 2018
We booked this trip well in advance of our vacation, totally forgetting that it was going to be December and probably freezing cold; so if you book a trip in the winter, be sure to pack/dress appropriately. We also booked the first group out in the morning, which we were very happy we did because it got very crowded as we were leaving around noon. We stayed at the Bellagio and had a 4:54 AM pick up in the Uber area. The driver, Alvin, was very prompt and courteous. We proceeded to two other locations to pick up guests, and then vans met us at the last stop and dropped off people from all parts of town. After that we proceeded to Boulder City airport where the check in process continued. **side note: we brought one book bag for the two of us with an extra battery charger for our phones and a charging chord, a bottle of water, gloves, and hats; there is a gift shop that has coffee, snacks, and other drinks that you can buy, so you really don't have to worry if the places in your hotel aren't open yet for a cup of coffee. They give you colored stickers that indicate what type of tour you have booked. We only waited about another 20 minutes and we were given tickets with a location specific to your weight to balance the plane. The pilots were super friendly; we were given a typical safety briefing. There were ear phones for the trip with a pre-recorded description of what you are flying over and music. The Hoover Dam was on the left side of the plane and the sun rise was on the right. It was about a 30-45 minute flight. We landed and were taken to a small terminal where we were organized in groups of 5 people for the helicopter ride with specific places to sit to balance out the chopper. We took off and were in the location for the boat ride in about 8 minutes or so. When we landed, it was absolutely breath taking to be on the bottom of the canyon. There was a slight walk to get to the boat dock. The boat ride was about 15 minutes long. Our guide was very informative and answered any questions we had; he had been doing this since the 1970s. There is time to move around the boat and take pictures. We gave him a nice tip on the way off the boat. We flew back to the airport and went back into the terminal area were we were given specific instructions on how to access the remaining points on the tour via a shuttle. We were given a turkey sandwich, pringles, apple slices, chocolate cookies, and a bottle of water to have a picnic lunch. The first stop is Eagles Point where you access the Skywalk. It is very easy to get caught up in spending time here; be sure to manage your time, as the second stop is a little more scenic and has more photo opportunities. We climbed to top of the rocks at Guano Point and got amazing 360 degree views and pictures. We boarded the shuttle and returned back to the terminal as this was the end of our itinerary for this trip. I will say this: as a person who is overly organized, when we returned to the terminal it felt like organized chaos. There were a ton of people (hence why were were glad we took the first trip out) and tour buses started arriving. We checked back in with the gentleman at for Papillon, and we were pleasantly surprised that despite the amount of people, they had a system that worked and had us accounted for and booked for a flight back. This was a great experience overall. We had never been to the Grand Canyon before, and this was definitely a good way to see a little bit of this amazing feature while vacationing in Vegas. I would not hesitate to recommend this company. Keep up the good work!
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2019
Sounds like you had a perfect day at the Grand Canyon! We're thrilled to hear how much you enjoyed the tour, and that the process from start to finish went smoothly. Thank you for touring with us and providing future guests with some valuable tips. Sincerely, Papillon Management
Edel H
Nov 2018
I honestly cant say enough about this company and this trip. From doing my research on TripAdvisor a lot of people recommended Papillon so I decided to book with them. It is an expensive trip but well worth every penny. Myself and my friend did a big trip to America for our 40th and this was definitely the highlight of our trip. From the moment we were picked up outside our hotel the service was exceptional. We dealt with lots of different staff over the course of the day and every one of them were so friendly and helpful. Most people only get to visit the canyon once so we decided we wanted to fit as much in as possible and this trip was spectacular. The skywalk is fantastic with amazing views but nothing will ever compare to the helicopter ride into the canyon and the pontoon boat ride was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen or experienced. The only complaint I would have is I didn't want the boat trip to end I could have stayed there all week.
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2018
Sounds like you had a perfect day at the Grand Canyon! We're thrilled to hear how much you enjoyed the tour, and that the process from start to finish went smoothly. Congratulations on your milestone anniversary! Sincerely, Papillon Management
May 2018
Hi, let me say this at the outset the natural beauty of the Grand Canyon is outstanding. However the time spent at the canyon was cut so short. Our group was seemingly forgotten at the staging place after the pontoon ride on the Colorado river. When the staff was question after some time , the reaction was one of surprise that we were still there. We paid for a premium tour and finished up being deprived of that time to spend at the Grand Canyon. Staff did mention that it was out of their hands ? By comments we gathered that this was not an unusual thing. Keep looking for alternatives.
Одговор домаћина
May 2018
We sincerely apologize that you experienced a delay at the bottom of the Grand Canyon that impacted your overall tour duration. Our Guest Relations department will be able to assist you by looking into the timing of your return flight to the rim of the canyon. We encourage you to email the managers at [email protected], be sure to provide your reservation number or last name used to book the tour. Respectfully, Papillon Management

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