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Пешачење и разгледање Гранд Цаниона

Тренутно нам Парк Сервице не дозвољава мешање група због безбедносних процедура ЦОВИД-19, тако да нисмо у могућности да обезбедимо овај обилазак за мање од 4 особе. Ако имате мању групу, обратите се директно нашој компанији да разговарамо о другим опцијама. Наша далеко најпопуларнија пешачка тура, ова пешачка тура и обилазак града нуди гостима различите погледе на кањон, изнутра ка споља. Ова тура је за госте који желе да уживају у одличном обиласку јужног руба Великог кањона, али и да проведу неко време испод ивице.<бр><бр>Уживајте у одличној тури са стручним, љубазним, ентузијастичним водичем који воли шта раде. Пружамо услугу од врата до врата од вашег боравка са свиме што вам је потребно за добар провод. Узмите камеру и препустите нам ручак, грицкалице, пиће, опрему за планинарење и вожњу! Долазимо у следећим градовима: Флагстафф, Виллиамс, Тусаиан и Гранд Цанион.<бр><бр>Ручак ће бити наручен након резервације. Без глутена и/или млечних производа на захтев.
Цити: Национални парк Гранд Цанион
Sat 08 Mar
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $326.93
Sat 08 Mar
Са почетком у $326.93
Шта је укључено
Величина мале групе ограничена је на 7 људи
Сва неопходна опрема као што су руксаци, штапови за планинарење и микро-шиљци.
Све таксе и порези
На захтев су доступни сендвичи без глутена и/или млечних производа
Укусан пикник ручак обезбеђује Артисан'с Китцхен
Прилагођено дизајнирано туристичко возило са кожним капитенским столицама или луксузни СУВ
Велики избор воде, безалкохолних пића и грицкалица доступан цео дан. Све што желите да једете!
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са страхом од висине<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са проблемима са коленима
Шта да очекујете
Иавапаи Поинт
Дан почињемо са видиковца где ће ваш водич дати оријентацију за планинарење.
Јужна Каибаб стаза
Пешачки део ове туре ће прећи 3/4 миље низ Јужни Каибаб до тачке Оох Аах, а затим се вратити истим путем којим сте дошли. Ако време и гужва дозвољавају, уживаћете у ручку за пикник на видиковцу. Овај укусни ручак припрема ресторан Бранди'с ујутру током вашег обиласка. Сва ваша опрема, као што су руксаци и штапови за планинарење, је обезбеђена.
Јужни обод Великог кањона
Остатак дана проводи се путујући до разних видиковаца дуж јужног руба у удобном климатизованом комбију или теренцу. На сваком видиковцу излазимо из возила, а ваш водич ће проводити време показујући вам погледе кроз обезбеђени спот и увесељавати вас тумачењем које укључује информације о биљкама, животињама, људима, историји и археологији Великог кањона. Укључени видиковци зависе од времена, доба године, гужве и преференција водича. Они могу укључивати, али нису ограничени на: Матхер Поинт, Грандвиев Поинт, Моран Поинт, Тусаиан Руинс и Десерт Виев Ватцхтовер.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (95)
May 2022
Molly was our guide and she was so wonderful. She was right on time to pick us up at the hotel, and was super patient when we misplaced our rents car keys. She was extremely informative, the vehicle was very nice and clean, and well stocked with drinks and snacks. She asked if we wanted to hike a less-traveled trail and it was perfect. Lunch was amazing and we felt like we made the most of our day. I would highly recommend Molly and his company. It was such a special day and so much of that was due to Molly.
Apr 2022
My wife and in-laws surprised me for my 50th birthday with a Sunset Private tour of the Grand Canyon, let me first say that this was just an amazing experience and All-Star Grand Canyon Tours is a 5-star company. I’m sure all their guides are amazing; our guide Patrick Boyd was absolutely amazing! He arrived on time at our hotel in a very modern, clean, and spacious travel van. He introduced himself and gave us a wonderful summary of our tour, we knew right away that this was going to be a wonderful experience! First, this van was totally stocked with gourmet food and beverages, it’s like Patrick raided Whole Foods just before he picked us up! We arrived at the South rim near the main visitor center and Patrick guided us to our first view of Grand Canyon and it just took our breath away! He traveled with a portable telescope and was able to give us a wealth of Grand Canyon facts, history and pointed out certain points of interest including the Desert View Watchtower, (which we would go to later), rapids and camping sites not visible to the naked eye. He gave us enough time to explore on our own and visit the visitor center to get our cancellation stamps for our passport book. We continued the South Rim trail and found a quite spot about a mile east of El Tovar and the train station and hiked some incredible vistas while Patrick set up our gourmet lunch at one of the picnic tables with a view that would take your breath away! Lunch was served on a white tablecloth with dishes and silver wear and consisted of gourmet sandwiches on freshly baked bread, chips, and all of the necessary toppings including homemade pesto and pasta salad. We had a choice of beverages including local Grand Canyon beer and finished with a freshly baked cookie. After lunch Patrick took us for a short hike down the South rim. He geared up with his pack with appropriate gear, (first aid, water, hiking poles, etc.), and accommodated our party which consisted of 3 generations ranging from 11-80, we were all comfortable with the hike and were proudly one of the 3 percent of travelers that got to go below the rim. Patrick has an amazing background in biology and was able to point out fossils, plant and animal life for us and our two children and is also an amazing photographer, (see family photos attached). What we like most about Patrick is that you really go to know him, and he talked to us about his passion for nature and music, next time we will request that he brings his guitar! We had a nice stop heading back west to El Tovar where we could explore the hotel and the gift shops nearby, Verkamps and the Hopi House, as Patrick recommended Hopi House was a hit with fine Native American crafts and high-quality Grand Canyon merchandise. Our tour continued west on West Rim Drive and stops at Hopi Point, Mohave Point, Pima Point, Desert View Watchtower, and the most spectacular sunset at Moran Point! After taking some amazing family photos, Patrick set up a table complete with charcuterie, wine, beer, sparkling cider for the kkiddosand a birthday cake to celebrate 3 birthdays, it was absolutely breathtaking and the charcuterie was the perfect snack to end a perfect day! The ride home was also very exciting, just as Patrick was talking about the new headlight updates to the van, we spotted two large female elk the were crossing the road! An amazing day and adventure with spectacular views, great history of the Canyon along with an incredible wealth of knowledge of the surrounding environment from Patrick. It was tough to say goodbye, but we were exhausted from the visual stimulation of the beauty of the Grand Canyon. I highly recommend All Star Grand Canyon Tours and if you can request Patrick Boyd, you will not be disappointed, he was amazing! Well done buddy, hope to see you next time! The Gallagher and Coyne family, (Tim, Colleen, Ansley, Kiley, Mike, and Karen).
Apr 2022
We booked All Star for an all day private excursion of the GC for five people. For three of us, it was our first time and thought it would be good to be guided. It wasn’t cheap but man was it worth every penny. We got picked by Andrew at Under Canvas where we were staying. Andrew toured us to all the great spots of the Grand Canyon which included a shorter hike and then a more substantial one. Both were at locations with stunning views. I am a little afraid of heights and ended up stopping mid way while the rest of the group trekked down further for even more stunning views on the longer hike. Our lunch was prepared by a professional caterer comprised of great sandwiches and salads, all set up for us to just sit and enjoy. The grand finale was at the most stunning spot to watch the sunset while we sipped on champagne and nibble on cheese and salami. The best part of the excursion was certainly Andrew. He had a great way of being genuine, being able to mix with us who got a little rambunctious at times. He really made the day and we all talked about how great Andrew and the day was the rest of our stay at the GC.

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