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Велики кањон обруча Јелоустона и пешачење са ручком

Планинарење Гранд Цанион Рим је једно од најбољих планинарења у Националном парку Иелловстоне. Ова планинарска тура је петља. Ваш туристички водич ће посматрати медведе и одговарати на ваша питања. Обезбеђени ручак, ужине и опрема. Не само да шетамо по ободу кањона, већ и кроз шуму до језера, блатних лонаца и ливада.
Цити: Јелоустоун
Tue 19 Nov
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Са почетком у $182.00
Tue 19 Nov
Са почетком у $182.00
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Употреба ранца, спреја за медведа, штапа за планинарење, двогледа (када не постоје ограничења за корона вирус)
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Молимо вас да обавестите о свим специфичним захтевима у исхрани у време резервације<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током искуства<ли>Редовно дезинфицирано области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовна температура провере за особље
Шта да очекујете
Велики кањон Јелоустона
Ваш стручни водич ће вас дочекати у павиљону поред паркинга Уппер Фаллс у 8 ујутро. Ово је такође полазна тачка за стазу ујка Тома. Пешачење је петља од 6 миља. Пјешачење се води дуж руба кањона, кроз шуму до језера Риббон, а затим поред басена гејзира, Цлеар Лакеа и ливада Вапити са великим погледом на долину Хејден. Ако пешачите једном стазом у Јелоустону, то је то!
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Коментара (254)
Jun 2019
We just did the Bunsen Peak and Lamar Valley hikes with Emily Jo of Yellowstone Hiking Guides. The hikes were extremely informative -- Emily Jo knows the history of the area inside and out and can identify every flower, animal and "scat". She's a delight to spend the day with -- great exercise, great views and great company. I can't recommend this company enough. They're punctual, responsible and pleasant. 5 stars!!
Christina C
Jun 2019
We booked two tours with Yellowstone Hiking Guides – the Lamar Valley Hike and the Lower Loop Active Van Tour. Both were great and we would highly recommend them! This is a company that loves what they do and have outstanding customer service. The Lower Loop Active Van Tour gave us a great introduction to Yellowstone on our first full day there. Josh picked us up at Canyon Visitor Center, just a 5-7 minute walk from our Canyon Lodge hotel, and drove us around the highlights of the lower loop. Being in a small van, we could get started on our tour right away rather than drive around and pick up at other Yellowstone hotels before getting started, and we could park at various spots and get out to walk around the Grand Canyon area, and then the geyser areas, Lake Yellowstone and Old Faithful. Yellowstone Hiking Guides made it really easy – they know the places to go, the vantage spots to get a great view without the crowds, provided binoculars, built in bathroom breaks, offered hot beverages, and packed snacks and a really good deli lunch for us! My family (husband, 15 year old son, 13 year old daughter) really enjoyed our day. And Josh clearly knows and loves Yellowstone; he was a great guide. We were very nervous about driving to the Lamar Valley Trailhead for our hike later in the week, and this is where Yellowstone Hiking Guides went above and beyond! They were happy to pick us up at Canyon Lodge and drive us to the start of the hike. This was HUGE for us – we’re from Chicago and not used to steep mountain passes (like Dunraven – craziness!) and didn’t feel at all comfortable driving those roads. But they were wonderful and happy to do it (and we insisted on paying extra for this service – a 1h15m drive each way). They clearly care about their customers and want to ensure they don’t miss out on these experiences. The Lamar Valley hike was the absolute HIGHLIGHT of our five days at Yellowstone. Only 1% of visitors at Yellowstone get more than a quarter-mile from a road, and while we saw a lot from the road during our drives through the park, it was great to get a few miles into the Lamar Valley and really experience Yellowstone. My husband and kids are very fit, me not so much, and I was worried about doing the hike – but it was no problem. Emily Jo was our guide; we didn’t go too fast, and we made lots of informative stops. She’d pause to show us recent wolf prints in the mud, and moose prints, and galloping elk prints, pointing out how she could tell the elk was running. It was fascinating. We stopped to observe the bison herd and their calves as they made their way down to the river. We heard stories about the wolf packs and the fight for dominance in the Lamar Valley. She pointed out petrified wood and arrowhead rocks. And again, they made it so easy for us. We just had to bring water and sunscreen. Everything else was provided – snacks, lunch, trekking poles, binoculars, extra rain jackets, extra hiking backpacks if needed, bear spray, etc. We LOVED our trip to Yellowstone and Yellowstone Hiking Guides was a big part of this. We would HIGHLY recommend this company. It was easy and convenient to book the trip online on their website, they made everything easy for us while we were there, and Josh and Emily Jo are wonderful people who love what they do and are great guides. Their family has a long history with Yellowstone too, with 40+ years of hiking and backpacking experience. Thank you Josh and Emily Jo!
Jun 2019
First, Audrey our guide was fantastic! Upon arrival she provided a nice overview of the day ahead. Set expectations perfectly. Instant coffee and tea if you wanted. You receive a bag lunch which consisted of a turkey sandwich, apple, chips, peanuts and some sugary snacks. She provided day packs, trekking poles, rain jackets and bear spray. I highly recommend all of the above. I would also recommend waterproof hiking shoes. Some of the terrain can be wet in places. She will navigate around wet areas best she can. Also, most importantly bring lots of water!! We had an overcast cool day and still drank a cool deal of water. The hike probably covered around 6 miles (total out and back). Once you loose site of the parking area, you get a very different feeling about Yellowstone. We saw a few other hikers in the distance, but it is mostly you and the bison. Lots of bison! We also spotted a coyote, ground squirrels, pronghorn, hawks and a badger. Amazing! Audrey did a great job keeping everyone safe. She kept a good distance between us and the bison herds and was very vigilant about bears. She constantly checks to see how everyone is doing along the way. Mid morning we stopped by a nice stand of trees for a snack an bathroom break. Bring you own roll of TP. No human-made facilities on the entire hike. About 3 hours in we stopped along the river for lunch. Great spot. The return trip can take less time if the bison herds cooperate. We had a slight detour since they were on the human-trail but we still managed to get back to the trailhead before 3pm. Very enjoyable day! Thanks Audrey

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