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Sun 12 Jan
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Sun 12 Jan
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<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Воз може да прими моторизовани скутер ако није шири од 25 инча. Постоји посебан лифт за подизање скутера у воз.<ли>Имајте на уму: Аризона не поштује дневно светло и пребацује се између МСТ (планинско стандардно време) и ПСТ (пацифичко стандардно време) у зависности од сезоне.<ли>После безбедносних новости у вези са вирусом ЦОВИД-19 – Љубазно вас молимо да се уздржите од овог обиласка ако почнете да показујете било који од симптома повезаних са ЦОВИД-19, или ако сте у великом ризику од заразе болест. Осигурајте да 1 особа по групи чека у реду за замену карата. Маске за лице ће бити веома препоручљиве. Социјално дистанцирање ће се практиковати на перону и у возу. Седишта у возу ће бити ограничена како би се максимизирала социјална дистанца, а од гостију ће се тражити да одмах заузму своја седишта држећи пролазе слободним и да остану седети осим да користе тоалете.<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике на јавним местима. <ли>Маске за лице потребне су водичима у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства<ли>Редовно се дезинфикује области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовна температура провере за особље
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Коментара (1000)
Oct 2019
If you are a train lover than this is a must do! We booked on their website and the process was seamless. They offer really any type of accommodation for what ever your budget my allow. We did a one day round trip "mix and match" my terminology. We did the Luxury Dome Observation car north to the Grand Canyon, and First Class on the return trip. Saved abiyt $70. In these classes you get a continental breakfast, danish, scones, juice and coffee. If you are in the highest price class of travel you can wander to other cars. First class had dougnuts as Luxury did not, so wander and enjoy. You are assigned seats, but again you may wander to the dome and we got open seats. The attendants in the coaches are very good and act as tour guides. Prior to boarding enjoy the depot/gift shop. A 15 minute shoot out between the "bad guys" and the marshall, more comedic than violent. The train ride itself is very smooth, much smoother than other rail service I have been on. There are wandering entertainers/musicians working for tips. Also a photographer onboard who will take your photos and sell them to you on the return trip. Enjoy visiting with other passengers. We met two couples from New Zealand. Several folks were doing a two day trip, spending the night at the Grand Canyon, some took the tour bus, we walked the south rim for 3 hours and visited shops and hotel. On the return trip we "downgraded" to First Class which was very nice. Possible better snacks than Luxury. However, when they say snacks are ready, go right away. The Europeans on our car must have figured the food is includes so they got their monies worth of snacks, piled high. They got everyone else's money worth too! I was five deep in line and the platter were devoid of any type of meat. So cheese and carrots for me. Be forewarned. About 30 minutes from arriving back in Williams the train will slow down. Get your camera ready on the east side to get a picture of the bandits riding up to board the train. Passenger Service Attendants will ask you to put a $1 bill in your hat or somewhere to make the bandits work for the tip. Just a real fun experience and well done rail ride for everyone.
Oct 2019
First of all, Williams Arizona is a delightful town. Such history, shops, and food. The train ride was comfortable, relaxing, and scenic. The staff are entertaining and delightful to visit with.
Oct 2019
Family, all adults, no kids (no option on this site), hotel is charming, kitschy, fun times. Buffet style meals are decent, not 5 star but edible and fulfilling, breakfast and dinner. Can buy alcoholic drinks separately, decent offering of local breweries on tap. They lit fireplace on return trip, nice sitting in lobby w a night cap. Train ride is great, sat in Fred Harvey panoramic car (extra fee worth it), cowboy show before boarding hokey and trite, could have done without, staff onboard train is A Plus!! Dee, JR, Noel, conductors, brakewoman, all were extremely pleasant, hospitable, fun, cheerful!! Snacks and drinks are delicious, nice variety for breakfast and lunch, can purchase alcoholic drinks, Bloody Mary amazingly delicious!! Downstairs car has couches, chairs, feels like Orient Express, pretty cool. VIP riders can also stand on back platform, great views. Maswik Lodge was good, expected cabin style rooming, no frills, patio with nature view, their pizza pub was awesome, good food and local brews on tap, flights only $12!! Overall it was a fantastic way to travel to/from the Grand Canyon, kids and adults loved it. NOTE: the "bounty" collected by the stage coach robbers is Not shared amongst the train staff, it's only for the cowboy actors. Wish we had known bc we would not have tipped them so much, thinking it was going to Dee & Noel & JR... We would have tipped them separately.

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