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Железничке карте за Гранд Цанион

Укрцајте се на железницу Великог кањона за путовање до величанственог Великог кањона који никада нећете заборавити. Осетите тутњаву старог воза док мотор јури 65 миља (приближно 105 км) по прелепом селу Северне Аризоне. Воз нуди калеидоскопске погледе на врхове Сан Франциска и котрља се кроз долине украшене дивљим цвећем, густим боровим шумама, високим пустињским равницама и малим кањонима.
Цити: Флагстафф
Thu 07 Nov
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Са почетком у $127.11
Thu 07 Nov
Са почетком у $127.11
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<ул><ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Воз може да прими моторизовани скутер ако није шири од 25 инча. Постоји посебан лифт за подизање скутера у воз.<ли>Имајте на уму: Аризона не поштује дневно светло и пребацује се између МСТ (планинско стандардно време) и ПСТ (пацифичко стандардно време) у зависности од сезоне.<ли>Безбедносна ажурирања после ЦОВИД-19 – Љубазно вас молимо да се уздржите од овог обиласка ако почнете да показујете било који од симптома повезаних са ЦОВИД-19, или ако сте у великом ризику од заразе болест. Осигурајте да 1 особа по групи чека у реду за замену карата. Маске за лице ће бити веома препоручљиве. Социјално дистанцирање ће се практиковати на перону и у возу. Седишта у возу ће бити ограничена како би се максимално повећала социјална дистанца, а од гостију ће се тражити да одмах заузму своја седишта држећи пролазе чистим и да остану седећи осим да користе тоалете.<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике на јавним местима. <ли>Маске за лице потребне су водичима у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током искуства<ли>Редовно се дезинфикује области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи су обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Редовна температура провере за особље
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (399)
Apr 2019
Our railway car guide, Amber Rose was excellent! She was funny and interesting. We really like to take tours to learn about the area. Since it was a 2 1/2 hour trip both ways, we learned a lot. I would recommend you have plenty of ones available on the trip to tip the musician up, the musician down, the train robbers, the sheriff, and the car guide.
Apr 2019
We enjoyed our ride to the south rim of the Grand Canyon on this train trip. Our car attendant was friendly, funny, helpful and informative. Thank you, Amber Rose. The ride was even more enjoyable knowing we could easily walk back to the railway hotel and enjoy the evening. The train robbery is cute, fun and corny and we all enjoyed it. Get off those phones and get out there!
Apr 2019
We were five couples traveling together and made reservations for the 9:30AM train (return) leaving from Williams, AZ to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. We researched, made and pre-paid our trip on their website for the Luxury Cabin--very easy. Upon arriving at the departure station, there is plenty of parking and a clearly mark "Ticket" sign. Three ticket windows made check in very quick--yes, it is inside with the gift shop. Next, after receiving our Mary Colter Coach tickets, buffet lunch vouchers and South Rim motorcoach tour ticket, we were directed to a bleacher area to a "wild west show". It comprised of 3 hombres and a Sheriff. The whole show lasted about 15 minutes, then we boarded our train. We had assigned seats in the upper level, but after departure we were free to roam around. Refreshments of orange juice and water were available in addition to scones, hard boiled eggs and whole fruit. The pastries in the upper cabin ran out quickly, but you could scavenge-around and find additional platters in the lower deck. We were assigned a "server' (Logan) who shared information about the areas we were passing through. The ride takes about 2 and 1/2 hours to travel about 60 miles. Other than the Ponderosa Forest, there is not much to see. You can make your way to the back of the coach and stand on the platform on the back of the train. The train also has a singer with a guitar that visits your train car performing maybe 3 songs before moving on. Upon arriving at the Canyon, you leave the train and climb into very nice motorcoachs, for a 3 hour tour of the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Our driver/tour guide shared loads of info about the housing, buildings, animals, history and vegetation of the Canyon and said she prefers to do lunch before embarking on the actual Canyon stops. The buffet was a nice variety of warm and cold food, with pie as dessert. It is in a private dining room, reserved just for these tours. In 45 minutes we were back on the bus, headed to our first stop. The best part of this tour, was the access to restricted areas--overlooks only available through this tour. Magnificent! and small crowds. We only had two stops on the tour, but spend about 20 minutes at each--plenty of time to take in the view and snap dozens of photos. Next, she dropped us back near the train station with about an hour before departure to explore the many historic building and over looks there. Promptly, at 3:15 PM, we were loaded back on the train and at 3:30 PM departed for Williams. On the return trip, we were served a glass of champagne and treated to a variety of sweet snacks. They also offered a cash bar and cabin service. The Bloody Mary's were very nice. Our group enjoyed the cushy sofas and chairs on the lower deck for the ride back to Williams. We arrived back at the station at 5:00 PM. A great way to spend the day.

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