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Sat 09 Nov
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Sat 09 Nov
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Коментара (399)
Aug 2021
Great way to get to the Grand Canyon. Downfall is your stuck to get back to town. It's nice though because after hiking, you're too tired to drive. There is entertainment onboard and a food car, but I suggest having a good breakfast and bring food with you.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Thank you for your review and feedback! Best, GCR&H Team
Jul 2021
This was on my sons bucket list to ride the steam train to the Grand Canyon so we rearranged our trip through the west so we would be at the Railway on "Steam Saturday" which occurs only one time a month (even though most of the pictures and souvenirs you see that they sell are of the steam train). Two things you NEED to know if Steam is important to you. Only the 9:30 train is steam (the 10:30 if they are running two trains is not) I made a change to change coaches and that was not told to me by the agent on the phone which seems like a big point to bring up for that one day a month. Second, we were told after we arrived that the fire danger was too high to run the steam train, again not mentioned that this could be a possibility. And what is the likelihood that fire danger wouldn't be too high in July? They should have this in bold on the website that it is not likely that the steam train will run in the summer months. The train itself was okay, we were in the observation dome on the way to the canyon with some loud drinkers in the seats ahead of us. There was a woman server working in the car but she was really only interested in helping those that were ordering the drinks. There was not much to see from the observation dome, it was an interesting new experience but I wasn't sorry when we moved to coach for the trip back. I will say the woman who was working in our coach on the way back was so much nicer, friendly and funny and she made sure we had cold water available as soon as we got on the train. My family mostly slept on the way back. There is a lot of steps to climb (or a ramp) once you get to the Canyon before you get to the view. We made a reservation at the El Tovar for lunch which was nice but we were disappointed it was so hard to get to the NPS visitor center so there wasn't enough time to do that. It was good to do once but I wouldn't go out of my way to ride it again especially after the letdown with the Steam.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Thank you for your review and feedback! Best, GCR&H Team
Kevln T
Jul 2021
someone has to tell the truth of what can haopen to you on this "Day" trip because it happened to us. Try leaving in the morning on a school bus type seat (small) and in July in Arzonia with no air. It was inhumane after 2yrs my arm got sun poison just riding up because of the sun coming on window and there was no escaping it. THen WE'RE dropped off middle of nothing, NO BATHROOM'S and you cant even believe it but cant see grand canyon after 3 HR RIDE. 20 miniutes later in 108 degree heat. I.got sick, felt faint. We EVENTUALLY ALONG WITH SEVERAL OTHERS find out that we have to cross over the railroad tracks to the ticket booth [also no air) to get to a hill we go up and then yes magnificant aweinspiring beauty of no parallel. Its 118 degrees by now. We go to the restaurant to find some relief and bathroom,by this time its been almost 4 hrs since we left station and i really needed one. The stench of.the restroom was so bad it sent us back to the ticket booth were there was a line for the 2 dirty bathrooms there but there was airflow. We asked about a uber for return trip because theres noway I'm getting back into a tin metal car at 118 degrees and was told the the return trip would be in a differnt car with air. It seems we were in the 1928 "pullman" car which I guess is less than coach and thats why it has no air. It did have electric outlets so??? Anyway I know you get what you pay for so I didnt pay for the luxury train but no where did.it.say without.air.in 108 degree heat. You see nothing on the way up of.the grand canyon so is just the transportation. Yes they had some.very amateur and I mean very, entertainment on the train but it seemed to be entirely focused on getting more money. They wanted tips for singing, then they rob you yes rob you for money you are pushed to give them. Then train attendant on the way back was very nice and gave alot of educational info about the area but dont have kids she wont put up with any foolishness. I mean how dare a child whine or get restless on a 3hr, slow bake trip back. I will never ever get on a train again just " in case" because I didn't know you could sell abuse so wel

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