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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
Са почетком у $105.60
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Греенвицх Виллаге
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Греенвицх Виллаге
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Коментара (67)
Oct 2018
We were a group of six from Long Island. We didn't have to travel far but it is worth the trip from anywhere! Besides delicious food stops ( one of them being the best pizza!) we learned a lot about the history of Greenwich Village that we didn't know before. Nancy was wonderful! She even emailed us the same night to give us more tips on different areas of NYC! Thank you so much!!
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2018
Thank YOU so much! We love reintroducing locals to our amazing city, and Nancy is such a great ambassador. We appreciate your patronage and would love to see you again in the future.
Oct 2018
We really enjoyed our food tour of Greenwich Village with Alison. First we were the only ones on the tour which was super special, and it was like our own private tour (and extra food for us!). It was more than a food tour because we also got a lot of good background on the area and got to see where “Friends” and “Sex in the City” were filmed. The food ranged from chocolates, French pastries, pizza slice, stuffed bagel bites, Italian deli sandwich, and cannolis. We were pretty full after and it was all delicious! I think my favorite food was the unique French pastries. It was really a fun way to spend our afternoon in NYC.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Hello and thank you for taking the time to leave such a lovely review. Our tours are guaranteed semi-private, and often end up being just the group that booked. How wonderful that you had Alison all to yourselves as your adventure guide! So glad that you enjoyed the amazing food along the way as well. Cheers!
Oct 2018
Jen was very prompt and met us at the required location in Greenwich Village. She was efficient, amazingly knowledgable and lots of fun. We started with two desserts tops - my kind of lunch sequencing!! the first was the most unusual and best French dessert ever and the second fabulous chocolate - and a bag to take along! We w wandered the "organic" streets as she called them where alone we would have been lost and never noticed so many of the details and changes that occurred over the years. She was able to answer every question thoroughly. We stopped for the best pizza ever, one of a kind bagel filled balls and an Italian deli sandwich of home-cured meets and cheese. We were too full to finish and she even had "take home baggies"!!!! We finished with delicious cannolis. We then took the metro to lower Manhattan and started that tour which was equally fact filled, fun and thorough. The pace was good. We covered lots of ground but not too fast. We would highly recommend this tout and Jen if you can catch her between singing gigs.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2018
Thank you for such an excellent, thorough review. We strive to give our guests a culinary experience that mirrors the neighborhood and it's rich history, and it certainly sounds like we hit the mark! You would absolutely love the offerings in Hell's Kitchen, Chinatown and Grand Central Station as well. Jen is top notch, and we so fortunate to have her on our team.Thanks again, and we look forward to touring with you again in the future.

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