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Обилазак Гипси Голд Хорсе Фарм

Гипси Голд је дом првих америчких коња Гипси Ваннер и најпопуларније фарме на Флориди. Сазнајте више о живописној британској циганској култури и упознајте десетине њихових магичних циганских коња ванер. Прича о Гипси Голду и Гипси Ваннер коњима је једна од најфасцинантнијих и најромантичнијих прича у аналима историје коња.
Цити: Орландо
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $45.00
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $45.00
Шта је укључено
Прилика за фотографисање са једним од наших Гипси Ваннер коња
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са слабим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Деца до 5 година бесплатно
Шта да очекујете
Фарма циганског злата
наших првих четрдесет пет минута је образовно путовање које води Денис Томпсон, откривач и оснивач расе коња Гипси Ваннер. Денис и Ерин ће вас затим упознати са Гипси Ваннер пастувом и објаснити замишљени изглед и детаље јединствене за расу Ваннер. Ваш други сат је шетња међу коњима испуњеним паддоцима обложеним древним храстовима натовареним романтичном шпанском маховином на југу. У шетњи ћете срести прелепе пастуве и кобиле и љубазне бебе Гипси Ваннер Хорсе. Ваш обилазак фарме Гипси Голд завршава се сликом са невероватним пастувом Гипси Ваннер Хорсе и посетом продавници поклона Гипси Голд.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (269)
Jun 2021
Today we had the delightful pleasure of learning about the Gypsy Vanner horse from Dennis Thompson, owner of Gypsy Gold Horse Farm. Believe it or not, My husband and first saw this amazing breed while watching the TV series, "Heartland"! We were immediately captivated by their beauty, strength and unique features. Wanting to learn more, I did a quick internet search only to learn that the individual (Dennis) responsible for bringing this spectacular breed to America had a horse farm that was located less than 30 minutes from where we live. Before our tour started, we were free to explore the stable and pastures and visit the horses. (Remember to bring carrots and/or apples for these friendly creatures.) Dennis spoke to our group about his background and love of animals, and how he stumbled upon the Gypsy Vanner during a trip to Europe. He discussed the breeding operation and his plans and dreams for the future of the facility. After giving us a detailed history and his acquisition of the breed, he & Erin led us on a walking tour of the pastures to introduce us to the horses and explain a little more of their lineage. The Thompsons are to be commended on their vision & plans to share the history of the Gypsy Vanner with the world. Very impressive indeed! This is one tour not to be missed! We will definitely return!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Thanks ronag774 as I read your great review I thought ( stay curious) . I did because it was your curiosity and desire to learn more that brought you to Gypsy Gold. For me, curiosity and a desire to learn more are what makes life fascinating. Sometimes I will say to Erin , let go get lost. What I mean is let's go take roads that are unfamiliar to us to see what we discover. On a recent adventure we saw a circus trailer and discovered people who once worked for Wringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus. They were awesome people and we hope one day they will entertain visitors to Gypsy Gold for a special treat. We look forward to your return, until then, stay curious ! Dennis and Erin Gypsy Gold
Jun 2021
The horses were beautiful and very friendly. The owners were welcoming and informative. We had a great time and will definitely go back.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Thanks so much for your great review pro2762, we look forward to your return . Dennis and Erin Gypsy Gold
Jun 2021
One of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been in an inspirational story about two people and a dream come true. Not only is this a beautiful horse farm, with luscious trees and green pastures, but it is a place to learn about the Gypsy culture by the owners who respect and cherish that culture. Learning about how the Gypsy Vanner horse breed was carefully crafted by European ‘travelers’ over hundreds of years was so fascinating. We can certainly understand why Gypsy Gold Farm is the #1 activity in Ocala.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2021
Thanks Barbara, we love how you describe your experience and where the experience happened. Thank you for your eloquent review. Warm Regards, Dennis and Erin
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