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Обилазак Гипси Голд Хорсе Фарм

Гипси Голд је дом првих америчких коња Гипси Ваннер и најпопуларније фарме на Флориди. Сазнајте више о живописној британској циганској култури и упознајте десетине њихових магичних циганских коња ванер. Прича о Гипси Голду и Гипси Ваннер коњима је једна од најфасцинантнијих и најромантичнијих прича у аналима историје коња.
Цити: Орландо
Wed 13 Nov
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Са почетком у $45.00
Wed 13 Nov
Са почетком у $45.00
Шта је укључено
Прилика за фотографисање са једним од наших Гипси Ваннер коња
Пешачка тура
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са слабим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају бити у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Деца до 5 година бесплатно
Шта да очекујете
Фарма циганског злата
наших првих четрдесет пет минута је образовно путовање које води Денис Томпсон, откривач и оснивач расе коња Гипси Ваннер. Денис и Ерин ће вас затим упознати са Гипси Ваннер пастувом и објаснити замишљени изглед и детаље јединствене за расу Ваннер. Ваш други сат је шетња међу коњима испуњеним паддоцима обложеним древним храстовима натовареним романтичном шпанском маховином на југу. У шетњи ћете срести прелепе пастуве и кобиле и љубазне бебе Гипси Ваннер Хорсе. Ваш обилазак фарме Гипси Голд завршава се сликом са невероватним пастувом Гипси Ваннер Хорсе и посетом продавници поклона Гипси Голд.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (269)
Jul 2022
I booked this trip as a surprise to my friend who has a Gypsy Vanner out in AZ. She was beyond excited. Loved her time learning about the history and heard about some relatives of her horse along the way. Dennis and Erin were great hosts.
Jul 2022
Very informative and entertaining lecture about the history of the breed and the farm. The walking tour was also interesting as we saw lots of different animals. Was able to see a week-old Gypsy Vanner foal, which was really sweet. I highly recommend this tour.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thanks KarenDogLover, what a great name :) . We appreciate your kind and appreciating words about your Gypsy Gold experience. I was up most of last night waiting for another baby Vanner to arrive but, not yet. The babies are so precious, it's always exciting to greet them for the first time and always exhausting waiting for that moment to arrive. Thanks so much for visiting and please visit again one day . `Fellow Dog Lovers Dennis , Erin and taylor
Crystal W
Jul 2022
I didn’t have time to visit this attraction when I was in the vicinity so I drove out of my way on my way home. It was a waste of gas. They have one very tired old “ Gypsy “ horse and a few other animals. The story he tells he makes up as he goes along. He has one picture that he holds up as a picture of four different horses. There are other horse attractions in the area that have to be more worth your time and money.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Dear Crystal, I try to be generous when responding to all reviews good and bad but yours sends a very distorted, view of what we do, and the experience one will receive, why would you do that ? . You show up late. then you sit with an angry look on your face and don't listen to the talking part of the tour. The old tired Vanner Horse you mention was in the barn being treated for an injury. He is the son of the most famous Vanner Horse in the breeds history ( in the story) he is the sire to the winningest Vanner Horse in the breeds history ( in the story) .......Gypsies are people (in the story) who need to be better understood (in the story) and then you leave before you meet approximately 100 other animals , 35 historically significant Vanner horses, two of the first mules in North America to give birth and much more. We work very hard to give people the unique experience most applaud us for. Of the 926 reviews on Trip Advisor 868 are five star 38 are four star so 906 and 7 like yours are two star. Please examine how you approach your experiences, you will enjoy them much more.
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