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Халеакала јутарња најбоља бициклистичка тура са водичем са Бике Мауи

Након узбудљивог и информативног обиласка Националног парка Халеакала, гости ће започети своју вођену бициклистичку туру на 6.500 стопа надморске висине. Крстарите низ планину на врхунским Кона бициклима до града Макавао у Упцоунтри-у. Наши водичи су НАИ сертификовани и опсежно обучени <бр>Састанак на 810 Хаику Рд, Хаику, ХИ 96708<бр><бр>ШТА ЈЕ УКЉУЧЕНО<бр>• НАИ сертификовани водичи<бр>• Улаз у национални парк Халеакала<бр>• КОНА Брдски бицикли<бр>• ДАКИНЕ ранчеви<бр>• Хелли Хансен кишна опрема<бр>• Белл шлемови<бр><бр>ШТА ДА ПОНЕШЕ<бр>• Ципеле са затвореним прстима<бр>• Вишеслојна одећа<бр>• Дукс или јакна<бр>• Плетена капа или шешир<бр>• Сунчане наочаре <бр>• Крема за сунчање<бр>• Телефон/камера<бр>• Мале грицкалице<бр>• Вода<бр><бр>ОГРАНИЧЕЊА<бр>СВИ БИКЕ ЈАХАЧИ МОРАЈУ:<бр>• Разумети и признати ризике који су укључени <бр>• Имати 12 година или више<бр>• Имати недавно искуство у вожњи бицикла<бр>• Бити виши од 4'10”<бр>• Будите физички способан да издржи ову активност на отвореном<бр>• Не узимајте никакве лекове који могу да изазову поспаност<бр>• Немојте бити трудни<бр>• Немојте имати више од 270 лбс.<бр>• Носите ципеле са затвореним прстима<бр>
Цити: Мауи
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $235.33
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимална висина за бициклисте је 4'10"<ли>Минимална старост за бициклисте је 12 година година<ли>Потребно је недавно искуство у вожњи бициклом<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирано између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила редовно дезинфицирана<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку
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Коментара (34)
Hannah K
May 2019
The driver was super nice, but the bike leader was unsafe and acted like a bully. I had my strava app on, and it said I was going between 9-14 mph, and the car speed limit was 15 mph only one mile above the speed I was going, and the driver humiliated me for not acting reckless, forced me to go in the van, and was rude when I demanded to finish the tour which thankfully I was able too. They were in a rush to finish the tour on time and comprised our safety and dignity. Again the driver was amazing but I would never trust the bike guide. I never thought paying for a almost $200 tour that I would be picked on for being cautious and people were blatantly breaking rules like passing people and they did not get in trouble. I’ve been on bike tours before, usually the guides are accommodating to all levels and if there is a problem they tell the person in a discreet non humiliating way. I went on a bike tour in Thailand, they made sure all felt welcome from advance to novice. Only pay for this tour if you want to get bullied for being not reckless and safety consciences on a very dangerous steep road.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2019
Safety is the top priority for all our riders as well as all those who share the roadway. Average rate biking down Haleakala is about 20-25mph. Speed limits for vehicles along the route range from 15mph in hair pin turns to 35mph in straight aways. If the group is averaging 15mph for the length of the ride, that is speed is below average and can pose a safety concern both for all riders in the group who's comfort zone is not that of that other riders pace. This is due to the nature of the ride, bike riding physics, and traffic concerns when traveling at that rate. Unfortunately our staff does on occasion have to make a decision that is best for the safety, concern, and enjoyment of the other riders as well as other vehicles on the road. Our Escort vehicle is available as necessary and trails the bikers for those who may not be suited, not interested, or prefer to ride the van down instead of the bike. Thank you for riding with us.
William B
May 2019
We did a very similar ride about 20 years ago on our first trip to Maui. There are a number of things that you should know about it now as the excursion is really in three parts and the duration from pick up to drop off is basically the whole day (7 am to 4 pm). Part one is from the pick up at the hotel, a nice feature, with a fairly long drive to the business office to sign waivers, get helmets and windbreakers, and then a drive up to the summit of Mount Haleakala. We were given a chance to walk around the observation point (at 10,000 feet above sea level) and then a van ride part way back down the mountain to get to the bicycle part. It seemed as if this first part took between 4 and 5 hours (no biking). The guides, Tom and Billy, got mixed reviews from our group. There was non stop talking from them about everything you can imagine dealing with Maui, the mountain, the history, etc. After a while it got to be too much in my opinion. The second part of the trip was the bike ride which starts outside the national park at about 6,500 feet and descends to Paia at sea level. This tour was "guided" meaning that we followed a tour leader down the mountain and we were followed by the van which helped block/control traffic as we descended. The problem is that the trip down is at the pace of the slowest and most inexperienced bike rider and I can almost guarantee there will be someone in your group that is literally afraid of bicycles (People say they can ride but they really can't).. My hands were numb from gripping the brakes constantly on the way down! Not a lot of fun when you might like to "let her rip" a little where it is safe to do so. 20 years ago the bikes started in the summit parking lot (10,000 feet) but that is no longer allowed by the Park Service so the riding part is significantly shorter now. The final part of the trip was "lunch on your own" in Paia. Paia is a quaint older town maybe leftover from the 60's.It was very hot the day we went so it was a bit uncomfortable.Lunch options (now after 2 pm) were few. Then back on the van and the return to the hotel. I debated whether to opt for the guided tour or the "self-guided" tour (this company offered both). I II ever do it again I will do self guided. The downside to self guided is there is the potential to get lost as there are a few turns onto different roads on the way down, and you have to trust that the cars coming down the mountain will respect your rights on the bicycle.On that point, all the drivers we encountered coming down were courteous and gave us a wide berth. The other factor is the weather, particularly at the summit. On our visit it was cool and the beginning of the ride required using the windbreaker provided. Shorts were fine even from the start. I heard that it can be very cold on top of the mountain any time of the year so layering clothes is important. Since it gets quite warm at the bottom, a backpack to store your layers when they are no longer needed would be helpful. All in all, the bicycling part has gotten shorter and the riding around in the van, etc has gotten longer. Some thought the "talking" by the guides was over the top (too much), others seemed to enjoy it. Personal preference.
May 2019
Tom and Billy are really enthusiastic about Maui, and the company they work for. I also spoke with Phil and he was very gracious about going over the details of the bike and the route. Weather was great, on our morning trip, a bit of fog to keep things cool until we were quite far down. For me the only downside was the great disparity in bike riders and their experience level. Next time would do the selfy version and do my own speed. When in a guided tour one must do the speed of the slowest rider.

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