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Халеакала јутарња најбоља бициклистичка тура са водичем са Бике Мауи

Након узбудљивог и информативног обиласка Националног парка Халеакала, гости ће започети своју вођену бициклистичку туру на 6.500 стопа надморске висине. Крстарите низ планину на врхунским Кона бициклима до града Макавао у Упцоунтри-у. Наши водичи су НАИ сертификовани и опсежно обучени <бр>Састанак на 810 Хаику Рд, Хаику, ХИ 96708<бр><бр>ШТА ЈЕ УКЉУЧЕНО<бр>• НАИ сертификовани водичи<бр>• Улаз у национални парк Халеакала<бр>• КОНА Брдски бицикли<бр>• ДАКИНЕ ранчеви<бр>• Хелли Хансен кишна опрема<бр>• Белл шлемови<бр><бр>ШТА ДА ПОНЕШЕ<бр>• Ципеле са затвореним прстима<бр>• Вишеслојна одећа<бр>• Дукс или јакна<бр>• Плетена капа или шешир<бр>• Сунчане наочаре <бр>• Крема за сунчање<бр>• Телефон/камера<бр>• Мале грицкалице<бр>• Вода<бр><бр>ОГРАНИЧЕЊА<бр>СВИ БИКЕ ЈАХАЧИ МОРАЈУ:<бр>• Разумети и признати ризике који су укључени <бр>• Имати 12 година или више<бр>• Имати недавно искуство у вожњи бицикла<бр>• Бити виши од 4'10”<бр>• Будите физички способан да издржи ову активност на отвореном<бр>• Не узимајте никакве лекове који могу да изазову поспаност<бр>• Немојте бити трудни<бр>• Немојте имати више од 270 лбс.<бр>• Носите ципеле са затвореним прстима<бр>
Цити: Мауи
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
Са почетком у $235.33
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лоше кардиоваскуларно здравље<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Минимална висина за бициклисте је 4'10"<ли>Минимална старост за бициклисте је 12 година година<ли>Потребно је недавно искуство у вожњи бициклом<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирано између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила редовно дезинфицирана<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку
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Коментара (34)
Dec 2019
What a great experience! We did the sunrise tour where they take you up to the summit and you see the beautiful sunrise and then drive a bit down to a location where you get on really awesome mountain bikes and bike the whole way down the mountain w a guide. They give you warm pants and jackets to wear at the top bc it gets cool. This tour was perfect for folks who feel comfortable on a bike. It has all kinds of switchbacks and speed for advanced riders but also gentle downward slopes for folks who are a little less adventurous. Our guide was very knowledgeable and shared a lot about the locals, history and mountain. The scenery was amazing and I think we smelled several dozen beautiful fragrant plants along the way. We were back to our hotel by 11:30am. Great morning!
Sep 2019
Everyone seems to only be giving positive reviews (which isn’t helpful for people searching) so I’ll give the caveats (while still giving it a positive review overall). First off, if you are physically in good shape and a little more apt on hiking, as soon as you get to the sunrise spot, turn right and walk up the mountain trail. Use your phone flashlight. The guides discourage this and TBH it’s dangerous and not an easy walk but you’ll get the entire sunrise with the best view in the house and not surrounded by 800 tourists clambering to get a selfie. WHAT NEEDS FIXING: - An email the day before saying “Hey FYI you should pack something to eat because we will pick you up at 2:00am and you won’t eat until 10:00am. - Tom/Tim our guide was super informative, really great personality wise and has lots of knowledge about Maui and its history. That said, 3:30am is too f***ing early to be talking NONSTOP and telling back and forth dad jokes with the driver. Everyone in our entire bus was sleeping or trying to and he kept talking about the history of Maui and pointing things out despite the fact it was pitch black outside. This made the entire first two hours miserable for us — several other people in our tour acknowledged the same. It’s great info but not at 3:30am. Just let us sleep. - The front desk team at the place where you pick up gear was kind of chauvinistic and mansplaining to a group of females. The guy kept saying things like “Are you sure you’re comfortable riding a bike?” “It goes fast is that okay?” “You really need to be comfortable on a bike” the girls kept saying yes over and over again. I get that everyone has safety top of mind but this felt unnecessary. Besides that can recommend this overall. Some earplugs and two granola bars would have made this a five star experience.
Aug 2019
My husband and I did this bike ride with a different company (that is no longer in business) 19 years ago and wanted to bring our kids this time (13 and 17). Yes, you have to get up early and yes, it's cold up there but it is one of the best things we've ever done...both times. Our pick-up by Drew at 1:45 was super smooth. He was on time and friendly. He brought us to their depot to get weatherproof gear, sign waivers and get fitted for a bike. We then went into a larger van that brought us up to the top of Haleakala. We were surprised how crowded it already was since sunrise was 6:05am and we got there around 5:00am. The other groups hogged up the spots and weren't really into sharing their space, but we pushed our way in. The sunrise was just spectacular!! Nothing like anything else we've ever seen. We then got back into the vans and made another pit stop to see the "crater" from a different angle. Then it was time to get on the bikes. Unlike last time, you have to start at 6,500 feet instead of the top of the volcano. Shiloh was our leader and he was great, patient and safety was his number one concern. The van follows you and blocks the road so the cars aren't really driving next to you. The switchbacks are a little nerve racking, but the breaks on the bikes were so easy to use you went at your own pace. The ride took about 2 hours and then we stopped in Paia for an hour to walk around and get some breakfast (I understand they have taken this part out which is a shame). Then Derek took us back to our hotel and we were back in our rooms by noon. It really is something that you should put on your bucket list...and then conquer.

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