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Полудневни обилазак Харлема Госпел Екпериенце

Уживајте у обиласку суседства културне престонице Црне Америке и доживите дубоке звуке госпел музике. Истражите улицама којима шетају великани као што су Били Холидеј, Малколм Икс и Мајкл Џексон док гледате легендарна места као што су Аполо театар, Абесинска баптистичка црква, Шомбург центар за истраживање црначке културе, Стриверс’ Ров, Хотел Тхереса и још много тога. Након обиласка комшилука, такође имате прилику да уживате у јеванђељској представи на служби у локалној цркви.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Wed 06 Nov
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Са почетком у $45.00
Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $45.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Код облачења је паметан цасуал. Део ове турнеје ће се одржати унутар цркве. Из поштовања према конгрегацији која нас угошћује, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно и уздржите се од ношења јапанки, мајица без рукава и шортсева<ли>За посету цркви је потребан доказ о вакцинацији и ношење маске. <ли>Купци захтевају да остану током целе црквене службе (обично 1,15 - 1,3 сата)<ли>Маске за лице су обавезне за путнике на јавним местима
Шта да очекујете
Шомбург центар за истраживање црначке културе
(Спољна посета) Шомбург центар за истраживање црначке културе је истраживачка библиотека Њујоршке јавне библиотеке и архивско складиште информација о људима афричког порекла широм света.
Мајка Афричка Методистичка Епископална Сионска црква
(Спољна посета) Мајка Сион је играла кључну улогу у сваком аспекту живота Афроамериканаца током ране историје Њујорка.
Абесинска баптистичка црква
(Спољна посета) Основана 1808. године, Абесинска баптистичка црква је једна од најстаријих афроамеричких баптистичких цркава у Сједињеним Државама.
Стриверс' Ров
Погледајте прелепе историјске куће које је изградио Давид Х. Кинг Јр., који је такође изградио Вашингтонски лук и Емпајер стејт билдинг.
Аполо театар
(Спољашња посета) Поново је отворено за црну и белу публику 1934. године као позориште Аполо које је углавном служило црначкој заједници Харлема.
Доживите службу црначке скупштине и уживајте и учествујте у јеванђељској музици са живим музичарима и хором који деле радост Јеванђеља.
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Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (64)
Aug 2022
We had an EXCELLENT time with our guide, Ludi. She told us about slavery history and connected it with the music. She is a great communicator and wakes up everybody, even on Sunday at 8am! But, and it is a big but because is the main reason for the tour, the gospel mass was absolutely disappointing. There was one solo singer (great voice, by the way) and 3 musicians. The congregation were 10-15 Afroamerican people and then, 400 tourists. The sound at the end rows was awful: you couldn’t hear the singer because of people clapping even with loudspeakers. And finally the songs: nice songs, great voice but no soul, and most of all, no choir at all (yes, we want a little choir, and we want to feel it in our bones!!!). No difference with a catholic mass in my country, and I would definitely not recommend to go to one except you are a true catholic. The mass was performed at Salem United Methodist Church. In the way back to the metro, we walked by another church: that was a real gospel mass!!! Bad choice…
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Thank you so much for your kind comments about the walking tour and our guide Ludi! As for the Chruch; we had only just received notice about not having a choir for the month of August, but only a soloist. We did notify all taking the tour of this fact well in advance to have the ability to cancel the tour. So this was the option of all attendees to cancel or to keep the tour with only the soloist at the church. There are so many tourists attending this church service as this is one of the few churches in Harlem that will accept groups allowing them to experience their services. Many of their congregants do attend service however they do it virtually which started with Covid. Due to the aging congregation they have remained attending the service virtually. We appreciate all feedback.
Sofia D
Aug 2022
The tour was good, the guide was excellent and knew a lot of things, explaining everything perfectly to us. It is suggested if you want to learn the history of the Afro-American community but we expected to visit more about Harlem. The Gospel was quite good, although there was not a choir but just a person singing, and the church was full of tourists.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Thank you for your good review on our tour. This tour is designed about the Afro-American community as it developed and shaped Harlem. The Gospel Church, so please that you enjoyed the experience. We had just learned that there would not be a choir for the month of August, only a soloist. We did notify all to the fact that there would be only a soloist at the church with the option to cancel the tour. Thank you for your positive comments and critiques.
Jul 2022
You have the assistance but unfortunanly reply the day after. I've had a 1/2 hour of delay. I wrote early in the morning but the reply came to me only the day after. I did not want to affect the experience of other people but just to have a chance to partecipate ( at least ) to the gospel . An unforeseen event is an unforeseen event. I did not ask for money back, but just to reach the tour once they was at gospel, but it is clearly that you don't want to resolve an unexpected delay to one of your customer, since your reply came the day after. If I can give you an advice, maybe a phone call was better than an email the next day. From my point , never more.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thank you for your feedback. We want you to know that have several sections of the gospel tour leaving every Sunday and, if you missed your departure, we would have put you on the next one. If you missed the last departure because you were very late, we would have gladly sent you the church information. We did not receive your email until the next day. We are not sure what may have happened but we certainly did not ignore your attempt to reach us. In the future, we recommend planning for extra time when you are trying to attend the tour. While we try to give a grace period when possible, in consideration of the other customers, we do have to leave on time. Thank you again for your feedback.

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