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Полудневни обилазак Харлема Госпел Екпериенце

Уживајте у обиласку суседства културне престонице Црне Америке и доживите дубоке звуке госпел музике. Истражите улицама којима шетају великани као што су Били Холидеј, Малколм Икс и Мајкл Џексон док гледате легендарна места као што су Аполо театар, Абесинска баптистичка црква, Шомбург центар за истраживање црначке културе, Стриверс’ Ров, Хотел Тхереса и још много тога. Након обиласка комшилука, такође имате прилику да уживате у јеванђељској представи на служби у локалној цркви.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sun 29 Dec
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Са почетком у $45.00
Sun 29 Dec
Са почетком у $45.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Код облачења је паметан цасуал. Део ове турнеје ће се одржати унутар цркве. Из поштовања према конгрегацији која нас угошћује, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно и уздржите се од ношења јапанки, мајица без рукава и шортсева<ли>За посету цркви је потребан доказ о вакцинацији и ношење маске. <ли>Купци захтевају да остану током целе црквене службе (обично 1,15 - 1,3 сата)<ли>Маске за лице су обавезне за путнике на јавним местима
Шта да очекујете
Шомбург центар за истраживање црначке културе
(Спољна посета) Шомбург центар за истраживање црначке културе је истраживачка библиотека Њујоршке јавне библиотеке и архивско складиште информација о људима афричког порекла широм света.
Мајка Афричка Методистичка Епископална Сионска црква
(Спољна посета) Мајка Сион је играла кључну улогу у сваком аспекту живота Афроамериканаца током ране историје Њујорка.
Абесинска баптистичка црква
(Спољна посета) Основана 1808. године, Абесинска баптистичка црква је једна од најстаријих афроамеричких баптистичких цркава у Сједињеним Државама.
Стриверс' Ров
Погледајте прелепе историјске куће које је изградио Давид Х. Кинг Јр., који је такође изградио Вашингтонски лук и Емпајер стејт билдинг.
Аполо театар
(Спољашња посета) Поново је отворено за црну и белу публику 1934. године као позориште Аполо које је углавном служило црначкој заједници Харлема.
Доживите службу црначке скупштине и уживајте и учествујте у јеванђељској музици са живим музичарима и хором који деле радост Јеванђеља.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (64)
Jul 2022
I’m an English teacher in Berlin and booked this tour with the intention to learn more about US history and culture - especially from the perspective of Black people and people of color and wow this tour far exceeded my expectations. In two hours our tour guide Ludi took us around Harlem stopping at key sights. Ludi is a fantastic storyteller, I loved her energy (and patience with all my nerdy questions). What I loved is how she explained the origin of Gospel and encouraged us to learn about the violent context in which Gospel was created. Lastly, the end of the tour was truly beautiful as we got to visit a church and listen to a choir. So, book this tour! A huge thank you again to the organizers. Your work is very much appreciated.
Jul 2022
My friend and I visited NYC and as she is a practising Christian this felt like a very appropriate tour. Our tour took place on Sunday 10 July, my friend is hard of hearing and we mentioned this to the guide, who made every effort to ensure that she could hear him at all times, and this was greatly appreciated. The tour started with a walk around Harlem, I found this fascinating, our guide went into great detail about the history of music and area and how this has influenced Harlem and music overall. We were advised that the church service would be for real members of the congregation and if we were expecting Sister Act we would be deeply disappointed! We were not expecting Sister Act fortunately, however, found the church service to be no different than a modern approach in the UK churches, which was slightly disappointing, 4 singers and live musicians. Obviously this was not a concert and nor should it be but if you are expecting more of an original perceived gospel experience, you may be disappointed. There was a collection and rightly so, we both happily donated. Overall experience including full service was around 3.5 hours.
Jul 2022
Our guide was super sweet and very competent. We walked around Harlem for one and a half hour, with good stories and history told. The church visit had nothing to do with gospel. A band of four did a koncert about their belief and faith. The main focus was collecting money. The church was closed for the summer and the only participants was tourists. No need to waste time and money on this trip.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Thank you for your acknowledgment that our tour guide was great and the tour had good stories and history about Harlem that we told. We regret that you did not enjoy the church that was visited. However, we must respond to the inaccurate and unfair statements that you have a made. The black church you visited was not closed. During the summer and also due to the fact that some congregants attend virtually (a development during COVID), there were not a lot of congregants there that day. That does not mean the church was closed. So, that is untrue. Also, you acknowledge that there was a gospel concert and that people shared their faith. But then you inaccurately state that the main focus was on money? What is the basis for that conclusion? All Christian churches in the U.S. have a time for tithes and offerings. US churches are not funded by the government as they are in Europe. Because they encourage visitors to give ONE time during the service does not mean that the "main focus was money." That is extremely unfair and also disregards everything else that happened during the service which was dominated by praise, song, worship and prayer. If you are offended by a one time request for a voluntary offering, then you would be offended by ANY American church. While we regret you did not enjoy the church, we want to make clear that some of the statements you made were both untrue and unfair. Thank you for your feedback.

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